
  • 网络fluidity;Membrane fluidity
  1. 枸杞多糖对细胞膜流动性及蛋白激酶C的体外效应

    Effects of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on the cell membrane fluidity and protein kinase C in vitro

  2. 胰岛素对人红细胞膜流动性及ATP酶活性的影响

    Effects of Insulin on Human Erythrocyte Membrane Fluidity and ATPase Activity

  3. 饲料中维生素E、蛋白质及某些微量元素对大白鼠红细胞膜流动性的影响

    Effect of VE , Protein and Some Element in Diet On Erythrocyte Membrane Lipids Mobility

  4. 用自旋标记ESR法测脑细胞膜流动性。

    The fluidity of brain cell membrane was measured by using spin labeling-ESR .

  5. 与对照组和vc治疗组相比,毒素组红细胞膜流动性显著降低,vc治疗组较毒素组升高(P<0.ol;P<0.01)。

    Compared with the control group , the differences were significant in various venom groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. COPD患者红细胞膜流动性、氧自由基变化及抗氧化剂对其影响

    Changes of erythrocyte membrane fluidity and oxygen free radicals and actions of antioxidants on it in COPD

  7. 迪化糖锭对NIDDM病人胰岛素受体和红细胞膜流动性的影响

    Effects of diaformin on erythrocyte insulin receptor and membrane fluidity in NIDDM patients

  8. DHA,EPA对耐力训练小鼠红细胞膜流动性影响的实验研究

    Effect of DHA and EPA on mice with tolerance training in fluidity of erythrocyte membrane

  9. 结论EGF、NT有维持肝细胞膜流动性和胞浆钙稳态的作用。

    Conclusion EGF and NT have a function of maintaining membrane fluidity and steady-status of cytosolic calcium of hepatocytes .

  10. EPR技术研究新疆地产秦艽清除自由基作用及对细胞膜流动性的影响

    Effects of gentiana from Xinjiang on scavenging free radical and the fluidity of cell membrane with EPR study

  11. 年龄变化及人参皂甙Rg1对大鼠脑皮层细胞膜流动性的影响

    Effects of age and ginsenoside Rg1 on membrane fluidity of cortical cells in rats

  12. 肝移植术后患者红细胞膜流动性的动态改变与血中CsA药物浓度的变化呈负相关。

    The motive change of the membrane lipid fluidity is negative related with the concentrations of CsA in hepar transplanted recipient .

  13. 红细胞膜流动性测定采用荧光偏振法,应用四甲基偶氮唑盐(MTT)法培养大鼠外周血淋巴细胞并测定淋巴细胞转化率,观察大剂量维生素E对免疫细胞增殖活性的影响。

    The method of fluorescence polarization was used to measure membrane fluidity and MTT was used to detected the lymphocyte transformation rate which reflected proliferation activity of immune cell .

  14. 本文采用正交实验设计的方法,观察维生素E、硒、蛋白质、锰5种因素2种水平对大白鼠红细胞膜流动性的影响。

    This paper adopted the method of orthogonal design to observe the effect of two level of selenium , manganese , VE , protein and zine in diet on erythrocyte membrane lipids mobility .

  15. 目的:应用自旋标记电子顺磁共振(SpinlabelESR)技术,探讨电磁脉冲对海马细胞膜流动性的影响。

    Objective : Spin-label electron spin resonance ( ESR ) spectroscopy technique has been used to investigate the membrane fluidity changes of hippocampus neuron irradiated by EMP .

  16. 结果仅在128μg/ml剂量水平观察到细胞膜流动性的降低,但8,32128μg/ml3个剂量组均未引起细胞内DNA损伤。

    Results Decrease of membrane fluidity was found in group of dose 128 ? μ g / ml , however no obvious damage to DNA observed at every dose level of 8,32,128 ? μ g / ml.

  17. DPH标记法研究自由基对活细胞膜流动性的影响

    Effect of free radicals on intact cell membrane fluidity by DPH labeled

  18. 目的探讨肝、肾移植术后,患者红细胞膜流动性与环孢素A(CsA)药代动力学相关性。

    Aim To investigate the correlation between erythrocyte membrane lipid fluidity ( LFU ) and pharmacokinetics of CsA in hepar and renal transplanted recipients .

  19. 雌激素对Aβ25-35致PC12细胞膜流动性改变的影响

    Effect of estrogen on the change of PC 12 cell membrane fluidity induced by A β 25-35

  20. 结果EAC/ADR细胞膜流动性及谷胱甘肽含量均比敏感EAC细胞明显提高。

    RESULTS Cell membrane fluidity and GSH content of EAC / ADR cells were both higher than those in sensitive EAC cells .

  21. GIK溶液对瓣膜置换术病人红细胞膜流动性和脂质过氧化物的影响

    Influence of GIK solution on the fluidity and lipid peroxides of erythrocyte membrane in patients undergoing cardiac valvular replacement

  22. 红细胞膜流动性和红细胞变形性:红细胞膜的荧光偏振度(ρ)和微粘度(η),在饲喂洋葱后第1天就显著升高(p0.01);

    The fluidity of erythrocyte membrane and the erythrocyte deformability : The fluorescence polarization parameter ( p ) and the microviscosity (η) of the erythrocyte membrane increased dramatically on day 1 post-feed onion ( p0.01 ) .

  23. 结果与同龄健康组比较,ACI患者ηp、Fg、LPO水平均显著升高(P<005),SOD活性显著降低(P<001)。红细胞膜流动性下降。

    Results The η p , Fg , LPO level significantly increased ( P < 0.01 ) in the patients while the activity of SOD and the membrane fluidity significantly decreased ( P < 0.01 ) .

  24. 结论:肺心病急性发作期患者红细胞膜流动性降低,对疾病的加重有一定影响,LPO增加和SOD活性降低是影响红细胞膜流动性的重要因素之一。

    Conclusion : The membrane fluidity of erythrocyte is decreased in patients with chronic cor pulmonale . The increase of LPO activity and decrease of SOD activity are one of the important factors affecting membrane fluidity of erythrocyte .

  25. 采用荧光探针DPH法,观察仙芦抗癌胶囊对S180A和H22荷瘤小鼠红细胞膜流动性的影响。

    The red cell membrane fluidity of the S_ ( 180 ) and H_ ( 22 ) mice was observed by DPH fluorescent probe method .

  26. DPH荧光标记法测定表明,粉防己碱对细胞膜流动性没有影响;

    Tet did not disturb the cell membrane fluidity by determination with 1 , 6-diphenyl-1 , 3 , 5 hexatriene ( DPH ) fluorescent labeling .

  27. 结论EAC/ADR细胞膜流动性增加与其对阿霉素的耐药性有着密切关系,他莫昔芬在降低EAC/ADR细胞膜流动性的同时降低细胞对阿霉素的耐药性。

    CONCLUSION The elevated membrane fluidity in EAC / ADR cell is correlated with Dox resistance tightly . Tam reduces Dox resistance in EAC / ADR cells while cell membrane fluidity is decreased .

  28. 目的比较超极化停搏和去极化停搏对体外循环(CPB)中心肌细胞膜流动性变化的影响,评价超极化停搏液的心肌保护作用。

    Objective To observe the influences of depolarized arrest and hyperpolarized arrest on alternation of fluidity of myocardial cell membrane during cardiopulmonary bypass ( CPB ) and evaluate the protective effects on myocardium of hyperpolarized arrest .

  29. 体外实验,应用DPH探针测定培养肝细胞膜流动性的变化,观察用PAF刺激培养的Kupffer细胞产生肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)和MDA的情况。

    Experiments in vitro : the fluidity of cellular velum of liver cells was detected with DPH probe , and the effect of TNF and MDA produced by Kupffer cells cultured by PAF stimulation was observed .

  30. 方法用TDX快速测定CsA全血药物浓度,用DPH荧光探针法测定红细胞膜流动性。

    METHODS The whole blood concentration of CsA in rabbits was monitored using method of FPIA . The LFU of red cell was measured using method of DPH fluorescence polarization technique .