
  1. 性格决定命运,细节决定成败。

    Personality is your destiny and attitude leads your to success .

  2. 我告诉他们细节决定成败。

    I tell them the devil is in the details .

  3. 细节决定成败。

    The devil will be in the details .

  4. 细节决定成败,速度决定生死。

    The devil is in the details and the death is at the speed .

  5. 城市住宅建筑安全性包含很多方面,然而细节决定成败,住宅建筑的细节设计是关乎到住宅建筑安全的重要部分和主要环节。

    The safety of urban residential buildings includes many facets . Details determine success .

  6. 文胜传媒工作室以创意赢得市场,以细节决定成败为宗旨。

    Wen-Sheng media studio creative win market success depends on details for the purpose .

  7. 另一种观点则强调了那句老话&细节决定成败。

    Another school of thought emphasizes on the common adage – the devil is in the details .

  8. 细节决定成败,谋略致胜于商道、勤奋致胜于世道!

    Details determine success or failure , winning strategy in the commercial way , hard-working success in morals !

  9. 胜在执行、细节决定成败已经越来越成为现代管理者的共识。

    More and more modern managers have converged on the point that it is the execution of details that make the difference .

  10. 但实际上细节决定成败,对加油站管理的具体细节问题的研究正是加油站内部控制制度存在的意义所在。

    But the devil is in the " details ", for details of the service station management problem is the internal control system of gas stations are all about .

  11. 正确的人生态度,将决定人生的命运;细节决定成败,养成好的习惯,你的高中生活就会收获很多,不留遗憾。

    The correct attitude to life , will decide the fate of life , Detail decides success or failure , form good habits , you will reap many high school life , and enfant .

  12. 佰科人深知细节决定成败品质决定生死,所以每一个生产过程都用近乎严苛的标准来要求自己。

    Persons in BK understood that " no details , no success " and " quality is key to life ", so they were very strict with themselves in each production process with the rigor standards .

  13. 人说细节决定成败,每个人都懂,但实行起来就不那么容易。原因是细节太容易被忽略,前不久即有切身经历可与分享。

    Detail is the key to success , a principle that 's approve by all , but wisely observed by very few , for detail is always easily overlooked , as my recent personal experience showed .

  14. 自从汪中求先生提出细节决定成败以来,细节问题受到了社会各界的广泛关注,管理界从此也进入了一个精细化管理的时代。

    Since Mr. Wang Zhong Qiu put forward the theory of " detail decides success or failure ", the details of the problem have been extensively concerned in the community and management community has entered an era of Delicacy management .

  15. 另一种观点则强调了那句老话——“细节决定成败”。换言之,在理解并脚踏实地地塑造现实上,领导者必须亲力亲为。

    Another school of thought emphasizes on the common adage - " the devil is in the details . " In other words , business leaders need to be hands-on when it comes to understanding and shaping the realities on the ground .

  16. 通过认真学习《细节决定成败》,结合井矿盐开采的实际,分别以生产过程中的三个细节为主,讨论了在采输卤生产技术控制中的细节的重要性。

    By studying Success Depends on Details earnestly and in combination with practice in the exploitation of well and rock salt , this paper focuses on three details in production and discusses the importance of details in technology control of brine extraction and transportation .

  17. 这位不愿意透露姓名的官员星期四表示,“细节决定成败”。他说,如果巴基斯坦要武装当地的民兵,那么这个计划的成败将取决于谁拥有关键的决策权,精确地说,取决于他们决定把武器分配给谁。

    The officer who spoke on condition of anonymity Thursday said , " the devil is in the details . " He said if Pakistan is going to arm local militiamen , the success or failure of the program will depend on who has the power to make key decisions , and exactly who they decide to give the weapons .

  18. 每个工作日都由安全检查开始,因为所有的系统,都是很重要的,而且系统非常繁忙,细节往往决定成败。

    Every workday starts with a safety inspection , because all the system is big and is because on a system these big and these busy , the devil is in the details .

  19. 玛莎百货(marksandspencer)在印度学到了一个教训:一些容易忽视的小细节可以决定销售的成败。

    In India , marks and Spencer has learned that small and easily overlooked details can determine whether sales are made .