
tóu zhì yùn dònɡ
  • throwing
  1. 投掷运动选材与训练测试系统

    The measuring system for selecting and exercising of throwing sport athletes

  2. 试论增强指腕力量对提高投掷运动成绩的作用

    Discussion on Improving the Result of Throwing by Enhancing the Finger and Wrist

  3. 论现代投掷运动的训练过程

    Issues on the training process of modern throwing movement

  4. 论投掷运动项目的力量素质训练

    Training of strength quality in throwing sports events

  5. 过肩运动包括所有的投掷运动项目以及游泳、排球及网球等。

    Overhead sports include all forms of throwing type sports , and swimming , volleyball and tennis etc.

  6. 构建了一种对铅球运动员投掷运动过程中各种信息进行全方位采集的信息获取综合测试系统,详细介绍了系统的主要组成模块的设计原理、硬件装置及综合测试平台的工作原理。

    A multi-information acquisition system used in shot put is constructed . The principle of design , hardware and working principle are presented in detail .

  7. 投掷运动要创造最高运动成绩,必须创造人体或器械的最高专项速度。

    To have the best result for throwers in the throwing events , it is necessary to make the movement of the body and the implement fastest .

  8. 论述了协调能力在投掷运动实践中的表现特征、协调能力的生理基础以及影响协调能力的因素,提出了发展协调能力的训练方法与培养方法。

    Characteristics of coordination ability in throwing events , its physiological basis and the factors which influence them were elaborated . The methods of developing coordination ability were also put forward .

  9. 本文通过探讨影响我国投掷运动发展的原因并有针对性地提出对策,为有关部门制定相关政策、法规提供依据。

    This paper discusses the reasons that influence the development of the throwing event in our country and puts forward measures and also provides basis for the relevant departments to develop relevant policies , laws and regulations .

  10. 对投掷运动员运动损伤的调查分析与预防措施的研究

    Investigation Research on Preventing Methods of Sport Injuries of Throwing Athletes

  11. 我国投掷项目运动成绩分析及对策研究

    The Result Analysis and Countermeasure Research of the Throwing Events in Our Country

  12. 本文主要是推导出投掷器械运动的轨迹方程和投掷角度的计算方法。

    This paper introduces the trace equation of moving-throw device and the calculating method about the throw angle .

  13. 2例(15%)表现为一侧肢体近端大幅度的伸、屈、甩动为主的投掷样运动。

    Patients ( 15 % ) showed significant side of the proximal limb extension , flexion , violent like throwing sport .

  14. 高水平投掷运动员运动技术水平不断跃向新层次是时间空间两方面要素高效协同与和谐互补的结果。

    The successive breakthroughs of the technical level of the elite throwers result from the effec-ti ve coordination and harmonious mutual supplement of the two factors-time and space .

  15. 他的运动鞋赞助商是布鲁克斯(Brooks),但是这家公司不生产专供投掷和跳跃运动的鞋。

    His shoe sponsor is Brooks , but the company does not make shoes designed for throwing and jumping events .

  16. 投掷运动员预防运动损伤方法等几个方面进行研究。

    The methods of preventing the injury of throwing .

  17. 投掷与跳跃运动中最佳抛射角与速度的辨证关系

    The dialectical relationship between the best toss angle and speed in cast and jump sports

  18. 前言:从投掷项目运动员运动损伤发生率;

    This study explored several aspects as follows : the emergency frequency of sport injuries of throwing sport events ;

  19. 借助国内外有关资料,分析讨论了投掷与跳跃运动中的最佳抛射角与速度的关系。

    The relationship between the optimum toss angle and speed in cast and jump sports is studied by consulting the data at home and abroad .

  20. 结论是:1.我国优秀残疾投掷运动员坚持多年运动训练的因素既有对项目的热爱、对自尊和社会尊重的要求,同时也受生活压力因素的影响。

    The main result is that : 1 . The cause of sport training of the disable athlete derives from the favor of the sport , from the need of self - esteem and society - esteem and from the press of living .