
tóu zhù
  • bet;throw (energy, etc.) into;gamble on;stake
投注 [tóu zhù]
  • [throw into] 集中起精神或力量投入;倾注

  • 精力投注在学习里

  1. 您的投注可以为任何你喜欢的游戏选择器。

    Your bet can be for any game you chooser like .

  2. 尝试猜测正确和您的投注可以乘以六!

    Try to guess correctly and your bet can be multiplied by6 !

  3. 她用5英镑,在热门马上投注独赢及位置。

    She put £ 5 each way on the favourite .

  4. 发现自己的投注对象输了是一件让人心烦的事。

    It is upsetting to discover that you have backed a loser .

  5. 他没有拿钱去交房租,而是去了投注站,半小时内就把这笔钱全输光了。

    Instead of using the money to pay his rent , he went to a betting shop and lost the lot in half an hour .

  6. G市福利彩票投注终端维护服务外包项目的后评价

    The Post-evaluation of the Welfare Lottery Betting Terminals Maintenance Service Outsourcing in G City

  7. 基于J2ME的Java手机软件&足球彩票手机投注系统的设计与实现

    Java Mobile Phone Software Based on J2ME & design and implementation of football lottery mobile phone betting system

  8. G市福利彩票发行中心为了重点抓好彩票销售的市场营销这项核心业务,从2004年开始将其投注终端的维护服务外包出去。

    In order to focusing on welfare lottery marketing , the welfare lottery issue center of G city outsource its maintenance service to other company .

  9. ssi已在上海运营着数百个福利彩票投注站。

    SSI already operates hundreds of charity lottery outlets in Shanghai .

  10. 谷歌(Google)成立先进项目实验室GoogleX是为了对未来进行重大的投注。该实验室前负责人塞巴斯蒂安•特伦(SebastianThrun)深谙什么才是科技雄心。

    Sebastian Thrun , former head of the Google X the advanced projects lab set up to make big bets on the future knows all about technological ambition .

  11. 作者将基于J2ME的Java手机软件这一思路与国内新兴行业枣足球彩票行业相结合,研发了足球彩票手机投注系统。

    The author combines the idea of Java mobile phone software based on J2ME with newly rising football lottery industry of China , develop the football lottery betting system in Mobile Phone .

  12. F1基本没有开发其商业网络,向电子游戏公司出售F1品牌商标和赛事相关内容的使用权可以带来大量的金钱收入,媲美网上投注。

    Formula One has barely begun to develop its business online . Licensing Formula One brands and content to video-games firms could generate pots of money , as could online betting .

  13. 当收益降低之时,那些曾追逐华沙办公楼的资金现在已经转向索非亚(Sofia,保加利亚首都)的大商场,投注于保加利亚能在2007年进入欧盟。

    As yields fell , the same money that chased Warsaw office buildings began looking at Sofia warehouses , betting on Bulgaria 's entry into the EU in2007 .

  14. 然而,在X-33计划取消之前,这个构想已经实验多次并且已经投注了大量金钱。

    However , this has been tried before with a great deal of money spent before the project was cancelled ( X-33 ) .

  15. 全文比较完整清晰地介绍了基于J2ME的Java手机软件&足球彩票手机投注系统的理论价值及实用价值、设计及实现过程、使用的关键技术。

    This paper introduces the Software of Java Mobile Telephone Base on J2ME - Chipping In System of Football Lottery in Mobile Telephone perfectly and clearly . The paper consists of its theory value and practicality value , process of designing and implementing , the key technology it has used .

  16. A26井解堵增注试验的成功,为我国海上油田注水井的投注、解堵施工与管理提供了经验。

    The success of damage removal and stimulation of water injection test of A26 well provides the experiences of putting into production of injection well , damage removal construction and management of injection well for offshore oil-field in our country .

  17. 国际资本向中国家具投注豪赌

    A Gambling of International Capital Invested in China 's Furniture Industry

  18. 文人多以此为契点,投注自我之情感意绪。

    Many scholars point on this lease of their emotional meaning .

  19. 他冒险把他的命运放在筛子的投注上。

    He risked his fortune on a throw of the dice .

  20. 成千上万的人将资金投注于债券和其他负债性产品。

    Millions of people invest in bonds and other debt-based products .

  21. 我敢投注,我知道原因,你的斗争。

    And I 'm betting I know the reason for your struggle .

  22. 但是,对中国投注并不容易的。

    Still , betting against China will not be easy .

  23. 投注的心血是为了什么?

    And what have we been pouring our blood into ?

  24. 网上投注的数量一年比一年多。

    Every year we handle more online betting transactions than ever before .

  25. 你需要一个赌场工作者在比赛里进行高投注。

    You will need a bookie to place high bettings on matches .

  26. 好马配好骑师,最佳投注选择;

    A poor jockey , a good horse , a moderate bet .

  27. 上述投资对市区复兴来说,显然是无保障的投注。

    Such investments are clearly unsafe bets for urban renewal .

  28. 在赛马场(复式马券投注),斯塔基先生赢得了全盘胜利。

    Mr. Stuckey won across-the-board at the horse races .

  29. 但你可以在金钱投注严重。

    But you can make serious money in betting .

  30. 对冲是进行固定赔率投注的收受赌注者普遍采用的风险管理措施。

    Hedging is a common risk management measure amongst bookmakers offering fixed-odds bets .