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  • narcissism;autophilia
自恋 [zì liàn]
  • [narcissism] 自我崇拜并过分关心自己的完美的一种心理状态

自恋[zì liàn]
  1. 被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。

    Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs .

  2. 她一点儿都没表现出同龄人那种自恋和虚无主义的性格倾向。

    She exhibited none of the narcissistic and nihilistic tendencies of her peers .

  3. 他们所做的项目直接展示了自拍杆现象的增长,以及对自恋和网络协议的需求的增加。

    The project that they work on shows the growing selfie stick phenomenon directly and the increasing need for narcissism and Internet agreement .

  4. 这就是我们的倪老师,一个长得又矮又自恋的老师

    This is our Nielaoshi , a dwarf has also grown narcissistic teachers .

  5. 自恋的人会变得自私。

    Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed .

  6. “社交媒体自恋狂”是指迷恋上存在于社交媒体中虚幻自己的人。

    Social media narcissist refers to people who 're curating social media images of themselves .

  7. 经常有这种行为的人要不是特别缺乏自信,要不就是太自恋。

    People who usually behave like this are either having a strong sense of inferiority or having too much self-confidence .

  8. 9岁的人,不要和那些所谓的“受欢迎的”孩子们一起玩,他们就是一些不懂政治的自恋的资本家。

    Dear nine-year-old , don 't get involved with the ' popular ' kids . They 're narcissistic capitalists that know nothing about politics .

  9. 其实,人们对于内向和隐秘自恋型心理特征的理解有些惊人地相似。

    As it turns out , there are some striking similarities between the popular understanding of introversion and a psychological characteristic called covert narcissism .

  10. 因而,他沉溺于甜美的自我欣赏之中,远离所有的人,在苍翠蓊郁的小山谷中终日闲逛,他成了一位自恋狂。一天,那西塞斯在树林中愉快地游荡。

    Thus given up to sweet thoughts of self , Narcissus avoided all company . He roamed the wooded little valleys every day , madly in love withhimself .

  11. 对于社交媒体爆炸性增长原因,最普遍的一种说法就是因为它满足了许多人“自恋”的情结。太多人整天过于痴迷地盯着高清图片或是对着屏幕,沉溺在无尽的虚拟世界中无法自拔。

    One of the most common refrains about the explosive growth of social media is that it makes many of us " narcissistic through our screens into a bottomless sea of inauthenticity .

  12. 亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)管理学教授戴维·沃德曼表示,领导者可以既自恋,又谦逊。

    Leaders can be both self-obsessed and humble , claims David Waldman , a management professor at Arizona State University .

  13. 他用“重度冲突型人”(highconflictpeople)来形容那些无法正确认识自己并常常表现出人格紊乱,或者具有极度自恋、偏执、过分戏剧化等特点的个体。

    He employs the term " high conflict people " to describe those who are incapable of personal insight and are often personality disordered , or have extreme narcissistic , paranoid or histrionic traits .

  14. 在2006年一项针对逾100名首席执行长的研究中,宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PennState)的研究人员发现,管理者的自恋事实上能够激励团队。

    In a 2006 study of more than 100 CEOs , researchers at Penn State found that executive narcissism can actually be motivational .

  15. 麦考比赞同巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)雄心勃勃推动美国医疗改革的努力。他称:只有高效的自恋狂才会尝试如此深远的变革。

    He wrote approvingly of Barack Obama 's ambitious attempt to reform US healthcare : Only a productive narcissist would attempt such profound change .

  16. 由斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校和圣塔克拉拉大学的研究员进行的一项研究显示,自恋者在CEO行业里做得更出色。

    Narcissists also seem to make better CEOs according to a study led by researchers from Stanford , UC Berkeley , and Santa Clara University .

  17. 我们生活在一个重视竞争而轻视合作的时代,一个比镀金时代(GildedAge)更加自恋的时代,一个比杰克逊时代(theageofJackson)更加自大。

    We are living in an age that prizes competition and demeans cooperation , an era more narcissistic than the Gilded Age , more hubristic than the age of Jackson .

  18. 根据梅奥诊所(MayoClinic)的说法,有自恋型人格失调的人把自己想得极为重要,因而把自己捧上神坛,认为自己比其他人更有价值。

    According to the Mayo Clinic , people with a narcissistic personality disorder think so highly of themselves that they put themselves on a pedestal and value themselves more than they value others .

  19. 结果:①2826名大学生中表演型、自恋型、边缘型和反社会型人格障碍的PDI晤谈阳性率分别为0·25%、0·50%、0·39%和0·11%。

    Results : ① The incidence of histrionic , narcissistic , borderline and antisocial personality disorders were 0.25 % ? 0.50 % ? 0.39 % and 0.11 % .

  20. 他描述的若干著名自恋者,包括兰斯·阿姆斯特朗(LanceArmstrong)在内,他们的家庭生活都历过“多次婚姻失败、极度贫困,以及身体和情感暴力”。

    The family lives of several famous narcissists he describes , Lance Armstrong among them , are earmarked by " multiple failed marriages , extreme poverty and an atmosphere of physical and emotional violence . "

  21. 研究人员称此项研究为迄今为止同类研究中规模最大的一次。从1982年“自恋人格调查”测试引进以来,接受测试学生的NPI得分一直是稳步升高。

    The researchers describe their study as the largest ever of its type and say students'NPI scores have risen steadily since the current test was introduced in1982 .

  22. 《大城小妞》(BroadCity),ComedyCentral,1月14日播出。伊拉纳·格雷泽(IlanaGlazer)与艾比·雅克布逊(AbbiJacobson)带着第二季回归了,它讽刺了纽约那些大材小用而又自恋的人们生活中的故作姿态、妥协与纯粹粗俗。

    BROAD CITY ( Comedy Central , Jan. 14 ) Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson return for a second season of satirizing the poses , compromises and sheer physical grossness of life in New York when you 're underemployed and self-absorbed .

  23. 品斯基是南加州大学Keck医学院精神病学临床副教授,他说,自恋者渴望被注意、过于自信,他们行为变化无常而且缺乏同情心。

    Pinsky , an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at USC 's Keck School of Medicine , said narcissists crave attention , are overconfident , behave erratically and lack empathy .

  24. 经过11轮测试,研究人员得出结论:当整个包含40个问题的临床调查问卷无法完成时,单项自恋级别,或者说SINS——“你在多大程度上同意这一观点:我是个自恋狂。”便是个有效的评估方法。

    After eleven rounds of tests , the researchers concluded that when the full forty-question clinical questionnaire could not be done , the Single Item Narcissism Scale , or SINS , " To what extent do you agree with this statement : I am a narcissist , " was a valuable tool .

  25. 一个人最长的恋爱史,大概就是自恋了。

    A person longest love history , probably was the narcissism .

  26. 很有可能你在应对的是一位自恋者。

    It 's highly likely you 're dealing with a narcissist .

  27. 这种“目光”完全与性和自恋有关。

    That " look " is all about sex and ego .

  28. 自恋型人格障碍可能会影响一个人的一生。

    A narcissistic personality disorder can consume a person 's life .

  29. 该七宗罪约俗世自我放纵和自恋。

    The seven deadly sins are about earthly self-indulgence and narcissism .

  30. 相反,他们可能变得缺乏安全感、顺从,甚至自恋。

    Instead they may become needy , compliant or even narcissistic .