
zì huà xiàng
  • self-portrait;self-portrayal
自画像[zì huà xiàng]
  1. 值得一提的还有新加坡都市画家张荔英(GeorgetteChen)于20世纪40年代创作的一副小小的自画像,她在巴黎和纽约长大,之后回到亚洲。

    Also of note is a small 1940s self-portrait by Georgette Chen , a cosmopolitan Singaporean painter who grew up in Paris and New York before returning to Asia .

  2. 让素描说话&从画家的自画像谈起

    Let Charcoal Drawing Speak & Beginning with the self-portrait of the painter

  3. 一名保安幽默地趴在雕塑后面,这尊名为“面具II”的雕塑是创作者的自画像。

    A security guard jokingly inspects the back of a self-portrait entitled'Mask II'by Australian sculptor Ron Mueck .

  4. 她在自画像中毫无保留地描绘身体上的痛苦,坦率地暗示充满动荡的情感生活,漫不经心地令自己上升到那个由炽烈燃烧、命运多舛的星辰组成的奇异星座,其中包括詹姆斯·迪恩(JamesDean)和玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)等人。

    Through self-portraits that unsparingly depict her physical travails and that make frank allusion to a tumultuous emotional life , Kahlo inadvertently vaulted herself into that strange constellation of bright-burning , ill-fated stars , alongside James Dean and Marilyn Monroe .

  5. “正在康复的人”实际上是Schjerfbeck描述自己儿童时期的一幅自画像。

    " The Convalescent " is in fact a portrait of Schjerfbeck in her childhood .

  6. 我把我的自画像装框挂房间里。

    I framed my portrait and hung it in my room .

  7. 斯科特麦克马洪:恩,我的大部分工作由摄影自画像组成。

    Uh , most of my work consists of photographic self-portraiture .

  8. 不管多么努力都只能描绘出一幅自画像

    However hard you try , it 's always a self-portrait .

  9. 他的许多自画像是属于本世纪最好的。

    His many self-portraits are among the best of this century .

  10. 这次练习要放一面镜子画你的自画像。

    For this assignment , set up a mirror and draw yourself .

  11. 而柳梦梅在旅途中偶然发现了杜丽娘的自画像。

    Meanwhile , Liu finds Du 's portrait while travelling .

  12. 油画自画像在中国当代美术中的价值

    The Value of Self-portraits Oil Painting in Chinese Contemporary Art

  13. 璀璨的星空,一幅幅的自画像悬挂在空落落的大�

    Starry , starry night , portraits hung in empty hall

  14. 此时他也开始沉迷于自画像。

    At the same time , he become obsessed with the self-portrait .

  15. 自画像是一种特殊的迷人的绘画类型。

    Self-portrait is a unique and fascinating type of painting .

  16. 他的自画像都是光头的沉思青年。

    He paints himself as a shaved-headed , brooding youth .

  17. 因为他就站在一幅巨大的油画自画像下面

    because he was standing underneath a giant oil painting of himself .

  18. 第四章研究17、18世纪的自画像。

    Chapter four elaborates on the self-portrait of the 17th and 18th century .

  19. 我的作品主要是自画像,但不是传统意义上的。

    Primarily my artwork is self-portraiture , but not in the traditional sense .

  20. 当他们进去的时候,他们看到了这幅自画像。

    When they enter they look at the portrait .

  21. 这是我老二的自画像。

    It 's a self-portrait of ... my junk .

  22. 改善:如何应用情景领导的方法完善自己的“管理者自画像”?

    Improvement : how to use situational approach make your management role good ?

  23. 最后讨论女性艺术家自画像。

    At the end of the chapter , female artists ' self-portraits are discussed .

  24. 20世纪上半叶的新女性与自画像

    " New Females " and Their Self-portraits in the First Half of 20th Century

  25. 比方说这幅自画像旁边的那副就是假的。

    Alongside this authentic self-portrait is an imposter .

  26. 《和平就在大地上》一副1979年的自画像。

    Peace on earth , a1979 self portrait .

  27. 艺术家扎根于其中的社会环境不可避免地影响了自画像的创作。

    The society and circumstances in which artists live inevitably affect the creation of self-portrait .

  28. 弗里达·卡罗:墨西哥画家,以自画像著名。

    Frida Kahlo : A Mexican painter , and perhaps best known for her self-portraits .

  29. 它着重于宫崎骏刻画的一个看破红尘和愤世嫉俗的个人化的自画像。

    Its focus on Marco as disillusioned and cynical is a personal self-portrait by Miyazaki .

  30. 当然,她还创作了一些自画像。

    And of course she painted herself .