
  • 网络Auto-reclosing;ARD;auto
  1. 超高压输电线路的故障大部分是瞬时性故障,采用自动重合闸技术能够极大地提高供电的可靠性和系统的稳定性。

    Most of the EHV transmission line failure is the transient fault , and auto-reclosing technology can improve the reliability of electricity power and the stability of system greatly .

  2. 电力系统自动重合闸的案例逻辑分析

    Case study of power system auto-reclosing logic

  3. CMOS固体电路式保护&两段式方向过电流保护及自动重合闸装置

    CMOS Solid-State Circuit Protection & Two-Step Directional Over Current Protection Device with Thee-Phase One Shot Reclosing

  4. 110kV开式网络自动重合闸与自动装置的配合应用

    The Coordinated Application of Auto-enclosure and other Automatic Equipments in 110 kV Open Network

  5. 传统配电系统中保护设备之间建立起来的配合关系被打破,配电网中的自动重合闸的动作行为以及相应的包含DG的智能配电网的孤岛检测方法都将会受到较大的影响。

    The cooperation relationship in traditional distribution protection equipments have been broken , the automatic reclosing in distribution network and the island detection method of smart distribution network will be affected .

  6. 通过对110kV及以下开式网络的故障跳闸分析,提出了自动重合闸在110kV及以下开式网络中与其它自动装置的配合具体应用。

    Through the analysis of emergency trip for 110 kV and lower voltage open network , the coordinated application of auto-enclosure and other automatic equipments in such network was put forward .

  7. 自动重合闸(ZCH)与继电保护配合技术研究自动重合闸的研制使无人值班变电站得以实现。

    Researches on the Coordination between Autoreclose Circuit Breaker and Relay Protection ; The development of automatic reclosing made the unattended substation practical .

  8. 结果表明:线路正常投入串补电容器组,若永久性单相接地故障点靠近电容器组时单相自动重合闸,则串联电容器组有可能在0.35s内不能得到可靠保护;

    The result shows if the series compensation capacitor bank is put into operation and the single phase recloser acts when the permanent single phase grounding fault is near the capacitor bank the series compensation capacitor bank can not be protected in 0.35s .

  9. 应用该文所提方法对WSCC-9系统、IEEE-39系统和浙江金华电网的计算表明,该方法可以用于调度部门的发电出力计划调整、拉闸限电方式选择和自动重合闸配置等工作。

    And detail implementation of the method is also given in this paper . The numerical tests of WSCC-9 , IEEE-39 and Jinhua power network are proposed , which prove the proposed algorithm could be used for generation dispatching , load shedding and re-closure types selection .

  10. 自动重合闸瞬时性故障的最佳重合时刻的智能捕获方法

    Intelligent Capturing Method of Optimal Time of Automatic Reclosing Transient Faults

  11. 高温超导电缆自动重合闸方案研究

    Study of auto - reclosure strategy for high temperature superconducting cable

  12. 自动重合闸的研制使无人值班变电站得以实现。

    The development of automatic reclosing made the unattended substation practical .

  13. 在单相自动重合闸中检测电弧故障的新方法

    A new method to detect arc fault in single_phase Automatic Reclosing

  14. 手车式开关柜自动重合闸装置接线方式的改进

    Improvement of Connection Mode of Auto - reclosure in Handcart Switch Cabinet

  15. 在单相自动重合闸过程中判别瞬时故障和永久故障的方法

    Method of distinguishing between instant and permanent faults during automatic single-phase reclosing

  16. 一次自动重合闸实验电路设计与实现

    Experimental circuit design and its implementation of a primary auto-recloser

  17. 关于牵引供电系统接触网自动重合闸方式的探讨

    Discussion on the auto - reclosing scheme in the traction supply system

  18. 电力系统自动重合闸研究的现状与展望

    Present State and Prospects of Power System Automatic Recloser Research

  19. 简析水闸在施工期不容忽视的应力组合周期性自动重合闸装置

    Stree Combination ingored in Water Gate Construction periodic-automatic reclosing equipment

  20. 自适应单相自动重合闸的神经网络方法

    The neural network method to adaptive single pole auto reclosure

  21. 自适应单相自动重合闸技术研究现状综述

    A Survey on Present Achievements of Single-pole Adaptive Recloser Technology

  22. 输电线路单相自动重合闸中电压判据的修正

    Modification of voltage criterion in the single-pole automatic reclosing of transmission lines

  23. 直流牵引供电系统线路检测与自动重合闸的配合

    Coordination of line detection with automatic re-closing in DC traction power supply systems

  24. 农村配电网无触点自动重合闸控制器的设计

    Design of Contactless Autoreclosing Controller for Rural Distribution Network

  25. 馈线保护的自动重合闸集成允许评估线路侧电压。

    Integration of auto-reclosure in the feeder protection allows evaluation ofthe line-side voltages .

  26. 基于暂态分量的自适应单相自动重合闸研究

    Single - pole Adaptive Reclosure Based on Transient Component

  27. 论文对自动重合闸检同期所存在的误区进行了分析与研究,为走出误区提供了对策;

    Analyzed errors of auto-reclosing synchronization and offered the countermeasure for the errors ;

  28. DW48-3200/2500型万能断路器自动重合闸功能的探讨

    Discussion on Automatic Reclosing Function of DW 48-3200 / 2500 Universal Circuit Breaker

  29. 利用单相自动重合闸确定行波测距的波速

    Determination of Traveling Wave Velocity Using Single-phase Auto-reclosure

  30. 3/2接线特殊运行方式下线变串自动重合闸配合分析

    Analysis on Coordination of Automatic Reclosing in Line-transformer Strings with 3 / 2 Connection