
  • 网络Automatic correction;auto correction;Auto-correction;AutoCorrect;Auto Calibration
  1. CT脑部图像自动校正和重建算法的研究

    Automatic Correction and Reformation Algorithm of CT Brain Image

  2. PLC控制技术在动平衡自动校正一体化系统中的应用

    The Application of PLC Control Technology in an Automatic Dynamic Balancing Emendation System

  3. 基于PCI总线的动平衡自动校正系统的研究

    Studied on Dynamic Balancing Emendation System Based on PCI Bus

  4. 一种新的全平行ADC编码器的自动校正技术

    A Novel Self-Calibrated Technique for Flash ADC Encoder

  5. 基于Hough变换的地形图自动校正

    Automatic calibration of paper map by hough transform

  6. 基于MSP430的磁阻罗盘自差自动校正设计

    Digital Magnetic Compass Autodyne Automatic Elimination Based on MSP430

  7. 研究了工件表面图像加工纹理角度自动校正方法。重点研究了利用FFT方法提取加工纹理间距参数的方法。

    Studies the angle-autocorrection method for the workpiece 's process texture , and emphasizes the measurement to pick-up process texture distance parameter by using FFT .

  8. 但是,Windows脚本文件(WSF)可以自动校正重要的值,并设置单独Java安装所不能设置的环境变量。

    However , a Windows script file ( WSF ) script can automatically correct important values and set environment variables that the separate Java installation cannot .

  9. 一种采用自动校正的UPS蓄电池组巡检系统的设计如果所选语言的词典有效,拼写检查程序和其他校对工具将自动使用该词典。

    Design of An Automatic Correction of The UPS Battery Inspection System The speller and other proofing tools automatically use dictionaries of the selected language , if available .

  10. 例如,您可以向您的应用程序附加一个健康策略,当某个条件(例如,Java™堆耗尽)出现在运行时中时,指导WebSphereVirtualEnterprise采用自动校正活动。

    For instance , you can attach a health policy to your application that directs WebSphere Virtual Enterprise to take automatic corrective action when certain conditions ( for example , Java ™ heap exhaustion ) occur in the runtime .

  11. 本文针对BP算法存在收敛速度慢的缺点,提出一种基于网络动态训练误差变化率自动校正学习步长和冲量因子的自适应反向传播算法。

    In order to overcome slow convergence rate of the standard BP algorithm , this paper presents an adaptive backpropagation algorithm which can update learning rate and birr factor automatically based on dynamical training error rate of change .

  12. 本文以高性价比为目标,以基于PCI总线的二工位动平衡自动校正系统为对象,针对目前国内现状,开发了一套适合电机转子高精度动平衡的自动校正系统。

    In this dissertation , with the point view of the fact in china , a automatic dynamic balancing system based on PCI bus is developed , which is designed for high precision dynamic balancing of electromotor rotor .

  13. 另外,对暗电平自动校正和A/D模数转换也进行比较深入的研究。XRD4460是CCD视频处理专用集成芯片,它包含了上面所述的所有功能。

    The XRD4460 chip is highly analog application specific integrated circuit ( ASIC ) designed primarily for CCD signal processing , which provides the completely functions mentioned above .

  14. 采用DCS测量参数构造煤质信号,利用此比值信号自动校正与煤质有关的燃料量、风量等调节系统。优化协调控制系统算法,减小汽机侧扰动对锅炉控制的干扰。

    The coal quality signal uses measuring parameters of the DCS , take advantage of this ratio signal automatic correction related to fuel volume , air volume conditioning system , etc. Optimization algorithm for coordinated control system , reduce the side of steam turbine interference to boiler control .

  15. IEEE1451标准成功之处是对变送器电子数据表TEDS的设计,较好地解决了传感器自动校正的问题。

    The successful design of IEEE 1451 is the transducer to microprocessor communication protocols and transducer electronic data sheet , TEDS , it solved the automatic calibration problem preferably .

  16. 该文提出了一种应用复数主成分分析方法(CPCA)来获取波谱基木波型,自动校正频率和衰减系数偏移的方法。

    This paper proposes a method that can automatically obtain common lineshape in the spectrum data set based on Complex Principal Component Analysis ( CPCA ), which can correct frequency shifts and damping factor shifts effectively .

  17. 二工位动平衡自动校正一体化系统的研究

    Research on the Integrated Two-procedure System for Automatic Dynamic Balancing Emendation

  18. 正面人脸图像方位的自动校正

    Automatic Adjustment of Face Orientation in View - Front Facial Image

  19. 矢量化直线自动校正技术研究

    An Algorithm for Automatic Correction of Incorrect Vectorization of Scanned Straight Lines

  20. 嘉兴发电厂现场仪表自动校正维护管理系统

    The Instrument Auto-calibration Maintenance Management System of Jiaxing Power Plant

  21. 彩色文档图像的倾斜自动校正算法

    An Efficient Algorithm for Automatic Skew-Correction of Color Document Image

  22. 过程分析仪器零点与量程的自动校正

    Automatic Calibration of Zero Point and Measurement Range of Process Analytical Instruments

  23. 利用单片机构成的零漂自动校正最佳增益放大器

    Best Gain Amplifier of Automatic Correcting Zero-drift Controlled by Microcontroller

  24. 人体切片数据集颜色的自动校正方法

    An Automatic Color Correction Algorithm for Digital Human Body Sections

  25. 具有自我自动校正功能的固定式气体侦测系统。

    The fixed gas detection system with automatic self test .

  26. 神经网络自动校正电网波动引起的加工误差

    Autocorrect processing errors caused by network fluctuation using neural networks

  27. 电视发射机的互调失真及其自动校正

    Intermodulation Distortion and Its Automatic Correction of Television Transmitter

  28. 多屏投影显示系统的自动校正技术

    Automatic Calibration Techniques for Multi - Projector Display Systems

  29. 随钻自然伽马测井资料环境影响自动校正

    Auto-correction Method Of Environmental Effect On Gamma Logging Data of Logging While Drilling

  30. 象差自动校正技术的应用

    The Application of the Automatic Correction Technique of Aberrations