
qín zòng jī gòu
  • escapement mechanism;lift
擒纵机构 [qín zòng jī gòu]
  • (1) [escapement]∶钢琴机械装置中的一种机构,它使音锤在敲打后回弹

  • (2) [lift]∶计时器(钟、表)中发生棘轮齿将冲力传至棘爪的擒纵作用部分

擒纵机构[qín zòng jī gòu]
  1. 接着他要完善的是叉瓦式擒纵机构。叉瓦式擒纵机构1754年由英国制表师ThomasMudge发明,从那以后就广泛运用于大部分表中。

    Now he had to improve on the lever escapement , which had been invented in 1754 by the English horologist Thomas Mudge and used in most watches since .

  2. 引信用无返回力矩擒纵机构起动特性研究

    Study on the Starting Feature of a Runaway Escapement in Fuze

  3. 20世纪70年代中期,他为SamClutton制作了一块双擒纵机构的表。32天里表的误差没有超过一秒。

    In the mid-1970s he made a double-escapement watch for Mr Clutton which , over 32 days , lost less than a second .

  4. 带头销钉擒纵机构的设计研究

    The study and design on the escapement of headed pin

  5. 非调谐擒纵机构运动模型的研究

    A study of the motion model of untuned escapements

  6. 05水平;叉瓦式擒纵机构效率理论及其测试的研究

    05 level between grade one and gradethree ; Lever Escapement Efficiency Theory and Designing

  7. 旋转擒纵机构的原理与理论

    The principle and theory of the rolling escapements

  8. 擒纵机构工作的相位

    Phase of escapement action

  9. 本论文主要通过虚拟样机技术,对影响擒纵机构振动周期的各个参量进行了分析。

    This paper mainly through virtual prototyping technology , the impact of escapement body vibration cycle of the various parameters were analyzed .

  10. 所以,瑞士的钟表制作业对他的同轴式擒纵机构既不感兴趣也不能理解,这也是他意料之中的事,尽管他还是为此十分失望。

    So it was no surprise to him , though keenly disappointing , that the Swiss watchmaking industry was neither eager to look at the co-axial escapement , nor able to understand it .