
  • 网络self-direction;self-directed;ego orientation;Self-orientation
  1. 研究结果呈现出明显的性别差异,男生有较高的自我定向、自我决定动机和能力知觉。

    Results showed clear gender differences with boys being higher on ego orientation , self determined motivation , and perceived competence .

  2. 该年龄段的中小学学生大部分是持高任务高自我定向。

    Most of the elementary and secondary students in the aged group are high task - high ego orientation . 6 .

  3. 公司的屏幕上显示着亲和力和自我定向,而不是精通技术:技术是可以通过后天培养的,而亲和力和自我定向则是天生的。

    The company screens for affability and self-directedness , not tech savvy : The latter can be learned ; the former is innate .

  4. 不了解体育项目之间的特点与内在性质上的差异,是造成大学生任务定向与自我定向均值高低不等的主要原因。

    The cause of such differences come from the lack of understanding of the characteristics and the inner differences between different sports activities .

  5. 以133名体育系大学生为被试对象,采用运动中任务定向和自我定向问卷以及身体自我描述问卷进行调查。

    College students in Department of Physical Education were investigated by using the Questionnaire of Task Orientation and Ego Orientation and Physical Self Scale .

  6. 自我定向和任务定向存在着交互关系,一个个体身上同时存在两种定向,但这两种定向的水平是不同的。

    There is an interactive relationship between task-orientation and ego-orientation . Two orientations exist in an individual body at the same time , but the level of which are different .

  7. 目标定向理论的研究认为,任务定向会激发对任务的直接兴趣,而自我定向则会导致内部动机的下降,任务定向使自己积极的情绪更多。

    The study of target-fixed theory shows that fixed task can stir students ' direct interest , as opposed to self direction , which may result in a decrease of the inner motivation .

  8. 本文以体育运动中的目标定向理论为基础,着重研究在体育教学中两种不同的目标定向即任务定向和自我定向对学生认知、情感和行为的影响以及体育教学中学生目标定向的形成和培养。

    The article mainly studies the influence on the students ′ cognition , emotion and behavior result from different goal orientation and the training about the students ′ goal-orientation in the physical education teaching .

  9. 尼科尔斯和杜达编制的体育运动中任务定向与自我定向问卷,对大学生在体育课中能力知觉与目标定向情况进行调查。

    Nun department Err Sic with Due the task in sports that reaches authorized strength directional and self directional questionnaire , for college student in physical education , ability consciousness and goal directional condition are investigated .

  10. 研究生的内部动机强于本科生,研究生在羽毛球运动中任务定向均值较高,而自我定向均值较低,但在不同的专项上任务定向和自我定向有着不同的差异。

    Graduate from an internal motivation than undergraduate students , graduate students in the task orientation in sport , the higher the mean , and mean low self-orientation , but on a specific task in a different orientation and ego orientation have differences .

  11. 另一类为阻碍性动机,包括考试焦虑、自我阻碍定向、失败能力归因。

    Otherwise , Test Anxiety , Self-defeating ego orientation and Attribution failure to ability are depressing learning motives .

  12. 自我目标定向与求助代价&同学呈显著正相关。2.运动成就目标定向对大学生学业求助行为的影响。

    Goal orientation and self-help costs-the students showed significant positive correlation.2.sports achievement goal orientation on academic help-seeking behaviors of college students .

  13. 目标定向理论中采用任务定向为目标的教学,对参与羽毛球运动动机优于以自我任务定向为教学的。

    Goal orientation theory with the goal of the teaching task orientation , motivation for participating in badminton is better than the self-directed teaching task .

  14. 在此基础上,将化学学习中学生的可持续发展能力聚焦于学生的自主学习能力上,包括自我学习定向能力、接受学习能力、探究学习能力、自我评价和调控能力。

    On this bases , students ' sustainable development abilities in chemistry study was focused on students ' autonomous study abilities , including self-study directional abilities , acceptant study abilities , inquiry study abilities , self-evaluation abilities and controlling abilities .

  15. 自我趋近目标定向自我效能、任务价值、神经质、参与运动的时间成显著正相关,与其它变量相关不显著;自我回避目标定向与神经质、精神质、焦虑存在显著正相关;

    Ego-approach has positive relation with self-efficiency , task-values and Neuroticism , has unnoticeable relation with Intraversion-Extraversion and Psychoticism .

  16. 中间过程主要包括造血干细胞的自我更新,定向分化和功能成熟,而每个步骤涉及众多复杂的调控过程。

    The main program involves self-renewal , directionally differentiation and functions maturity hematopoietic stem cells , and contains numerous complex regulated process .

  17. 初三学生比初二、初一学生更少的持有自我&回避定向的成就目标。

    The scores of low level of academic achievement of students on performance-avoidance goals than the scores of high level of academic achievement of students .

  18. 目前通过移植外源性的具有自我更新和定向分化能力的全能/多潜能干细胞是治疗缺血性脑卒中最具有潜能的治疗战略。

    At present the most potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of ischemic stroke is the transplantation of exogenous totipotent / pluripotent stem cells with self-renewal and differentiation capacity .

  19. 学业自我概念、目标定向等是隶属于动机系统的变量。

    Academic self-concept and goal motivation are variables in the system of motivation .

  20. 在现实的道德活动中,道德自我呈现出人生定向性、主体性与整体一致性的特质。

    In the practical moral practice , moral self presents the nature of life orientation , subjectivity and integral congruence .

  21. 使学生逐渐形成自我激发、自我定向、自我规划、自我健身、自我评价的良性循环。

    The new strategy aims to help students form the good circle of self-stimulation , self-direction , self-arrangements , self-body-building and self-evaluation .

  22. 不仅使他们更难以对付日常的生活压力,而且他们的自我控制和自我定向变得岌岌可危。

    Not only are they less able to deal with the pressures of day-to-day existence , but also their self-control and self-direction become endangered .

  23. 运动员过强的自我意识、不合理的自我定向目标和较低的比赛效能感是产生Choking现象的主要因素;

    Strong self-consciousness , high ego-orientation goal and low competition self-efficacy were the main factors causing the choking .

  24. 结果表明特质焦虑与目标定向以及身体自我各因子之间呈负相关,自我定向、任务定向与身体自我各因子之间呈正相关。

    State and trait anxiety were negatively correlative with the factors of goal orientation and physical self ; task orientation and ego orientation were positive correlative with the factors of physical self .

  25. 一个人所有的行为活动都是以自我为前提的,自我概念实际上起着个人行为自我调节与定向的作用。

    All behavioral activities of one regard oneself as the prerequisite , the self - concept is playing personal behavioral self-regulation and directional function in fact .