
shí jiān dìnɡ xiànɡ
  • time orientation;temporal orientation
  1. 时间定向、地点定向、物体命名评分AD患者明显低于VD患者,而图形描述评分高于VD患者;

    MMSE result , the AD patient 's scores of time orientation , place orientation , object named were lower significantly than that of VD , but the score of describe graph was higher than that of VD ;

  2. 时间定向、短程记忆、物体命名能力治疗组有显著改善(P<0.05),而对照组改善差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

    The abilities of time orientation , short time memory and object naming were significantly ameliorated in the treatment group ( P < 0.05 ), while there was no obvious improvement in the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  3. 且早期主要以视空间能力、时间定向力、地点定向力及执行功能障碍为主要特点。

    Its main clinical features in early stage VCI were deterioration of visuospatial skills , orientation to time and place , executing skills .

  4. 这种概率分布是由内部时间定向的,可用以描述阔叶林分未来的结构状态。

    This probability distribution was directed by " inside time " and it indicated the structure state of broad-leaved forest in the future .

  5. 建议是通过研究时间定向的供应/需求缺口和评估伴随供应和需求的风险开发而来的。

    The recommendations are developed from studying the time-phased supply / demand gap and assessing the risks inherent to both the supply and demand .

  6. 调查组在起病形式、发作次数、自我意识、行为、觉察力、记忆力、语调、判断力、时间定向和自知力等与对照组有显著性差异。

    Between investigated group and controlled group there are marked differences in type of onset , times of surroundings , memory , change of intonation , judgment , sense of time and insight .

  7. 地点定向、时间定向、短程记忆、计算能力、语言表达、言语复述、图形描画7项亚项的评分均明显低于正常组(均P<0.05)。

    The scores of sub items of MMSE including place orientation , time orientation , short time memory , account ability , language expression , language repetition , figure portrayal in patients with VCI were lower than those in normal subjects ( all P < 0.05 ) .

  8. D-K组术中血流动力学较P-F组更加稳定,但当BIS≤60时心率下降明显。D-K组麻醉诱导时间和定向力恢复时间长于P-F组(p0.05)。

    Compared with group P-F , the hemodynamic in the D-K group was more stable , but HR decreased significantly when BIS ≤ 60 . The induction time and orientation recovery time of D-K group was longer than those of P-F group ( P0.05 ) .

  9. 麻醉中观察记录两组病人的入睡时间,定向力恢复时间,循环和呼吸指标的改变以及麻醉前后肝、肾功能的变化。

    Hemodynamic and respiratory changes during anesthesia , onset time , recovery time of orientation and side effects of the drugs were observed .

  10. 根据寻北指标(定向时间小于5min、定向精度为10〃~15〃)的要求,对系统进行了仿真研究,得出了适合系统需要的稳速指标。

    According to the north seeking target ( the directional time is less than 5 minutes , directional precision is 10 ″ ~ 15 ″), the stable speed target is gained by simulation study .

  11. 在第二个模型中,布朗马达的不对称周期性势场的温度随时振荡,振荡的时间结构影响粒子定向输运,所得结果表明方形波的振荡结构并不总是最利于粒子的定向输运。

    In the second model , the temperature of periodic potential is periodically oscillating and the time structure of oscillation will affect the directed transport of Brownian particles .

  12. 第四,进一步严格定价基准日的确定,并考虑延长定价的参考时间区间,保证定向增发价格制定的公允性。

    Fourth , further tighten the determination of the pricing reference date and to consider extending the pricing reference time intervals to ensure that private placement pricing of fairness .

  13. 已有的研究从时间洞察力、时间定向、时间管理、时间紧迫感、拖延性等方面对时间人格进行了探讨,最近的研究则转向构建综合的时间人格结构模型。

    Existing studies devoted a extensive discussion on several aspects such as time perspective , time orientation , time management , time urgency and procrastination . Thus , integrated model of time-personality is under construction recently .

  14. 对定向精度与测量时间研究表明:定向精度随着测量时间的增加逐渐提高,但当测量的时间达到一小时后,定向的精度逐渐趋于稳定。

    To the orientation accuracy and the measure time research indicated : the orientation accuracy along with measure the increment of time to rise gradually , but when measure of time attain for an hour after , orientation accuracy tends gradually in stability .

  15. 胃镜操作时间、苏醒时间、定向力恢复时间。

    Gastroscope time 、 coming round time 、 time of comeback of directional ability .

  16. 结果两组病人的入睡时间,睁眼时间和定向力恢复时间,呼吸、循环及肝、肾功能的变化无统计学意义。

    Results There were no differences between both groups in onset time , recovery time of orientation , hemodynamic and respiratory changes and hepatic and renal functions .

  17. F组呼之睁眼时间、拔管时间及定向力恢复时间均长于K组和N组,差异有统计学意义(p0.05)。

    F group eye opening time , extubation time and recovery time of orientation is longer than K and N group , the difference was statistically significant ( p0.05 ) .

  18. 非常规的时间设置则表现出复杂性:作者往往突破物理时间定向、稳速流逝的规则,运用心理时间将故事时序弄乱,或者制造狭义和广义的故事时间的暂停或流驶。

    Unconventional time setting is very complicated-the author is likely to upset the story with psycho time , or create the pause or elapse of story time in narrow or broad sense , neglecting the physical law of time .