
  • 网络time average method
  1. 利用时间平均方法消除了网络噪声的影响。

    The influence of network noise can be eliminated by time average method .

  2. 本文采用了极坐标、时间平均方法建立紊流方程。通过量级比较法,将紊流方程简化为相应边界层方程,即紊动圆形断面的自由磨料射流微分方程。

    Turbulent equations are established with methods of polar coordinates and averaging time and turbulent equation is simplified as correspondent boundary layer equation , that is , free abrasive jet differential equation of turbulent circular section through magnitude comparison .

  3. 在该三体系统中本文利用时间平均近似方法得到了系统的等效哈密顿量,该哈密顿量体现出了鲜明的物理图像并具有良好的数学性质。

    Using the time-average method , we can obtain the effective hamiltonian , which reflects the clear physical image and has good mathematical properties .

  4. 确定延迟时间的平均比容方法

    Determination of Delay Time with Average Specific Volum Method

  5. 使用长时间平均占据概率方法,我们定量考察了系统的动态局域化行为。

    Using the long-time averaged occupation probability method , we quantitatively study the dynamical localization of system .

  6. 本文针对此过程的相关函数的估计导出了一种时间平均估计的方法。

    A time-average estimation method of correlation functions of discretenonstationary Gaussian processes is presented in this paper .

  7. 同时本文给出了计算在给定运动模型的基础上传输链路保持连接时间LET的平均值方法,并且给出了链路可用性LA(t)的一般表达式。

    Meanwhile , a general method which can calculate the average LET for a given model is developed as well as the general expression of LA ( t ) is given .

  8. 空气中苯系物时间加权平均浓度测定方法

    Study on determination of time-weighted average concentration for benzene , toluene and xylenes in air

  9. 本文就连云港扩建工程后,老港区和外航道的泥沙回淤强度,根据测图水深的量计资料,采用时间和面积加权平均方法分别进行了年平均值的测算;

    The paper describes the strength of sediment siltation of the old harbour basin and its approach channel by means of weighted average calculation of the time and area based on the data of water depth on the measured maps .

  10. 估计非线性时间序列嵌入延迟时间和延迟时间窗的C-C平均方法

    C-C Average Method for Estimating the Delay Time and the Delay Time Window of Nonlinear Time Series Embedding