
  • 网络stationary noise;steady noise
  1. 最后分别对XXX舰船稳态噪声、受到某冲击载荷下的典型舱室瞬态噪声进行了预报。

    Finally , steady noise of the XXX ship with outfitting and without outfitting is predicted , and the peak value of cabin transient noise for the ship under a certain impact loading is predicted .

  2. 结果表明:集成稳压器对电源噪声的响应均可视为稳态噪声,其抑制能力约为70dB;

    The conclusions are as follows . The response of the integrated manostat to power noise can be regarded as steady noise , and the restraining ability is about 70 ?

  3. 增大ER值可以使脉冲噪声组的剂量-反应关系曲线与稳态噪声组基本重合。

    Increasing the ER value in the impulse noise group adjusts the dose-response curve to be close to that of the continuous noise group .

  4. 稳态噪声对女工月经和染色体畸变及SCE的影响

    Effect of noise on menstruation and chromosome aberration as well as SCE in female workers

  5. 结论NT-3重组腺病毒能在稳态噪声性听神经损伤后耳蜗内实现高效表达,表达可以持续相当长时间。

    Conclusion Ad-NT3 can be expressed in the noise-injured cochlea for a relatively long time .

  6. 方法根据噪声性耳聋的发病率与其影响因素之间存在的映射关系,建立反向传播神经网络(BP神经网络)模型,用于非稳态噪声性耳聋发病率的预测。

    Methods According to the mapping relation between the incidence rate of the noise deafness and their factors , the model of BP neural network was established to forecast the incidence rate of deafness induced by instable state noise .

  7. 非稳态噪声干扰组动物脑组织中的SOD活性水平显著低于对照组(P<0.01);其中10d组下降最为明显。

    The concentrations of LPO in the brain tissues of 5-day group and 10-day group were significantly lower than those of the control group ( P < 0.001 ) .

  8. 本文报道了528名接触非稳态噪声的冷作工、锻工听力损失的调查,以接触噪声在70dB(A)以下的机关干部95名作对照。

    The hearing loss among 528 cold workers and forgers exposed to unsteady noise was studied . 95 engineers , exposed not more than 70 dB ( A ) were taken as control .

  9. 稳态噪声条件下纺织女工情感状态的研究

    Effects of Steady Noise on Emotional States of Female Textile Workers

  10. 某型履带车辆稳态噪声的分析与控制

    Analysis and Control of Steady Noise from A Type of Tracked Vehicle

  11. 某化工厂稳态噪声对听力影响的研究

    Impact of Stable Noise on Hearing of Workers in a Chemical Plant

  12. 稳态噪声对最大长度序列测量的影响

    Effect of Steady Noise on Measurement With Maximum Length Sequences

  13. 非稳态噪声性耳聋数学模型研究

    Study on Mathematical Model of Deafness Induced by Unsteady Noise

  14. 稳态噪声对视机能的影响

    The effects of steady noise on the visual function

  15. 目的研究稳态噪声作业工人的听力损失发生状况以及影响因素。

    In this one process , produced noise of discontinuous blame stable state .

  16. 高频连续稳态噪声长期暴露对大鼠血压的影响

    Effects of Chronic Exposure to High Frequency Band Noise on Rats ' Blood Pressure

  17. 目的观察高频稳态噪声对心血管系统的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of high frequency steady noise on cardiovascular system .

  18. 非稳态噪声对大鼠自由基和记忆功能的影响

    The influence of unstable noise on the free radical and the memory function of rats

  19. 528名接触非稳态噪声听力损失调查及预测方法的探讨

    Study of hearing loss among 528 cases exposed to unsteady noise and its predictive method

  20. 用个体暴露评价脉冲噪声与稳态噪声所致高频听力损失的关系

    Relationship between impulse noise and continuous noise inducing hearing loss by dosimeter measurement in working populations

  21. [目的]观察和比较接触稳态噪声和非稳态噪声工人个体之间、工作日之间个体噪声暴露的特点和规律。

    [ Objective ] To observe and compare personal noise exposure level variations between workers and workdays .

  22. 同时非稳态噪声听力损伤比稳态噪声严重。

    Meanwhile , hearing loss caused by unsteady noise is more serious than that caused by steady noise .

  23. 长期职业性稳态噪声暴露对工人诱发脑电图影响的计算机分析

    Computer Analysis of Effects of Longterm Occupational Steady Noise Exposure on the Visual-Evoked Responses of EEG of Workers

  24. 目的提高非稳态噪声性耳聋发病率预测精度。

    Objective To improve the forecasting precision of the incidence rate of deafness induced by instable state noise .

  25. 用25只小鼠接触103dB(A)高频稳态噪声进行了试验。发现动物接触噪声初期时肝糖原含量下降,而后期则恢复到接近噪声前的水平。

    In this experiment 25 mice were exposed to 103 dB ( A ) high-frequency steady state noise .

  26. 强化铁营养对抗稳态噪声致聋作用的实验研究

    An experimental study of the effects of fortified iron nutrition on hearing loss induced by steady state white noise

  27. 基于人工神经网络的非稳态噪声性耳聋发病率预测模型的研究

    Research on forecasting model of incidence rate of deafness induced by instable state noise based on BP neural network

  28. 采用稳态噪声100、115dB暴露于80只豚鼠,每天8小时,累积时间分别为18、96、136小时,观察皮层电反应阈的变化和恢复过程。

    The change and recovery process of PR threshold in 80 guinea pigs exposed to stationary noise were studied .

  29. 急性稳态噪声对大鼠心钠素、肾素及血管紧张素的影响

    The levels of Atrial Natriuretic Polypeptide , Plasma Renin Activity and Angiotensin ⅱ in rats after exposure to homeostatic noise

  30. 稳态噪声对心血管系统的影响空气源热泵的稳态仿真及性能比较

    Studies on the Effect of Steady Noise on Cardiovascular Systen Steady-state simulation and performance comparison for an air-source heat pump system