
  • 网络steady-state value;steady state value;steady value
  1. 结果表明,在经过一系列变化后,最终可达到另一稳态值,符合平稳操作的要求。

    The results show that another steady-state value can reach after a series of changes and it can be accord with requirement of smooth operation .

  2. 结果表明,含水量会提高地下爆炸的耦合强度,对于震源函数的稳态值,干岩要比水饱和岩石低,且稳态值随含水量的增大而增大;

    The steady-state value of RDP in water-saturated granite is higher than that in dry granite , and correspondingly , the value increases with the increase of water content .

  3. 由AGC系统传递函数推出一次调节达到稳态值的计算公式,消除了1-M/Q的临界值。

    In this lecture ratiocinate the formula of computation which need only once adjust enough to be steady state value based on the AGC system translating function , eliminate the critical value about 1-M / Q.

  4. 介绍了混合逻辑动态(MLD)系统及其预测控制的优化问题,使MLD系统在满足操作约束的情况下能稳定在期望的稳态值上,同时尽可能地考虑用启发规则表示的定性知识。

    The mixed logical dynamic system ( MLDS ) and its predictive control are introduced , which can stabilize MLDS on desired reference trajectories while fulfilling operating constraints , and possibly take into account previous qualitative knowledge in the form of heuristic rules .

  5. 研究结果表明,当扰动开始发生时,聚乙烯颗粒瞬时和累积平均粒径均同时发生偏移,并当扰动撤除后均能恢复到原稳态值。

    Excursion of both instantaneous and cumulative average size occurs as soon as fluctuation begins .

  6. 用计算机模拟计算了大范围偏离稳态值时的时间演化。

    The time evolution of large deviation from the steady solution is studied by using computer simulation .

  7. 在轴向某一固定位置,平均直径随时间逐渐减小并趋于一稳态值;

    The mean droplet diameter decreases with the increase of the time at a given cross section .

  8. 结果表明:在人为部分应力松弛后的时效过程中,杨氏模量逐渐升高,其稳态值比初始值升高0.87%;

    The Young 's modulus was gradully increasing and the elastic strain decreasing during aging after artificial partial stress relaxation .

  9. 在不考虑电网电压变化的情况下,本文认为不论采用何种控制模式,电机定子磁链稳态值只取决于转矩电流大小。

    The value of steady stator flux only depends on the torque current values in case of the stable grid voltage .

  10. 提出了利用二次模变换计算同杆双回输电线路潜供电流与恢复电压稳态值的方法。

    A new method for calculating secondary arc current and recovery voltage on double-circuit transmission lines by twice-model transformation was proposed .

  11. 只有当目标做匀速直线运动时,动态误差的稳态值才为零,否则不为零;

    Merely when the target bears a constant velocity , the steady state value of dynamic error presents zero , otherwise reverse .

  12. 此外,电流驱动下场向电流2的稳态值小一些,似乎更接近于观测值;

    Furthermore , the steady state value of the field-aligned current 2 calculated from our model is even closer to the observed value .

  13. 但是动态矩阵控制仍然还存在着在克服干扰的定值调节方面质量不高,很难解决扰动信号对系统稳态值的影响及快速调节过程之间的矛盾。

    However , DMC can 't solve the contradiction between the effect of the disturbance on the stable value and the regulating speediness .

  14. 相行为的动态研究表明,中间相的形成是一个动态的过程,相态稳定后界面张力也随之达到稳态值。

    The dynamic phase behavior study showed that the form of middle phase is a dynamic course and IFT will be stable while phase transition is steady .

  15. 新的方程能定性地解释在电场作用下介质中陷阱捕获电子的时间特性,该方程的稳态值表示高电场下陷阱捕获电荷量随电场的变化。

    The improved first-order capture kinetic equations can explain qualitatively the processes of electron capture and the variation of the steady-state values captured by traps with the fields .

  16. 使用该控制器能够避免列车在稳态值附近反复加、减速,从而可以减小运行损耗,并为乘客提供更加舒适的环境。

    With this controller a train can avoid adjusting speed frequently around the steady-state speed , consequently decrease the power consumption and provide passengers a much more comfortable environment .

  17. 此后,文章通过校准法求得差分方程系统中的参数与变量稳态值,得到差分方程系统的数值形式。

    Since then , we got the numerical form of the differential equation system by calibrating the parameters and computing the steady-state value of variables in the differential equation system .

  18. 但两者也有一定的差异。这主要表现在,电流驱动下极盖区边界上的电位不再是常量,而是一个随时间作指数衰减的函数,最后趋于稳态值;

    But there are some differences between them : under current driving situation , the potential at the boundary of the polar cap is not constant but decreases exponentially toward the steady state ;

  19. 初始染病节点的比率只对网络中病毒传播的暂态有影响,不会影响感染节点的稳态值。

    The ratio of initial infected nodes can affect the transient process of virus spread in the network , but it can not affect the number of infected nodes in the steady state .

  20. 当初始扰动为阶跃函数形式时,机电扰动在传播过程中是由一系列经过一定延迟的阶梯波线性叠加而成,并且经历暂态过程后,逐渐趋于稳态值。

    When the initial disturbance is the form of step function , electromechanical disturbance transient transition process is composed of a series of ladder waver with linear superposition which have a specified delay .

  21. 结果表明,在控制精度、达到稳态值的快速性以及抗干扰性等方面变论域模糊控制器都要优越干普通模糊控制器。

    The results show that the control precision , the speed of reaching steady-state value and anti-interference and otherwise , the fuzzy controller with variable region can be superior to ordinary fuzzy controller .

  22. 它具有状态解耦结构和渐近稳定性,且局部增益阵、协方差阵和融合权重的稳态值均可离线计算,减小了在线计算负担。

    They have decoupled structure for state and asymptotic stability . Further , they have the reduced online computational burden since steady-state values of local gain matrices , covariance matrices and fusion weights can be computed offline .

  23. 仿真结果表明,转向角加速度从最大开始减小到零,转向角速度从一稳态值变化到另一稳态值,转向角度增大。

    The simulation results indicates that the turning angular acceleration is minished from maximum to zero , the turning angular velocity is changed from the steady value to another steady value , the turning angle is enlarged at all times .

  24. 增大后轮胎侧偏刚度或簧载质量质心向前移,均可有效缩短满载时各状态参量的响应时间,减小稳态值,提高矿用汽车满载时的操纵稳定性。

    The response time of state parameters are shorten and steady state value is decreased , and the operation stability is increased if full-load mining truck rear tire lateral stiffness is increased or the center of suspension mass is moved foreword .

  25. 计算角阶跃输入下矿用汽车空载与满载各状态参量的响应,得出满载时各状态参量的响应时间长,稳态值大。

    The response of each state parameter for empty and full-load mining truck is calculated under angle step input , the result shows that the response time of the parameters for full-load mining truck are long , and the steady state values are larger .

  26. 本文着眼于试验台和实际轮轨条件下的监测需求,以分析速度因子对轮重监测稳态值的影响为落脚点,详细介绍轨基监测系统的开发过程,并完成了部分试验工作。

    This paper focuses on the monitoring requirements of the test-bed and real circumstances , and analyzes how the speed factor impacts the steady value of the wheel as purpose . Development process of the rail-based monitoring system is introduced in detail , and some experiments are made .

  27. 测定和分析了分流影响下的高温合金点焊动态电阻曲线,探讨了动态电阻曲线的准稳态电阻值rs与熔核直径dn之间的对应关系。

    The dynamic resistance curve ( DRC ) of high temperature alloy in spot welding under the shunt effect are measured and analyzed . The relationship between quasi steady resistance value rs of DRC and nugget diameter dn is discussed .

  28. 这种模糊系统能够选择运行一个传统的模糊控制器或者一个积分控制器,当运行积分控制器的时候,此积分控制器与一个稳态输出值的和为控制系统输出。

    The proposed fuzzy system can run a traditional fuzzy controller and an integral controller added by a stable parameter value .

  29. 本文还证明了稳态信誉值分布的唯一性,并理论推导了最优策略为进化稳定策略的条件。

    Moreover , we prove the uniqueness of stationary reputation distribution and theoretically derive the condition under which the optimal action rule is evolutionarily stable .

  30. 在启动初始阶段,无量纲扬程呈现很大值,继而迅速减小到低于准稳态假设值,表现出明显的瞬态效应。

    The non-dimensional pump head coefficient tends to become larger than the quasi-steady value at the very beginning of the start , which indicates obvious transient effect .