
  • 网络stable position;I-O-II
  1. 低温时Co的最稳定位置是团簇的亚表面层,随着温度的升高变为核心层。

    The most stable position for the Co atoms is the subsurface layer at lower temperature and changes to the core layer with the increase in temperature .

  2. 一种永磁多维球形步进电机稳定位置计算

    Calculation of the stable position in a permanent magnet spherical stepper motor

  3. 放置于Ti表面的碳纳米管在稳定位置会发生明显的横截面形变,C和Ti之间形成较强的化学键。

    The nanotube placed on the Ti surface exhibits obvious cross section distortion and strong chemical bonds form between C and Ti .

  4. 运用Lyapunov函数法,对广泛存在的一类机械传动系统的相对转动运动的平衡稳定位置的稳定域进行研究,并给出数学解析表达式。

    Using the Lyapunov function method , the stabile balance position of relative rotation motion of driving system in a variety of mechanical equipments was studied , and the analytic expression of the stable region was obtained .

  5. 大惯量转动体在稳定位置附近微振动的检测

    Study on detecting tiny vibration of super inertia rotor in stabilization position life 's tiny fragments

  6. 一般情况下,物体有多个可以放稳的位置,每个稳定位置均由对应的线段(称作“基线”)表示。

    There are typically many stable positions and each is defined by one of these lines known as its base line .

  7. 如果他能在环保团体中获得一份中等的薪水、稳定位置,他说,他会接受这份工作。

    If he was presented with an average-salaried , stable position at a green group , he says he would take it .

  8. 一个未受干扰的电子体系总是要寻找它的最稳定的位置。

    An unperturbed electronic system will seek its most stable situation .

  9. 本文构建了Pd(111)表面周期性模型,通过几何构型优化,计算得到了甲醇水蒸气重整过程中各反应物种在Pd(111)表面上的稳定吸附位置、空间构型和吸附能。

    The periodic slab model of Pd ( 111 ) has been designed . The stability adsorption location , geometries and adsorption energies of species are obtained by the geometry optimization .

  10. 笔者认为,当种植体与种植孔大小适当、在种植孔中能保持稳定的位置时,羟基磷灰石涂层的钛种植体与孔之间没有必要再填充HAG。

    There is no need to fill up the space between HA-coated titanium implant and suitable hole in the bone with HAG .

  11. 牙尖交错位(IntercuspalPosition,ICP)是指上、下颌牙牙尖交错,达到最广泛、最紧密接触时的下颌位置,是下颌主要的功能位,也是颞下颌关节生理状态下最稳定的位置。

    Intercuspal position ( ICP ) is the mandibular position with the teeth in maximum intercuspation . It is the main functional position of the mandible and also the steadiest position of the TMJ in physiology .

  12. 同样软启动较适合不稳定的位置。

    Also the soft start is better for working in precarious locations .

  13. 五类致使运动动词在连续统中有着相对稳定的位置。

    Five kinds of caused-motion verbs takes up relatively steady positions in the continuum .

  14. 充分利用反馈和前馈的优势,对稳定平台位置控制系统进行仿真研究。

    The position control system has been simulated with full use of the advantage of feedforward and compensation .

  15. 同时,在大量系统计算的基础上,分析了地震烈度、强度指标、孔隙水压力系数等参数对危险滑面及稳定曲线位置的影响。

    Also , the effect of earthquake intensity , strength parameters , coefficient of pore pressure and other parameters are analyzed .

  16. 这样一来,协商器将会尝试将这些消息存储在一个稳定的位置,直到协商器崩溃。

    The broker will perform a best effort to store these message in a non-volatile storage which should survive a broker crash .

  17. 本文是研究工作的第一部分,即求解瓦块在稳定平衡位置下的动力特性。

    This paper is the first part of a research task , which asks for the dynamic characteristics of tilting pads under steady equilibrium conditions .

  18. 研究结果表明:卫星/惯性采用位置、速度组合模式,可以得到较为稳定的位置和速度信息,适中的姿态精度信息;

    Investigation results are given below : Position / velocity integration mode of GPS / INS navigation can give stable position and velocity information and moderate precise attitude information .

  19. 实验结果表明该系统路标提取稳定、位置识别率高、定位精确,能够保证机器人在未知环境中的安全导航。

    Experiments have shown that the system can extract landmarks stably , achieve high accuracy rate of place recognition and guarantee safety navigation in unknown environments for mobile robot .

  20. 可得网箱在初始时,变化较大,但随着时间的推进,网箱最终会处于一个比较稳定的位置,做周期性摇摆。

    At the beginning , the cage will change obviously . But with the past of time , it will be in a relatively steady position , and makes periodicity swing .

  21. 现在这个敏捷的星星正式回到了一个稳定的位置,帮助你消除自己圈子里与其他人的紧张关系并让你看清了在做家庭决定方面的能力。

    Now the speedy planet is officially back in a stable position , helping you smooth out tension with the people in your inner circle and clarifying your ability to make household decisions .

  22. 首先给出了机构稳定平衡位置的物理含义,建立了两种类型平面双稳态柔性微机构的伪刚体模型。

    Firstly , the physical nature of stable equilibrium positions of a mechanism is given . Then the pseudo rigid body models of the two classes of in plane bistable compliant micromechanisms are established .

  23. 而双稳态机构是指在其运动范围内具有两个稳定平衡位置的一种机构,这种机构在其一部分运动过程中存储能量,而当其向另一个稳定平衡位置运动时释放能量。

    And bistable mechanism means a mechanism which has two stable positions within its movement range . This mechanism stores energy in parts of moving process , and releases energy when transforming during two stable positions .

  24. 晶界处的原子在膨胀过程中有充足的活动空间移动到最稳定的位置,以便得到最低的晶界能和最稳定的晶界结构。

    The crystal boundary place atom has the sufficient activity space in the expansion process to move to the stable position , with the aim of obtaining the lowest grain boundary energy and the stable crystal boundary structure .

  25. 针对各种摆锤参数(数量、长度、质量和安装位置)做了相应的实验。用数码相机对摆锤的稳定停留位置进行了图像采集,以验证自同期现象。

    And experiments were done according to pendulum parameters ( number , length , quality and installation location ) . And the stability stay position of the pendulum were observed to verify " self-synchronization " phenomenon by using a digital camera .

  26. 系统研究了负荷模型参数与负荷节点PV曲线上小干扰电压稳定极限点位置的关系。

    The relation of the dynamic load model parameters and the position of the small disturbance voltage stability limit point in the PV curve are systematically analyzed .

  27. 然后采取线性二次型最优控制理论设计LQR控制器,将倒立摆稳定在平衡位置。

    And then , a LQR controller based on Linear Quadratic Optimal control theory is developed to keep the inverted pendulum stabilized .

  28. 而当Re数很大时,粒子会很快地到达稳定的沉降位置和取向;

    When Reynolds number is large enough , the ellipses will reach static position and orientation quickly .

  29. 在牵引位片上,稳定椎的位置比站立位正位片上平均要高1.4个椎体。

    On traction radiographs , the stable vertebra was 1.4 vertebral levels higher than on the standing film .

  30. 并且由于海平面高度相对稳定在较高位置,河流纵比降较小,流速也较小。

    The sea level stops in a high position for a long time , so both drop of water and current velocity are small .