
wěn dìng huà
  • stabilization
稳定化[wěn dìng huà]
  1. 具有加法非结构不确定性系统的H∞鲁棒稳定化

    H_ ∞ robust stabilization of plants with additive unstructured uncertainties

  2. CO2对飞灰稳定化效果的影响

    Effect of co_2 on the stabilization of fly ashes

  3. 稳定化处理工艺参数对PC钢绞线性能的影响

    Effect of Stabilizing Treatment Parameters on Properties of PC Steel Strand

  4. 基于BP神经网络的垃圾堆放场稳定化程度的综合判别

    Integrated Judgment for The Stabilization Degree of Dumping Sites Using BP Neural Network

  5. 高压下牛乳IgG的变性及稳定化作用

    Denaturation of Bovine milk IgG at High pressure and its stabilization

  6. Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-Co合金中形变应力诱发ε马氏体的稳定化及其对记忆效应的影响

    The Stabilization of Deformed Stress-Induced ε Martensite and its Effect on Shape Memory Effect in an Fe-Mn-Si-Ni-Co Alloy

  7. 不可压缩渗流驱动问题的稳定化间断Galerkin方法

    A Stabilized Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Incompressible Miscible Displacement Problem

  8. LD2锻铝稳定化处理的研究

    Study on the Stabilizing of Forging Aluminium LD_2

  9. CdS纳米晶的稳定化处理及介质极性对荧光光谱的影响

    Stabilization of CdS Nanocrystals and Influence of Solvent Polarization on Fluorescent Excitation / Emission Wavelength

  10. 通过不断地优化聚合和纺丝工艺条件,实现了PAN原丝的中试稳定化。

    Quality stabilization of PAN fiber has been achieved by optimizing continuously ( polymerization ) and spin condition .

  11. 稳定化ZrO2超微粉体的制备及其催化CO氧化反应性能

    Preparation of Cubic ZrO_2 Ultrafine Powders and Characterization of Their Catalytic Properties for CO Total Oxidation

  12. Navier-Stokes方程的一种加罚稳定化有限元法

    A penalty stabilized finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations

  13. 瞬态Navier-Stokes方程的一种新的全离散粘性稳定化方法

    A New Full Discrete Stabilized Viscosity Method for the Transient Navier-Stokes Equations

  14. 利用吉洪诺夫正则化方法,讨论了问题(1)中源密度函数f的求解问题,并给出稳定化的数值解。

    Based on Tikhonov 's regularization method , this paper discusses the solution of parabolic equation and gives a stable numerical solution .

  15. 不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程的压力投影两重网格稳定化人工粘性方法

    A Two-grid Artificial Viscosity Method Based on Pressure Projection for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations

  16. 阳离子交换实验表明,沸石稳定化期间所形成的阳离子Al可被NH4~+交换。

    Cation exchange experiment showed that Al cations formed in the stabilization step can be exchanged by NH4 + .

  17. Si,Ti和V作为形成ThMn(12)型结构的稳定化元素,造成各相应合金的自旋重取向温度有一些差别。

    The Si , Ti and V elements to from the stable ThMn_ ( 12 ) phase can affect the spin reorientation temperature .

  18. 负载铁对PAN的稳定化和脱氮磷化均具有显著的催化作用,并在580&760℃范围内明显增加了N2形成速率。

    The loaded iron can dramatically catalyze the stabilization and denitrification reactions of PAN , and increase formation rate of N2 at 580-760 ℃ .

  19. 蔗糖对IgG在高压下的稳定化作用是由于其增加了IgG分子内部疏水交互作用,从而稳定了其三级结构。

    Increased hydrophobic interactions inside IgG molecule in presence of sucrose was considered to be responsible for its stabilization .

  20. LLDPE在熔融加工和热氧条件下的稳定化

    Stabilization of LLDPE in melt processing and thermal oxidation

  21. Cu-Zn-Al合金马氏体在稳定化过程中的反常浮凸

    Relief phenomenon of stabilized martensites in a Cu Zn Al alloy

  22. Cu-Zn-Al合金马氏体稳定化与母相有序态

    Stabilization of martensite and parent phase ordering in a Cu-Zn-Al Alloy

  23. 还讨论了稳定化ZrO2的形成机理及电导率与温度的关系。

    The formation mechanism of YSZ fcc phase and temperature dependance of conductivity were discussed .

  24. 本文采用两种缓冲剂,熟石灰和粉煤灰对渗滤液pH值进行调节,讨论它们对渗滤液回灌、废物稳定化的影响。

    Two kinds of pH buffers , lime and fly ash were used to adjust pH in the leachate , and the impacts on leachate recycle and waste stabilization were discussed .

  25. 采用注浆法制备了钇稳定化氧化锆(YSZ)电解质。

    The yttria stabilized zirconia ( YSZ ) electrolyte is fabricated by plaster casting method .

  26. 研究了表面己内酰胺稳定化并阴离子接枝PA6的CF对PA6/CF复合材料力学性能与破坏形态的影响。

    The effect of surface treating on the mechanical properties and failure morphology of PA6 / CF composites was investigated .

  27. 研究了几种经稳定化处理后、离子注入剂量为3x1017/cm2Nb的Ti-48at%Al合金在900℃空气中的恒温氧化行为;

    The isothermal oxidation behavior in air environment at 900 ℃ for Nb ~ + implanted Ti-48at % Al alloy treated by different post-implantation annealing was investigated .

  28. 控制PVC在DMA溶剂中的溶解温度和添加剂用量等,是PVC超过滤膜性能稳定化的重要保证。

    Controlling the dissolving temperature of PVC in DMA and the additive content is very important to ensure stable performance of PVC UF membrane .

  29. 空冷淬火Cu-Zn-Al合金马氏体结构及稳定化现象

    Martensite Structure and Stabilization Phenomenon of Air Quenched Cu Zn Al Alloy

  30. 利用SEM、TEM和热稳定化过程研究等方法进行对比研究改性前后纤维的结构与性能。

    The structure and properties of untreated and treated PAN precursors and resultant carbon fibers were characterized by SEM and TEM , stabilization process and so on .