
  1. 我认为你应该把整个学期的学习安排好,使学习时间更有规律。

    I guess you should have been studying more regularly all through the semester .

  2. 新课程的第二学年学习安排还没确定。

    What happens in the second year of the new course is still being worked out .

  3. 接受潞河中学学习安排,按时交纳学校规定的各项费用。

    I shall accept the arrangementof the school regarding my study . I shall pay all expenses on time .

  4. 在学科要求的限度内,每个学生可与指导教师商议后作出一系列科目的学习安排。

    Within limits imposed by subject requirements , each student may schedule a sequence of subjects in consultation with the faculty counselor .

  5. 课程安排功能中包括课程管理、课件管理、培训机构和培训教师;学习安排中包括学习计划管理和学习进度管理;考核管理中包括题库管理、试卷管理、考试管理和监考管理等。

    The curriculum arrangement includes course management , courseware management , training institutions and training teachers ; learning arrangement includes the learning plan management and learning progress management ; assessment management includes question bank management , test paper management , examination management and proctored management .

  6. 因此,我们每天的学习,安排得井井有条,非常有序。

    Therefore , our days were very scheduled and orderly .

  7. 接受北京汇文语言文化学校对学习的安排。

    I shall accept the arrangement of the school regarding my study .

  8. 学习被安排在优先的位子。

    Study is placed prior to all other activities .

  9. 我认为我就是需要学习如何安排课程。

    I suppose I just need to learn how to manage lecture classes .

  10. 所以只要可能,把学习时间安排在娱乐之前。

    So , where possible , schedule your study hours in advance of fun activities .

  11. 学习如何安排你的工作,做一个销售策划并给出建议。

    Learning how to organise your work , to develop sales strategies and give recommendations .

  12. 学习如何安排度假、如何准备行装。

    Vacation Time : Learning to make plans for going on holiday and packing your suitcases .

  13. 上网、获得信息面试、参加相关课程学习、安排到你选择领域公司现场参观。

    Hit the Internet , set up informational interviews , take relevant coursework , and arrange to go onsite at a company in your chosen field .

  14. 由于大学教育体制中教学安排的系统性和专业性特色,使得大学生在学习的安排上具有更灵活的选择权。

    Because of the systematic characteristics of the teaching arrangement and the professional features in college teaching , college students have more flexible right of making options for class arrangement .

  15. 很快隐形时刻就可以弥补你时间的不足。但我们先来谈谈那些现身的时刻,也就是你为自己语言学习所安排的时间。

    Hidden moments will heal your deficiencies soon enough , but first let 's talk about the unhidden moments , the study time you 've arranged to commit to your endeavour .

  16. 女生疲于应付各科作业,学习时间安排不合理,无法在数学和物理两科上花费更多的时间和精力。

    The girls are busy with the homework of various kinds and they can 't arrange their time scientifically so they are unable to put more energy and time on math and physics .

  17. 学习舞蹈和安排,你可以带回家,与你!

    Learn choreography and arrangements that you can take home with you !

  18. 高校篮球队训练、学习及膳食安排的调研

    Research of University High-Level Basketball Players ' Training Studying and Meals Standard

  19. 指示在要使变得容易学习的那些安排的信息和环境的。

    Instruction is the arrangement of information and environment to facilitate learning .

  20. 你们的学习日程怎么安排?

    And what 's your class timetable for school days ?

  21. 我特别期待学习中国部门安排。

    I especially like the Department for Learning Chinese .

  22. 你得按照学习时间表的安排完成教材各章节的学习。

    You have to cover certain chapters of the textbook according to the timetable .

  23. 杨向他的导师巴里先生去询问当前的专业学习方面的安排。

    Yang asks the Academic Advisor Mr. Barry about the academic arrangement of the current programs of study .

  24. 教学组织模块用来制定教学策略、组织学习内容、安排教学环节。

    The teaching organization module is used to drawing up the teaching strategy , makeup study content , settling teaching segment .

  25. 了解学生自己的选择,观察学生自己会以什么样的方式组织学习材料和安排课堂学习活动,思考、探索适合新课程理念的高中美术课的学习活动方式,是本实验的目的。

    The aim of this experiment is to acknowledge the students ' choice , to watch the students on how they would reorganize the studying materials and start their thinking in class , and then find out better ways to fit the senior art education to the new curriculum standard .

  26. 接受安徽师范大学对学习和生活的安排。

    I shall accept the arrangements of Anhui Normal University .

  27. 老板安派工作时,根本不考虑她的学习任务或作息安排。

    Her boss assigned tasks regardless of her study load or work-rest schedule .

  28. 普劳德提议依照研究成果来看,男生学习英语应该被安排在一个都是男生的班级里。

    Proud will argue that his results show boys should be taught English in single-sex classes .

  29. 接受上海交通大学对学习主专业的安排;

    I shall accept the arrangements made by Shanghai Jiao Tong University regarding my field of study .

  30. 我很快就意识到,自己掌握的技能几乎为零,必须学习如何规划、安排优先事项和执行。

    I soon came to realize I had little applicable skills and had to really learn how to plan , prioritize and execute .