
  • 网络Works Progress Administration;WPA
  1. 当时医院大楼虽然又小又过时,但却是由罗斯福时期的公共事业振兴署所建。40多年来,这是整个镇上唯一能接收急诊的地方。

    The building we were in at the time was one of those WPA jobs from the Roosevelt era , and even though it was small and somewhat outmoded , it had been the only place for emergency services in our county for more than 40 years .

  2. 公共事业振兴署联邦艺术计画

    WPA Federal Art Project

  3. 经济大萧条时期,一位公共事业振兴署的工人。

    Works Progress Administration worker in a Depression-era photo .

  4. 1943年的大萧条在美国结束:随着失业数字在战争相关的就业带动下而下滑之际,美国总统弗兰克林d罗斯福关闭了公共事业振兴署。

    The Great Depression ends in the United states : with unemployment figures falling fast due to war-related employment , US President Franklin D.Roosevelt closes the works progress administration .