
gōng shěn
  • public trial;public accusation;open public trial
公审 [gōng shěn]
  • [public accusation;open public trial] 公开审判

  • 公审大会

公审[gōng shěn]
  1. 这些罪犯很快就会被公审。

    Theses criminals will be put on public trial soon .

  2. 甚至偶而有什么人,谁都觉得他早死了,却鬼魂一样重新显形,在公审时供出好几百人,而后消失不见,这次是再不出现啦。

    Very occasionally some person whom you had believed dead long since would make a ghostly reappearance at some public trial where he would implicate hundreds of others by his testimony before vanishing , this time for ever .

  3. 经过公审,他被判处死刑。

    After an open trial , he was sentenced to death .

  4. 他是无辜的,这次公审就是摆摆样子。

    He 's innocent and this is a show trial .

  5. 让他们公审,我不畏惧什么人;

    Let them try me , I 'm not afraid of any one ;

  6. 让我接受全民公审吗?

    Try me in the people 's court ?

  7. 进行公审的一个重大好处是,它会创造出一种完结感与正义感。

    One great benefit of having public trials is that they create a sense of closure and justice .

  8. 为营造一个持久性的大场面,几十位改革派人士身披囚衣,拉开了公审的序幕。

    Promising to be a prolonged spectacle , it was launched with a parade of scores of prominent reformists in prison garb .

  9. 由于这种难以解决的矛盾,当他终于被传到希腊国家公审法庭前,人们只能要求一种判罪方式,就是放逐。

    In this dilemma his accusers , when he was brought before the Athenian forum , could think of one appropriate form of punishment only , namely exile :

  10. 他要求公审穆巴拉克,发布一项不准对平民进行军事审判的禁令,制定结束军人统治的时间表,对最低工资和最高工资做出决定。

    He called for an open trial for Mubarak , a ban on military trials for civilians , a timetable for the end of military rule and a decision on minimum and maximum wage limits .

  11. 英美法系的辩诉交易制度、德国处罚令程序与刑事协商制度、法国的被告人庭前认罪答辩程序、日本的简易公审程序与即决裁判程序都具有该司法模式的典型特征。

    The plea bargaining in America , the pretrial proceeding for guilty plea in France , procedure of punishment writ and the negotiations in the criminal system in Germany , the simple public trial proceedings and the summary procedure in Japan are all featured in this new model .