
  1. 乳酸菌(LacticAcidBacteria,LAB)是一类长期应用于食品发酵、生物医药工业且被公认为安全的食品级微生物。

    Lactic acid bacteria ( LAB ) is widely used in food fermentation , biological medicine industry and generally regarded as safe .

  2. 尽管WINDOWSnt系统被公认为安全性能较高,但若系统管理不当,或是由于黑客的不轨行为,或是由于NT自身的安全漏洞,都有可能使整个系统溃于一旦。

    Windows NT is publicly regarded as a safer system , but , because of improper management of the system , or unlawful actions from hackers , or safe bugs in NT itself , it still has the chance of breakdown .

  3. 安全协议形式化分析技术的提出,将协议的安全性问题转化为数学问题,采用数学证明的手段来代替直觉的判定,近年来已逐步被公认为解决安全问题的合理方案。

    Formal methods for protocol analysis ware put forward based on changing the security problem into a mathematical problem , which we can rigorously prove it instead of judging by intuition .

  4. HACCP被国际上公认为控制食品安全的最经济最有效的体系方法之一。

    It is internationally acknowledged that the HACCP is one of the most economical and effective methods on food safety controlling .

  5. 指纹识别以其高识别率、高准确率及其经济性、简便性,已被公认为未来最安全有效的生物识别方式。

    The fingerprint identified with its high identify rate , high and accurate rate and its economic , simples , was the way for the future and the most safe and valid living creature which has already been accepted .

  6. HACCP体系被世界公认为是确保食品安全卫生的最有效的管理方法。

    HACCP system was recognized to insure food safety sanitary most effective manage means by the world .

  7. 电子转账被公认为是一种安全、可靠、方便的交易管理方式。

    EFT is considered to be a safe , reliable , and convenient way to conduct business .