
ɡōnɡ ɡònɡ mǎ chē
  • stagecoach;public horsecart/carriage
  1. 驿马快信要比当时的公共马车快多了。

    The Pony Express was much faster than the stagecoach .

  2. 心怀不满的和遭受挫折的公共马车商人和车夫高声叫骂着。

    Disgruntled and defeated omnibus owners and drivers groaned aloud .

  3. 两匹白马拖着一辆公共马车从那街口经过。

    An omnibus with two white horses passed the end of the street .

  4. 日出时这辆公共马车终于抵达游戏王国。

    The stagecoach finally arrived at Gameland at sunrise .

  5. 以马车载运由公共马车运输或乘坐公共马车。

    To transport by or ride in a coach .

  6. 公共马车和私人马车嗒嗒地驶过,车灯像一双双黄色的眼睛闪闪发亮。

    Cabs and carriages , their lamps gleaming like yellow eyes , pattered by .

  7. 它送信的速度比公共马车快。

    It delivered the mail faster than stagecoaches .

  8. 他从来也没有见到公共马车在任何时候从白金汉公园路经过。

    He had never seen an omnibus at any time in the Buchingham Park Road .

  9. 乘下一趟公共马车出镇

    Take the next stage out of town

  10. 在经过一周的紧张准备之后,他们最终上了一辆去维也纳的公共马车。

    After a week of frantic preparations , they finally boarded a stagecoach for vienna .

  11. 在英国,一个小小的苏格兰村庄成了“私奔”的代名词。格雷特纳格林坐落于伦敦和爱丁堡之间的一条古老的公共马车线路旁。

    In the UK , one small Scottish village has become synonymous with the act of eloping .

  12. 在这次对话的当天晚上,马吕斯坐上公共马车,绝没有想到有人监视他。

    Marius , on the evening following this dialogue , mounted the diligence without suspecting that he was watched .

  13. 当他们从车站正门出来时,他听到一个公共马车的车夫正在反复地叫着那个旅馆的名字。

    As they came out of the main entrance of the depot he heard it called anew by a busman .

  14. 公共马车送信历时一月之久,而驿马快信则能在十日之内送到。

    A stagecoach took one month to deliver mail . A Pony Express rider could do it in ten days .

  15. 他,一个阴郁、沉默的人,一路上又乘公共马车又搭渡船到达了前面提到过的办公室。

    He made his way there by horse-car and ferry a dark , silent man to the offices in question .

  16. 他乘公共马车到了西部,患了瓦肖地区金银发烧流行病。正:他乘公共马车到了西部,卷入了淘金热和淘银热。

    He went west by stage coach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in Nevada 's Washoe Region .

  17. 他增加了邮局,使用公共马车来递送邮件,开设了包裹邮政系统。

    He increased the number of post offices , introduced the use of stagecoaches to carry mail , and started a package service system .

  18. 人们认为,运营通用电气就像驾驶一辆公共马车:如果3号马出了毛病,那么就拿掉它,然后毙了它。

    People think that running GE is like driving a stagecoach : if horse number three breaks down , take it out and shoot it .

  19. 人们很难猜到,通向伦敦的繁忙大道,即当年简·奥斯汀的公共马车路线,就在2英里之外。

    One would hardly guess that the busy road to London , which Jane knew as a stagecoach route , lies less than two miles away .

  20. “我们到布赖顿去。我支持你,我的孩子。我支持你,沃尔。我们搭乘下午的公共马车到布赖顿去。”

    I 'll back you , my boy . I 'll back you , Wal'r. We 'll go to Brighton by the afternoon 's coach . '

  21. 德伐日夫妇坐着公共马车在星光下隆隆地来到巴黎城门。那是他们自然要经过的地点。

    The defarges , husband and wife , came lumbering under the starlight , in their public vehicle , to that gate of Paris whereunto their journey naturally tended .

  22. 过去人们一向乐于耐心等待慢吞吞的公共马车,可现在若错过旋转门的一次旋转,他们就乱踢一气。

    Folds used to be willing to wait patiently for a slow-moving stage coach , but now they kick like the dickens if they miss one revolution of a revolving door .

  23. 公共马车和轨道马车已经被有轨电车、无轨电车和公共汽车所取代。以蒸汽作为动力的地下铁道被电气化的地下铁道代替。

    For example , the public carriages and track carriages were replaced by streetcars and trolleybuses as well as buses ; the underground using steam as the motive power was replaced by electrical underground .

  24. 至于那个曾到古费拉克家门口去等待并问他关于马吕斯先生的年轻人,约在大家推翻公共马车时不见了。

    As for the young man who had been waiting for Courfeyrac at his lodgings , and who had inquired for M.Marius , he had disappeared at about the time when the omnibus had been overturned .

  25. 我给了出租马车车夫五先令,他只顾发牢骚,说给半镑还嫌少呢,他竟然无礼得建议我下次参加舞会时坐公共马车。

    I gave the cabman five shillings , who only grumbled , saying it was dirt cheap at half-a-sovereign , and was impertinent enough to advise me the next time I went to a ball to take a'bus .