
  • 网络public management theory
  1. 基于新公共管理理论的义务教育发展研究

    The Research of Compulsory Education Developing Problem of New Public Management Theory

  2. 新公共管理理论在环境保护中的应用

    The Application of New Public Management Theory on Environmental Protection

  3. 在新公共管理理论的影响下,NGO组织开始注重服务效率。

    Under the influence of the New Public Management , NGO organizations began to focus on service efficiency .

  4. 治理:当代公共管理理论的新热点

    Governance : A New Issue of the Theory of Modern Public Management

  5. 试析新公共管理理论中的公共服务供给观

    An Approach to Public Service Supply in New Public Management

  6. 相对于新公共管理理论,协作性公共管理是新公共管理的下一步。

    With respect to the NPM , CPM is the next step .

  7. 新公共管理理论的缺陷及其纠正

    Defects of New Public Management Theory and Its Rectification

  8. 西方公共管理理论的演进轨迹及其逻辑基点

    The Lecture Track and Its Logic Starting Point in Western Public Administration Theory

  9. 探讨公共管理理论在我国医疗卫生事业改革中的应用。

    To explore the application of public management theory in chinese medical care reform .

  10. 官僚制模式下的人事管理制度批判&兼谈新公共管理理论

    The Weaknesses of Personnel Management under Bureaucratic System

  11. 新公共管理理论对我国就业体制改革的启示

    The Reform of Employment System of China : Some Lessons from New Public Management

  12. 新公共管理理论反映了公共管理理论发展的趋势。

    The new public management theory reflected the trend of the public management theory .

  13. 公共管理理论本土化语境分析

    Context Analysis of Localization of Public Management Theories

  14. 第三章论述了社会行政主体的行政法理论基础,阐明了传统官僚制行政理论的衰落以及新公共管理理论及治理理论的兴起对公共行政理论的影响。

    The third chapter discusses the administrative law theory basis of Social Administrative Body .

  15. 新公共管理理论的核心主题是公共服务的有效供给。

    The core topic of new public management is the valid supply of public service .

  16. 论新公共管理理论对我国公共管理改革的借鉴意义

    Significance of the New Public Management Theory for the Reform of China 's Public Administration

  17. 电子政务的绩效评估研究已经成为了现阶段公共管理理论研究中的热点。

    In e-government performance management evaluation research has become the hotspot of the public management theory .

  18. 新公共管理理论对新的历史时期我国警察行政伦理建设及发展有着极其重要的影响。

    The new public administration theory will bring great influence on the police administration ethics construction .

  19. 有关政府绩效的公共管理理论认为政府和企业具有极强的相似性。

    Related theories about public management think that there are many similarities between governments and enterprises .

  20. 美国进步主义时期对美国历史以及公共管理理论发展有着重要影响。

    The progressivism in American history and public management theory has an important effect on the development .

  21. 而本文的研究工作也会为丰富和发展公共管理理论贡献自己的涓滴力量。

    However , the research of article will contribute to the enrichment and development of public management theory .

  22. 研究结果:1.医疗卫生事业改革与发展具备应用公共管理理论进行分析的基础和前提。

    Reform and development of medical and health sector has the foundation and premise applying public management theory .

  23. 知识产权制度功能分析&以产权和公共管理理论为视角

    Analysis on the Function of Intellectual Property Regime & From the Aspect of Property Right and Theory of Administration

  24. 对高职院校就业问题的理论基础进行了探讨,并对主要的公共管理理论进行了阐述。

    On the employment problems of vocational college explores the theoretical basis and main public management theories were expounded .

  25. 新公共管理理论包容八个方面:强调公共政策领域的专业化管理(组织类型管理专业化);

    The new theory of public management contains the next eight aspects : 1.specializing management in public policy domain ;

  26. 第二部分主要是归纳分析了新公共管理理论的主要理念,总结出这些理念对我国自收自支事业单位体制改革的借鉴意义,为我国的自收自支事业单位体制改革提供相应的参考。

    The second part analysed the new public management theory and found meaningful methods to Chinese self-supporting institution reform .

  27. 新公共管理理论在突破管制行政视野的一个重要支点,就是对第三部门治理作用的重视,形成视域偏好。

    The significance of the new public administration theory lies in its stress on the function of the third sector .

  28. 新公共管理理论和新公共管理运动是20世纪80年代出现的。

    The new public management theory and the new public management movement was the 20th century , emerged 80 years .

  29. 虽然新公共管理理论告诉我们要引入市场机制、强调分权和效率;

    Although the new public management theory tells us to introduce the market mechanism , divide power and the efficiency ;

  30. 但是作为一种新的范式,新公共管理理论还不成熟,存在着经济人假设、市场神话主义、管理主义、顾客中心主义等缺陷,应该把其缺陷纠正为:复杂人假设;

    There are the following defects : economic person assumption , market myth doctrine , managerialism and customer center doctrine .