
  • 网络corporate governance reform
  1. 这表明国有企业脱困后将进入公司治理改革的新阶段。

    There show state-owned enterprises will step into new stage of corporate governance reform after stepping out dificit .

  2. 美国公司治理改革法案对我国的启示&兼论内部审计在公司治理中的作用

    The Enlightenment of American Corporate Governance Reform Act to China & Discussing the Role of Internal Auditing in the Corporate Governance

  3. 2002年的《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-Oxleyact)等公司治理改革,大幅增加了董事会花在守法等内部问题上的时间。

    Corporate governance reforms such as the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act have substantially increased the time that boards spend on inward-facing issues such as compliance .

  4. 国有商业银行公司治理改革:历史回顾与现状剖析

    Corporate Governance Reformation of State-owned Commercial Bank : Historical Review Status Quo Dissection

  5. 公司治理改革已成为当今社会热点。

    The reform of corporate governance has been topical .

  6. 论域外公司治理改革实践经验之借鉴

    On the experience of the extra-territorial reform of corporate governance practice of drawing

  7. 近20年来,激进的机构投资者一直在提倡公司治理改革。

    Activist institutional investors have been advocating for governance reforms for over two decades .

  8. 西安宝润等企业是公司治理改革的先锋。

    Companies such as China integrated energy represent the vanguard of a corporate governance revolution .

  9. 独立董事制度的引进对我国公司治理改革具有重要的现实意义。

    It is of practical significance to Chinese corporate governance reformation that the independent director system is established in China .

  10. 独立董事法律制度即在这种大背景下应运而生,成为公司治理改革中的热点。

    Independent director legal regime that emerged under this big background , becomes the hot spot in the corporate governance .

  11. 日本在今年早些时候出台了一套新的管理法规,并在昨日证实了开展公司治理改革的计划。

    Earlier this year , Japan brought in a new stewardship code and yesterday confirmed plans for corporate governance reforms .

  12. 美国安然事件引发了新一轮公司治理改革浪潮,董事巨额薪酬问题举世瞩目。

    The Enron failure is the beginning of new corporation governance reform , in which the excess director compensation is one focus .

  13. 针对上述问题,本文对我国商业银行公司治理改革提出了一些政策建议。

    Against the above problems , the paper gives some suggests on the reform of corporate governance in Chinese banks at last .

  14. 基金管理公司治理改革刻不容缓&关于保证我国基金业合法合规经营的探讨

    Fund Managing Companies Need Administration and Reform Urgently & An Initial Exploration of the Guarantee of Chinese Fund Industry 's Legal Operation

  15. 在其他方面,法案加强对信贷评级机构的监管,同时要求进行高管薪酬和公司治理改革。

    Besides , the Act strengths the supervision of credit rating agencies , and puts efforts on executive pay and corporate governance reform .

  16. 近年来,控股股东与中小股东之间的“代理问题”已经成为上市公司治理改革的焦点。

    In recent years'the agency problem'among controlling shareholders and medium & small shareholders has become the focus of corporate governance reform in listed companies .

  17. 第三,由于商业银行的特殊性,所以国有商业银行公司治理改革的目标应该充分考虑利益相关者的利益;

    Thirdly , due to the special nature of banks , all reform targets in this regard should take into full account the interests of related beneficiaries .

  18. 公司治理改革已经成为一个普遍关注的焦点问题。这一改革不限于某个特定地区或某些国家,而是一个全球性现象。

    In recent years , wide concerns have been involved in the corporate governance reformation , which is not limited in a specific district or some countries but a global phenomenon .

  19. 公司治理改革是一项复杂的改革,这就意味着各国在自主决定自己的改革战略的同时,也迫切需要共享经验、知识和教训。

    The fact that corporate governance reforms are complex reforms implies a strong need for countries to share experiences , knowledge , and lessons learnt while maintaining full ownership of reforms .

  20. 在结束演讲之前,我还想强调,公司治理改革是发展的核心,同时也是更广义的发展框架的组成部分。

    I don 't want to finish , however , without emphasizing that while corporate governance reforms are central to development , they are part of a much broader framework of development .

  21. 在前述理论探讨的基础上,结合中国实际,对我国当前公司治理改革与完善中的一个重要层面&管理者激励问题进行了若干思考,并提出建议。

    On the basis of the above-mentioned theoretical discussion , this articles dwells on the issue of incentives for managers-an important aspect in the reform and perfection of corporate governance in China now .

  22. 印度的公司治理改革为改善我国公司治理的有关问题提供了一定的经验,因此,本文最后在结合我国公司治理的相关问题上,提出了印度公司治理改革对我国的一些启不。

    The corporate governance reform in India gives experience to China on improving corporate governance , at the end of this paper , it proposed some suggestions on improving corporate governance for China .

  23. 世界上主要市场经济国家近十年来所进行的公司治理改革也大都将董事会制度的改革置于最重要的地位。

    The institutional change of the board of directors plays an important role in the company governance and reformation in most of the market economy countries in the world in the most recent decade .

  24. 建议对城市商业银行进行准确的市场定位,加强人力资本建设,加大金融创新力度,深入推进公司治理改革,以提升其核心竞争力。

    To enhance their core competitiveness , they should make accurate market positioning for the city commercial banks , strengthen human capital construction , increase financial innovation , and advance the corporate governance reforms .

  25. 同时,又以中国银行为例,讨论了其公司治理改革过程中的成功经验,以及良好的公司治理机制为其带来的经营状况的改善。

    At the same time , took the Bank of China as the example , discussed its successful experience in the corporate governance reform , which brought to it the improvement in its management .

  26. 在此基础上,提出了继续深化商业银行公司治理改革、继续完善银行业监管工作和继续营造良好的外部治理环境的具体思路和政策建议。

    On this basis , the paper proposed specific ideas and policy recommendations for commercial banks continue to deepen the reform of corporate governance , to improve banking supervision work and to create a good external governance environment .

  27. 通过分析得出:印度的公司治理改革使得上市公司的绩效有了明显提高,股票市场也有了很大的发展,同时,与发达国家相比,这些成绩也是非常显著的。

    Summarized the characteristics , it found that the performance of listed companies markedly improved , the stock market also has been greatly developed , at the same time , compared with developed countries , the score is also very significant .

  28. 机遇和挑战并存,为使国有商业银行在未来发展进程中立于战略至高点,公司治理改革将成为各种改革中最关键和最重要的问题。

    Both chance and challenge exist in the same time . In order that state commercial banks are situated at strategic peak in the future development , reform in corporate governance will be the key and the most important among various reform issues .

  29. 我们过去的改革着重点主要在于转移银行的不良资产,以提高其经营效率和竞争能力,随后又进行了内部产权改革及公司治理改革,试图使国有银行从根本上脱胎换骨。

    The past reforms mainly dwelt on removing the banks ' bad assets in order to beef up their competition power , and then shift to their structure of property right and company - managing aiming at improving the banks ' operation in essence .

  30. 他们的努力得到了公司治理改革人士的支持,这些改革者赞成任命真正独立的董事,反对“毒丸”(防止敌意收购的措施)和有助于加强日本企业管理层地位的交叉持股网络。

    Their efforts have been backed by corporate governance reformers arguing for the appointment of truly independent directors and against the " poison pills " ( measures to defend against hostile takeovers ) and the networks of cross shareholdings that help to entrench Japanese management .