
ɡōnɡ pínɡ jìnɡ zhēnɡ
  • fair competition;fair play
  1. 将会指定一个独立的管理机构来保证公平竞争。

    An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition .

  2. WTO公平竞争原则在倾销与反倾销领域中的影响适用

    The Principle of Fair Competition in Dumping and Anti-dumping

  3. 他们现在想要公平竞争。

    They are now trying to compete on an equal footing .

  4. 该队还因其良好的体育精神及公平竞争精神而受到了表扬。

    The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play .

  5. 我们寻求一个能与外国公司公平竞争的环境。

    We ask for a level playing field when we compete with foreign companies .

  6. 他呼吁选举中进行公平竞争,结束“负面竞选”。

    He called for a clean fight in the election and an end to ' negative campaigning '

  7. 不公平竞争已经对这家公司的市场地位造成损害。

    Unfair competition has hurt the company 's position in the market .

  8. 近日,国家发展改革委等六部门印发《关于支持民营企业加快改革发展与转型升级的实施意见》,旨在激发民营企业活力和创造力,进一步为民营企业发展创造公平竞争环境,带动扩大就业。

    Released by the National Development and Reform Commission and five other central departments , the guideline aims to further stimulate the private sector 's vitality and creativity , create a fair business environment and create more jobs .

  9. 适应WTO公平竞争要求,调整完善我国税制

    Adaptation to the WTO Requirement in Equal Competition and Our Tax System Adjustment

  10. 加入WTO给中国企业提供了一个充分利用国际资源进行公平竞争的舞台。

    China 's accession to WTO provides an opportunity to compete fairly by using the international resource .

  11. 加入WTO,是中国赢得了公平竞争的国际环境,减少了贸易歧视和摩擦;

    Entering into WTO makes china win the fairly competitive circumstance , decrease the trade friction and discrimination ;

  12. 可以与TCP之间实现网络资源的公平竞争。

    AIMD flow and TCP flow can fairly compete network resources with each other .

  13. WTO规则要求中国的行政许可必需符合市场经济的要求和国际公平竞争规则,并为行政许可留下空间。

    Chinese administrative licensing system must meet the requirement of market economy and obey the rules of international fair competition .

  14. 反倾销是世界贸易组织(WTO)允许采用的抵制不公平竞争、保护国内产业的重要措施。

    Antidumping is one of the important measures , which WTO permits , especially for counteracting unfair competition and protecting domestic industry .

  15. 目前,我国已是WTO的成员国,为了在公平竞争的原则上获取更多的商机,我国已在众多行业制定了许多国家标准。

    In order to acquire more business opportunities on the principle of fair competition , our country has developed a number of national standards in many industries .

  16. 加入WTO,随着外资银行取得国民待遇,国内银行必须以同一规则为标准进行公平竞争。

    After joining WTO , and as the foreign – funded banks obtain the equivalent national treatments , the domestic banks must carry on the fair competition following the identical rules .

  17. rhEPO的问世给竞技体育的公平竞争带来了挑战。

    RhEPO gives challenges to equitable of competition sport .

  18. 面对如何实现活动的多Agent分担,提出了一种招标-投标协商机制,它很好地解决了Agent之间的公平竞争与活动执行者的最优选择问题。

    In order to solve the problem of activity-sharing , an inviting-bid negotiation mechanism was presented , which can also solve the problem of fair competition between agents and optimization selection of activity executor ( agent ) .

  19. 这项计划本来只是一个纯债务融资计划,但现在却被视为资产重组,意味着它必须经过欧盟(EU)位于布鲁塞尔的公平竞争委员会(competitionauthorities)的审核。

    The plan was initially presented as a pure debt refinancing , but now it is being viewed as a restructuring , which means it has to be examined by EU competition authorities in Brussels .

  20. 物流E平台的建立旨在使物流行业公平竞争的制度更健全、要求企业的运作更规范、管理更科学。

    The thesis discusses the foundation of Logistics E platform , emphasizes its functions making the competition mechanism of logistics industry more sound , and the logistics enterprises operation more normative and management more scientific .

  21. 反倾销法作为WTO体制中对一国产业予以救济的重要法律制度,能够有效地保护本国产业,促进公平竞争,维护国际贸易秩序正常、健康地发展。

    Anti-dumping Law is an important law system in WTO for the protection of domestic industry . Anti-dumping Law can effectively protect domestic industry , promote fair competition and maintain the development of normal and healthy international trade order .

  22. 当被问及中国是否在公平竞争时,卡伦巴赫称firstsolar正努力鼓励中国开放市场,但就目前而言,中国采取的是特许权投标的方式由各家公司报出自己能够接受的太阳能发电电价。

    Asked if China was playing fair , Mr Kallenbach said first solar was trying to encourage China to open its markets but for the moment it was choosing the path of concessionary bidding where companies offer a price for the solar power they can produce .

  23. 反倾销作为WTO允许的贸易补救措施之一,目前成为当前世界各国最普遍采用的规范贸易秩序、抵制不公平竞争的重要手段。

    Regarding as one of the trade remedial measure within WTO ' allowance , the anti-dumping has turned into the most important means to standardize trade order , resist unfair competition adopted by most countries all over the world at present .

  24. 为此,在中国即将加入WTO之际,必须改革现行的企业注册制度,改善企业准入环境,创造公平竞争的市场环境,彻底改变上述情况。

    For this reason , and China will join WTO soon , the current enterprise and registration system must be reformed , for improving the enterprise enter-environment , creating a fair competition market ( environment ), changing the above-mentioned situations completely .

  25. 在WTO背景下,我国反垄断法的价值取向应该是建立一种符合我国国情的反垄断制度,即温和型的反垄断法,使公平竞争的社会主义市场经济有序并畅通发展。

    Under the WTO background , the value-orientation of China 's Anti-monopoly Law ought to establish a mild anti-monopoly system according with the national conditions of our country , which can promote the fair competition of orderly and smooth marketing economy of socialism .

  26. WTO国民待遇原则要求国内、外企业在国内市场地位平等、公平竞争,我国普遍存在的行政垄断破坏了平等竞争的市场秩序,与国民待遇原则发生冲突。

    The principle of National Treatment of WTO wants fair play and the equality of national and foreign enterprises . The administrative monopolist which is common in China nowadays destroys the equal order of competition and conflict of the principle of national treatment .

  27. 文中提出了基于MPLS显式路由机制和流量中继主干线解决TCP/UDP业务之间的不公平竞争网络带宽资源问题的策略,并进行了网络仿真实验。

    The paper proposes a scheme based on MPLS explicit routing and traffic trunk to solve the unfairness in allocating the network bandwidth among TCP and UDP , and network simulations experiment is worked .

  28. GATT和WTO赋予各成员国运用合法的反倾销手段抵制不公平竞争已成为各国寻求合法贸易保护和发展本国经济的必然趋势。

    It has become a necessary tendency for different countries to use anti - dumping legal means provided to its Members by GATT and WTO to resist unfair competition in their pursuit of legitimate trade protection and development of domestic economy .

  29. 通过理论推导和各种网络环境下的仿真,证明了虚拟流方式能够有效解决不同速率TFRC流之间存在的不公平竞争问题。

    Through theoretical reasoning and simulations under various scenarios , this paper had proved that the virtual flow method can effectively improve fairness usage of shared bandwidth resources among different rates of TFRC flows .

  30. 中国的出租车司机一直在抱怨收入低、工作时间长,但推动近期停运事件的,似乎还有优步(Uber)等打车软件的流行,以及新闻媒体对许多司机口中的不公平竞争的密集关注。

    Cabdrivers in China have long complained about low wages and long days , but the recent strikes appear to also have been fueled by the spread of ride-hailing apps like Uber and a flurry of news media attention to what many drivers say is unfair competition .