
pínɡ děnɡ jiāo huàn
  • give-and-take;equal exchange;exchange on an equal basis
  1. 经济信用关系是特定社会伦理关系的特殊表达,其核心是权利&义务平等交换之交换正义。

    Economic trust is the special expression in particular social ethnical relation , its key is the exchange justice of the equal exchange of the right and duty .

  2. 家庭养老因而从由一种超经济的伦理性行为转变成为了一种市场经济平等交换似的经济性行为,这是当前农村社会出现严重的家庭养老问题的根本症结所在。

    Family support for the elderly thus transits from a supra economic action to an equal exchange action as same as market economy . That is the root of the problem of the family support for the elderly in countryside .

  3. 国际贸易中的不平等交换问题研究

    A Study of the Inequality of Exchange in International Trade

  4. 论中国婚姻的不平等交换关系

    On the Inequality Exchange Relation of Chinese Marriage

  5. 22.推进城乡要素平等交换和公共资源均衡配置。

    22 . A more balanced allocation of public resources between urban and rural areas will be promoted .

  6. 桑德尔受到欢迎的部分原因在于,其公开课节目展示出美国大学师生之间平等交换意见的教学风格。

    Part of Mr. Sandel 's appeal is tied to the glimpse that his TV show provided into the give-and-take style of teaching at U.S. colleges .

  7. 应在整个公共部门经济的全过程中体现税收本质上的平等交换关系,并以法律的形式予以确定和保护。

    And such a relationship should be embodied during the whole course of public sectors economic behavior and be ensured and protected by the form of laws .

  8. 资本积累是通过世界体系的中心-边缘之间的不平等交换来实现的,半无产阶级的存在使不平等交换成为可能。

    Accumulation of capital is realized by means of unfair exchanges between the central and the marginal sections of the world system . It is the existence of semi-proletarians that makes the exchange possible .

  9. 一些马克思主义学者虽从不同角度对国际不平等交换问题进行了探讨,但都没有建立一个综合的研究框架,现有的国际不平等交换理论并不完整。

    Although some Marxists studied the international unequal exchange from different angles , most of that are scattered and superficial . Due to the lack of comprehensive research frame , the existing theory of international unequal exchange is not complete .

  10. 通过对近些年来我国国际贸易中的一些数据整理,对我国国际不平等交换问题进行分类介绍,结合现实条件与理论分析,找出我国国际不平等交换问题产生的原因,并归类解释。

    Through the data sorting of Chinese international trade in the recent years to introduce unequal exchange on issues of international classification . Combined with theoretical analysis and practical conditions to identify our international unequal exchange causes , classified factors explain according to different .

  11. 布劳认为权力是在不平等的交换关系中,个人或群体将其意志强加于其他人的一种能力;

    In Blua . P 's opinion , it is the ability of imposing will on others for individual or organization in the process of exchanging .

  12. 税收价格论认为税收是纳税人为消费公共品而向政府支付的价格,税收征纳双方在本质上是平等的交换关系。

    In the tax price theory , tax is the price that taxpayers pay for consuming public goods , so the exchange relationship of the two sides of tax administration is equal in essence .

  13. 以色列以前也曾经进行过不平等的战俘交换,但是批评人士拉比·斯图尔特·魏斯表示,这项政策是一个严重的错误。

    Israel has carried out lopsided prisoner swaps in the past , but critics , like Rabbi Stuart Weiss , say the policy is a grave mistake .

  14. 根据教育产业理论,教育机构与受教育者之间是平等自由的交换关系,是教育服务与消费的合同关系。

    According to the theory of education industry , there is an equal and free exchanging relationship between education organization and students , which is an education serving - consuming contract .

  15. 根据教育产业和教育市场理论,学校和学生之间的关系是平等的自由交换关系。

    The relationship between a school and its students is an equal and free exchange one according to the theory of education industry , as well as that of the education market .

  16. 而且,非异化的劳动,非异化的分工合作才会产生真正自由、平等的市场经济交换。

    Moreover non-alienation work and non-alienation division cooperation can cause true free and equal exchange of market economy .

  17. 从教学角度出发,把教师的教与学生的学放在契约社会这个背景下来考虑,强调教学双方是平等进入、平等交流,甚至是平等交换的契约关系,这就是契约学习的方式。

    In this paper teaching and learning are put into consideration in the background of contract society , which emphases that two parties of teachers and students are equal in academic communication , where they are equal to exchange ideas with contract relationship .

  18. 揭示了我国婚姻交换关系中的不平等表现及其原因,并对未婚和已婚女性分别提出建立和发展平等婚姻交换关系的对策建议。

    It opened out the behave of inequality and its causes in the marriage exchange relation and put forward advices on establishing and developing equal marriage exchange relation to the unmarried and married women .