
  1. 自尊正向预测小学高年级社会创造力。

    Self-esteem can significantly positively predict social creativity .

  2. 简政放权等改革,极大地激发了市场活力、发展动力和社会创造力。

    The reform greatly invigorated the market and stimulated development and social creativity , and boosted our efforts to streamline administration and delegate more power to lower-level governments .

  3. “公平使用”原则的存在,正是为了推动社会的创造力&一个由一家硅谷商业企业执牛耳的项目,令人惊讶地催生出了一个如此高尚的意外后果。

    The fair use doctrine exists to grease the skids of societal Creativity & a surprisingly noble side effect for a project helmed by a commercial enterprise in Silicon Valley .

  4. 当今社会对于创造力的要求越来越高,但在美术教学中,大多仍以临摹和教画为主,并不能真正激发儿童的创造力。

    The creativity of today 's society is becoming more demanding , but in the art of teaching tracing is still main course , so the children can not be inspired creativity really .

  5. 简政放权、取消和下放行政审批事项,激发市场活力,让企业、社会更有创造力,就可以带动更多的就业。

    With administration streamlined and power delegated , some powers of administrative approval will be cancelled or delegated , which will energize the market and make the businesses and society more creative , thus generating more jobs .

  6. 在当今社会中,创造力具有非常重要的意义,然而在教育领域中,创造力的意义有时比较模糊。

    Creativity is very important today , however , it is sometimes unclear in the education field .

  7. 如果我们的想法是正确的,那么在很多发达国家中的老龄人口将对于社会的整体创造力产生负面影响。

    If this were true , the ageing populations in many developed countries would have negative effects on overall productivity .

  8. 人力资本是人所具有的社会财富的创造力,根据人们所拥有的知识层次和创新能力的高低,人力资本可分为不同的等级,人力资本参与收益分配也就有不同的模式。

    Human capital can be put into different grades and correspondingly human capital , s participating in income distribution can be divided into different patterns .

  9. 情绪和认知是密切联系的,研究者已经证明情绪状态可以影响学习、记忆、社会判断和创造力等方面。

    Emotion is closely related by cognitive activities . Many scholars have studied the relationship between mood and study , memory , judgment , creativity and so on .

  10. 可以肯定的是,外观、功能、社会影响、创造力和利润动机这些因素无一不为我们阐释了设计的含义与意义。

    What is certain is that all these combined elements - style , function , social impact , creativity and profit motive - have yielded an original vision of what design is and why it matters .

  11. 古希腊民族是一个重视个体价值、崇尚个体意义,显张个人对自然和社会征服力和创造力的民族。

    The ancient Greek nation attached individual values , believed in individualism and glorified that man could conquer and create nature and society .

  12. 创造力的研究是近年来比较热门的课题,大学生创造力的研究直接关系到大学创造性教育的开展。有关精神质、社会适应与个体创造力的关系,一直存在着较大的争议。

    Study of creation has been a hot topic for recent years , and is tightly related with college education . The previous researches on psychoticism , social adaptation and creativity are disputable .

  13. 知识产权更多的是成为保护权利人经济利益的手段(而非其原本目的),通过获得一定时期的垄断权,作为回报将其智力创造成果公知于社会,以促进创造力的方式;

    Intellectual property is the means of protecting an obligee 's economic profit , instead of the means as payment by which intellectual property makes its creative achievement public so as to promote creative power through requiring a certain period of monopolistic right .

  14. 文章首先回顾了团队社会资本与团队创造力之间的关系,并引入团队支持感受和团队心理安全作为中介变量,建立了团队社会资本、团队支持感受、团队心理安全和团队创造力的过程模型。

    This paper firstly reviews the relationship between team social capital and team creativity , and then introduce the perception support team and team psychological safety as intermediary variable , established the team social capital , perception team support , team psychological safety and team creativity process model .

  15. 第三,社会系统的特殊性角度分析人文因素的增长,尤其是社会创造力、社会自由、社会公正的提升作为社会发展判据。

    Human factors , particularly social creativity , social freedom , social justice is one of social development criteria from the perspective of the social system particularity ;ⅳ .