
  1. 本课涉及的是社会研究基础的假设与逻辑,而不是特别的技巧。

    It does not deal with specific techniques per se , but rather with the assumptions and the logic underlying social research .

  2. 它是建立在社会主义和谐社会建设的研究基础上,通过对和谐以及社会主义和谐社会的理解,以和谐社会的价值追求:公平正义为切入点,研究了在此基础上的政府职能转变问题。

    It depends on the research of the socialist harmonious society . It begins of justice on the value pursuit of the harmonious society .

  3. 本研究在总结以往产业集聚和社会资本关系研究基础上,探讨了产业集聚机制和企业社会资本拥有程度之问的关系。

    The study focused on the relationship of cluster system and social capital on the basis of previous research about cluster system and social capital .

  4. 在对文献信息社会学研究的基础上,对信息管理学的研究方法体系进行了论述。

    This article discusses the methodology of IMS on the base of research work of LIS , in which , classification and thematic method is a sublimation from literature information processing approach .

  5. 在社会已有研究成果的基础上,本文提出了基于网络的阶段技术创新过程模型,该模型描述阶段间通过企业内联网沟通信息;

    On the basement of further researching achievement , the article set up a period technical innovation process model based on Internet .

  6. 本文以社会交换理论为研究基础,采用定量分析研究方法,探讨组织公平中程序公平和互动公平对员工工作绩效的影响过程。

    Based on the Social Exchange Theory , this dissertation utilized the quantitative analysis method to discuss how the staff performance is influenced by Organizational Justice with respect to Procedure Justice and Interactive Justice .

  7. 本文在既有的社会情绪研究成果的基础上,对农村社会的特殊群体&农村青年消极社会情绪的内涵、表现、成因、社会危害与疏导进行了较为系统全面的论述。

    Based on former research in social mood , this thesis roundly and systematically dissertates the connotations , performance , causes and harmfulness of the negative social mood arisen among the youth group in rural area .

  8. 本文在分析高速公路社会效益量化研究现状基础上,针对已有高速公路社会效益量化模型的局限性,提出建立通用宏观计量经济模型的基本思路,为高速公路社会效益量化提供了一种具有普适性的方法。

    On the base of analysing the social benefit quantification of State highway , combined with the limitation of social benefit evaluation model , the base method of general macro quantification economic model is created . Then , it takes a general method to social-economic benefit quantification model .

  9. 对社会公德的研究首先应建立在对社会本身性质的研究基础之上。

    The study of social morality should be based on the study of social nature .

  10. 社会资本是20世纪70年代后期在西方社会网络研究的基础上发展起来的、与物质资本和人力资本相对应的理论概念。

    Social capital theory has been developed on the study of social network since 1970.It is a new capital and opposite to the material capital and the manpower capital .

  11. 我国乡村社区成员所面临的社会排斥的最大特征是制度性特征,在对社会排斥研究的基础上提出了一些建设性的建议和解决措施。

    The major feature of social exclusion faced in rural community is mainly due to system .