
  • 网络multiple voicing;multiple voices
  1. 在多次回乡所看到的现实面前的复杂心情使诗歌创作呈现出多重声音的复调组合。

    The complicated moods in facing the reality everytime he came back to hometown made his poetical creation polyphonic .

  2. 海明威小说的叙事声音时而单一,时而多声部,它混合着现实作者、隐含作者、叙述者、人物等多重声音,他根据作品的需要统筹安排叙述声音的强与弱。

    The narrative voices in Hemingway 's novels are , for one time , single , for other time , multi-voices with those of the real author , implied author , narrator , and characters .

  3. 精当的叙事话语,多重叙述声音,使《左传》的叙事更觉灵动多姿。

    The precise and appropriate narrative words , the multiple narration sounds , cause Zuo zhuan narrates thinks nimble and resourceful varied .

  4. 因此“海洋”的声音在一个嘈杂的房间中听来会更大。因为房间里多重复杂的声音会在贝壳中来回激荡、相互混杂。

    The " ocean " is a lot louder in a noisy room where a multitude of sounds bounce around and mix together inside the shell .