
  • 网络Hate the rich;enemy rich
  1. 仇富心理不再是美国政治中的有效力量。

    Resentment of the rich was no longer a potent force in American politics .

  2. 中国穷人为什么穷,因为他们都有仇富心理。

    Why are the poor people in China poor , because they hate rich people .

  3. 第一部分为仇富现象的研究现状及存在的问题。

    The first part is the hatred of the rich phenomena of current situation and existing problems .

  4. 浅析我国社会转型时期仇富心态

    An Analysis of the Mentality of Hating the Rich in the Period of China 's Social Transition

  5. 本文从心理学视角出发研究仇富现象,主要包括三个部分。

    From the perspective of psychology , hatred of the rich phenomena , mainly includes four parts .

  6. 仇富现象的研究是符合我国当代发展需要的重要课题。

    The phenomenon of hatred of the rich is in line with the contemporary development needs an important issue .

  7. 这种仇富心态如果得不到及时疏导和排解,发展到一定程度会危害社会安定,不利于我国社会主义和谐社会的构建。

    This mentality may endanger social stability , which is disadvantageous for the establishment of a harmonious socialist society in our country .

  8. 我们并不需要有仇富心态,但其实也不需要大肆地对有钱人「歌功颂德」

    We do not have to hostile to the rich , but does not actually need it to rich men without restraint either'eulogize ' .

  9. 更加值得玩味的是,这项研究出自萨莫斯先生之手,他是前任财政部长,很难被归类为仇富派的勇士。

    It is all the more interesting that the research comes from Mr. Summers , a former Treasury secretary who is hardly known as a soak-the-rich class warrior .

  10. 另一位博主认为这次判决意味着法律的胜利,且法律的公正应该基于事实,而不是基于那些仇富公众的愤怒情绪。

    Another calls the judgment a victory of law , and the law 's justice should be based on facts , not the collective outrage from the public , who resent the rich and privileged .

  11. 公共权力分配的不平等导致社会成员产生仇富情结,社会成员的对峙心理进一步加强。

    The public division of powers is not equal , which causes the members of different social classes to have " the enmity rich complex ", and the confront psychology between different social classes further strengthens .

  12. 如此严峻的贫富悬殊,随之带来的是各种社会问题,巨大的贫富反差会激起普遍的仇富心理,进而造成社会的不稳定。

    The stern polarization of the rich and the poor brings along with it various social problems , among which the huge wealth contrast can arouse universal enmity against the rich , then makes the society unstable .

  13. 允许一人先富起来的政策,让人们的心态好多了。但仇富观念的消除,还要漫长的历程。

    The policy of " allowing some people to get rich " has balanced people 's mind to some extent , but there is still a long way to go before we can get rid of " the hatred toward the wealthy " .

  14. 要充分认识仇富心态的现实表现及影响,探寻消除仇富心态的方法,为我国全面建设小康社会提供一个安定的社会和心理环境。

    Therefore , it is essential for us to be fully aware of the negative effects of this mentality , and explore the effective measures to get rid of it , so as to create a stable social and mental environment for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects .