
  1. 嘿!它怎么会不刺你啊?

    Hey ! How come it didn 't sting you ?

  2. 我会挑选一些比较客气的,不那么刺人的句子。

    I shall select from the more polite and less irritating speeches .

  3. 但拿兵器的人甚惧怕,不肯刺他。

    But his armourbearer would not ; for he was sore afraid .

  4. 骷髅亮骨:史上最赞的浅灰色,都挑不出刺儿来。

    Skull & Glossbones : Best light gray ever , no bones about it .

  5. 玫瑰花没有不长刺的。

    There is no rose without a thorn .

  6. 不过,我不爱希刺克厉夫先生;等他回来,我就不敢来了。他要走开好多天吗?

    I don 't love Mr Heathcliff , though ; and I dare not come when he returns ; will he stay away many days ? '

  7. “那是因为你不喜欢希刺克厉夫先生,”她回答。

    It was because you disliked Mr Heathcliff , 'she answered .

  8. 想要玫瑰的人不可漠视刺。

    He who wants a rose must respect the thorn .

  9. 就像鱼不可能没有刺一样,可爱的孩子。

    Like fish goes with chips , sweet child .

  10. 我问他喜欢不喜欢希刺克厉夫先生。

    I asked if he liked Mr Heathcliff .

  11. 打赤脚的人不应载刺。

    He that goes barefoot not plant thorne .

  12. 我不在乎希刺克厉夫达到了他的目的,因夺去了我最后的幸福而洋洋得意!

    I 'd not care that Heathcliff gained his ends , and triumphed in robbing me of my last blessing !

  13. 她只要吐出几个字,暗示不喜欢希刺克厉夫,这就足以把他对这孩子的旧恨全都勾起来。

    A few words from her , evincing a dislike to Heathcliff , were enough to rouse in him all his old hatred of the boy .

  14. 到处也不见希刺克厉夫的踪影。约瑟夫呢,我跟他走到马厩,请他陪我进去,他先瞪着我,又自己咕噜着,随后就皱起鼻子回答

    Mr Heathcliff was nowhere visible ; and Joseph , whom I followed to the stables , and requested to accompany me in , after staring and muttering to himself , screwed up his nose , and replied

  15. 我们都不愿意提希刺克厉夫失踪的事,我们能瞒多久就瞒多久,所以我回答,我不知道她怎么想起来坐着不睡,她也没说什么。

    Neither of us wished to mention Heathcliff 's absence , as long as we could conceal it ; so I replied , I didn 't know how she took it into her head to sit up ; and she said nothing .

  16. 我再也不想称希刺克厉夫为一个绝妙的人了。

    I no longer felt inclined to call Heathcliff a capital fellow .

  17. 你不知道,这刺入心骨的痛。

    You don 't know , the piercing the heart of bone pain .

  18. 你知道的,你挑不出里面的刺。

    You know you can 't handle the bones .

  19. 再一次面对着海伦美丽的脸庞,曼纽拉斯怎么也不忍心把剑刺入她的身体。

    Facing her charming face again , Menelaus felt it difficult to thrust his sword into her body .

  20. 他禁不住要狠狠刺一下周围那些人的自负、伪善和神气十足的爱国心,就像一个孩子忍不住手痒要刺破一个气球似的。

    He could no more resist pricking the conceits , the hypocrisies and the flamboyant patriotism of those about him than a small boy can resist putting a pin into a balloon .

  21. 连队的战士们壮烈牺牲了,阿南,这名勇敢的连长,被气愤的日军绑在树干上,日军不停以刺刀刺他,最后把他伤痕累累的尸体烧毁。

    Their lives ended in grisly deaths at Japanese hands . Adnan , the courageous leader , was hung by his legs to a tree and repeatedly bayoneted before his mutilated body was burnt .

  22. 不,那不是因为我不喜欢希刺克厉夫先生,而是因为希刺克厉夫先生不喜欢我;

    Then you believe I care more for my own feelings than yours , Cathy ? 'he said . 'No , it was not because I disliked Mr Heathcliff , but because Mr Heathcliff dislikes me ;