
  1. 资讯科技署也能确定庄严在董事会中获得权利资源的创新。

    IT department can also ascertain gravitas in the boardroom in getting the right resources for innovations .

  2. 在权利资源的配置上,特留份能够实现效用的最大化。

    For disposition of resources of right , legitim is in a position to realize maximization of effectiveness .

  3. 利益作为一种重要的权利资源,也是社会发展的动力源泉。

    Interest , one of the most important social phenomenons , has become a motivation for the development of the whole society .

  4. 所以我们必须重视政治资源的优化配置,通过政治制度资源、政治权力资源、政治权利资源和政治文化资源的合理配置与使用来实现它。

    We should use the reasonable allocation for system resources , power resources , right resources and political ideology resources to realize it .

  5. 社会资源配置层面主要表现为在社会资本,教育资源及权利资源方面对外来非正规就业者的藩蓠与偏颇;文化性认知呈现的主要是对外来非正规就业者的偏见与歧视。

    As a result of social resources distribution , the social resources , educational resources and rights resource are hedged and in the layer of culture perception , individual encounters prejudice and discrimination .

  6. 经济主体及其权利:资源市场化配置的法学分析

    Economic Subject and Its Rights : Law Analysis of Market Resources Allocation

  7. 闲暇时间是一种社会财富和社会资源,是男女两性应该平等拥有与享用的权利和资源。

    With the increase of free time for rural women , free time has become important social resources affecting womens subsistence and development .

  8. 结果他们联合起来,争取应有的权利、资源及机会,成立「路向义工团」。

    They came together to form " Direction Volunteer Service for the Handicapped " to strive for their own welfare , resources and opportunities .

  9. 罗马的会议将讨论与《条约》未来相关的事宜,如融资战略、农民的权利和资源的可持续利用。

    The Rome conference will discuss issues relevant for the future of Treaty such as Funding Strategy , Farmers ' Rights and the sustainable use of resources .

  10. 男女两性在文化特征上存在着差别,性别文化中存在着明显的性别偏见.闲暇时间是一种社会财富和社会资源,是男女两性应该平等拥有与享用的权利和资源。

    Both sexes , men and women , differ greatly in cultural aspects . Free time is social wealth and social resources , and a right and resources that should be enjoyed by both sexes on an equal footing .

  11. 合理使用制度适当的协调了著作权人与公共利益之间的矛盾,使得保护著作权人的权利与资源共享促进社会文化发展这两方面和谐的共存于著作权法律之中。

    It plays an important role in ensuring the balance between protecting the benefit of owner of copyright and sharing the resources during the executing process of copyright law , by coordinating the interest conflicts between owner of copyright and the public .

  12. 校本课程开发的实践研究课题研究的目的在于不断优化课程权利和资源配置,使学校成为课程决定的中心,使教师成为课程开发的主体,使其与国家课程开发相互补充。

    The practical research of school-based curriculum development aims at optimizing the course rights and allocation of resources . It will help schools become the center in making curriculum decisions and make teachers become the subject of the curriculum development , complementing to the national curriculum development .

  13. 权利保障和资源分配对两性养老保险分配的公平性具有重要影响。

    Right protection and resource allocation exert great influence on the justice of insurance endowment .

  14. 水物权是物权性质的权利,包括资源水权和产品水权两类;

    The water-drawing right is the first step from water resources right to water product right .

  15. 公法学科对村民自治的垄断直接导致村民自治权利司法救济资源的缺失。

    And the academic monopolization resulted in the scarcity of the private law relief for self-governance .

  16. 矿产资源的使用权是从其所有权派生出来的权利,矿产资源的使用权分为探矿权和采矿权。

    The right to use mineral resources is derived from its ownership by right of tenure into mineral resources prospecting and mining rights .

  17. 基本公共医疗服务是每个居民应该享有的权利,医疗资源配置合理性是医疗服务利用合理性的前提。

    Every citizen has enjoyed the rights of essential public health care , rationality of health resources allocation is the previous of health services .

  18. 卫生公平性着重依赖于个人是否有能力挑战和改变差距极大的社会资源不公平分配情况,而每个人应当有同样的资格和权利享受这些资源。

    Health equity depends vitally on the empowerment of individuals to challenge and change the unfair and steeply graded distribution of social resources to which everyone has equal claims and rights .

  19. 最后,文章分别从明晰矿产资源产权、合理界定环境权利、建立资源耗竭补偿机制、完善资源价格形成机制等方面给出了促进我国矿业经济可持续发展的几点政策建议。

    Finally , the article puts forward several suggestions in policy from the aspect such as clarifying the property rights of mineral resources , defining the environmental rights rationally , establishing the resources depletion allowance system , consummating the forming system of resources price etc.

  20. 经济权利主体行为与资源市场化配置的运行环境。

    Activities of economic subject decide effect of resources allocation .

  21. 残疾人士和我们一样,是社会的一份子,有权利去享用社会资源。

    Just like everyone of us , disabled persons have the right to enjoy the social resources .

  22. 首先基于权利概念对水资源财产权进行了反思。

    First , it re-thinks the concept of property rights to water resources on the concept of right .

  23. 这一制度对于慎重启动追诉程序,保护公民权利和节约司法资源等方面都起到了明显的作用。

    This system have played a significant role to start seriously recourse procedures , protect civil rights and save judicial resources .

  24. 权利对等作为人力资源管理的基本原则,是得到权力者和权利者共同认可的。

    As a basic principle of human resource management , rights equity is accepted by both authoritative power and the rights enjoyers .

  25. 本文首先通过权利信息描述和资源的元数据描述的整合提出了教育资源的数字权利许可证基本模型。

    Firstlty , the paper brings out license model of usage of learning resources by integrating learning object metadata specifiction with rights expression language .

  26. 教育公平问题归根结底是一个权利、机会等资源的分配和再分配问题,其中分配标准是关键。

    The issues of educational equity in which the distribution criterion is key role are exactly the distribution or redistribution of educational resources such as rights , opportunities etc.

  27. 而贯穿于美国教育法律的基本原理和根本精神就是持续不断地追求教育平等,这集中体现在教育机会平等、受教育权利平等、教育资源平等和教育过程中的程序平等。

    However , the basic principle and fundamental spirit that run through the American educational laws are to continuously seek educational equality which concentrates the reflection on equal educational opportunity , equal educational rights , equal educational resource and equal procedure in the course of education .

  28. 宪法规定了广泛的公民权利,实施权利需要配置资源,在我国工业化进程中,宪法规定的农民的公民权利被搁置,造成农民公民权利的贫困。

    In the country 's industrialization process , the Constitution stipulates the fundamental rights of farmers have been shelved . The citizen 's right to receive education is one of the citizen 's most fundamental rights prescribed in the Constitution .

  29. 该模型在传统权利描述模型的主体、权利、资源三元组上加入义务和条件因子,结构上设计为一个XML绑定的许可证模型,使其具有可操作性。

    This model adds the constraint and obligation elements to the traditional core set which consists of subject , right and resource . Structurally it is designed into a XML-bound certificate model , which makes it more exercisable .

  30. 水权利是一组涉水权利,由水资源所有权、水权和其他水权利构成。

    The ownership of water resources is an identical abstract proprietary right among curren .