
  • 网络Transfer of power;Power Shift
  1. 完整制与分离制:宋代地方行政权力的转移

    Centralized vs. Separate System : The Transfer of Local Administrative Power in the Song Dynasty

  2. 从高管层变动看公私合营企业权力的转移

    Shift in Power in Joint State-Private Enterprises as Seen from Changes in Their Top Management

  3. 然而,奥尼尔同样相信或者说希望可以以一种更为积极的角度来看待这种权力的转移。

    However , O'Neill also believed or hoped that this shift in power could be seen in a more positive sense , too .

  4. 网络政治动员的消极作用主要在于网络政治动员导致了政治权力的转移,削弱了国家权威,冲击了政治稳定。

    The cyber politics mobilization results in the transfer of political power , the impairment of state authority and the shock to political stabilization .

  5. 但如果我们不对随之而来的资源压力加以管理,结果可能会很悲惨;而如果我们不设法应对权力的转移,结果可能会是战争。

    But if we do not manage the consequent pressure on resources , it may end in misery ; and if we do not manage the shifts in power , it may end in war .

  6. 社会转型引发公共教育权力的转移,政府职能转变和市场机制的发展成为影响我国中小学学校制度变迁的关键性因素。

    In the process of social mode transition , the change of government 's functions and the development of the market mechanism are the key factors affecting the system transition of primary and secondary schools in China .

  7. 治理的核心在于权力的转移与重新分配,政府治理和公司治理研究的兴起为大学内部治理模式的构建提供了理论基础和现实参照。

    The core of the governance is power of transferring and redistribution , and the rise of government management and corporate governance research provides theory basis and practical reference for the internal governance modes of the construction in the university .

  8. 这一集团(或说其部分成员国)过去十年的发展或许令世界震惊,但它需要提升增长的质量,以及进一步的增长,来巩固这种权力的转移。

    The grouping , or some of them , may have astonished the world with their progress over the past 10 years . But it will require a qualitative improvement as well as more growth to consolidate that shift of power .

  9. 世界权力的中心转移到东亚和太平洋地区。

    The centre of gravity in the world shifts to East Asia & Pacific .

  10. 辛亥革命前后绅权扩张与农村社会权力中心的转移

    The squire 's power and the organization of rural society before and after the revolution of 1911

  11. 亚洲权力平衡的转移将会加快&美国逐步衰落,中国日渐崛起。

    The balance of power in Asia would shift even faster , with a rising China facing a weakened America .

  12. 但尴尬的是,全球权力的重大转移,一直体现为美国实力下降和亚洲日益崛起&而不是欧洲的复兴。

    The awkwardness is that the big shifts in global power have been about a hobbled America and a rising Asia rather than a resurgent Europe .

  13. 不过,家族权力天平的转移不仅事关子女已经长大,拥有了独立和威信。

    The shift in the familial balance of power , however , is more than a matter of the children having got older and gained independence and authority .

  14. “躲猫猫”游戏原意指的是一个猫和老鼠的策略,也就是躲藏者和寻找者角色之间权力的相互转移。

    The game Hide and Seek refers to a cat and mouse strategy that shifts power back and forth between the hider and the seeker as each of the players takes a turn .

  15. 但趋势很明显:随着内容的消费者得到更多控制权,能够理解、追踪并回应这些消费者的公司,将从这种权力的巨大转移中获得最多的利润。

    But the trend is clear : as consumers of content assume more control , the companies that understand , track and respond to those consumers will profit most from the big shift in power .

  16. 16世纪宗教改革引发了教会权力的大规模转移,英国教会转而处于至尊王权的一元权力体系统治之下,教职界也由此前承担的双重纳税义务走向单一纳税义务。

    With the large scale transfer of church power as a result of religious reform , the English church was placed under the monistic monarchical power and the obligation of clerical circles also moved from double taxation to single taxation .

  17. 汉代土地所有权常随着政治权力的运动而发生转移;

    The proprietorship of land was often transferred with the change of political power .

  18. 在人类政治文明化的演进中,人们所以选择代表的方式进行社会管理,是由公共权力的内在特征决定的,也是由公共权力的和平转移与运用以及现代社会规模过大等因素要求的。

    In the evolution process of human beings'politics civilization , people choose representative method to manage the society , which is dependent on the inherent characters of the public power .

  19. 渠道对角线转移理论,是当前西方学术界对营销渠道权力理论的最新研究成果,它从全新的视角对渠道权力的转移规律进行了动态研究。

    Diagonal devolution is the new research achievement of sale channel right theory of west academic circles .