
  • 网络power resource;resource of power
  1. 首先,对于职权性来说,公共官员最显著的特点是占有着社会权力资源,具有一定的职权。

    Firstly , the most prominent feature of public officials is the possession of social power resources .

  2. 所以我们必须重视政治资源的优化配置,通过政治制度资源、政治权力资源、政治权利资源和政治文化资源的合理配置与使用来实现它。

    We should use the reasonable allocation for system resources , power resources , right resources and political ideology resources to realize it .

  3. 每个雇员都有五种可以利用的权力资源。

    Every employee has five sources of power to draw from .

  4. 论权力资源的法律调控方式

    On the Way of the Legal Regulation on the Power Resource

  5. 话语权是课堂权力资源最核心的部分;

    Discourse power is the core of class teaching power resources .

  6. 估量自己潜在的权力资源并善用之。

    Assess your potential power sources and use them to your advantage .

  7. 但改革开放以来,国家政策对村庄权力资源配置的影响在弱化。

    But after the reform and open-up , country policy influences has decreases .

  8. 课程管理体制的改革,本质上是课程权力资源的重新配置与划分。

    The essence of the reform of curriculum administration system is the re-collocation of curriculum power resource .

  9. 你可以利用你拥有的任何一种权力资源来建立、充实你的另一种权力资源。

    You can leverage any source of power you have to build your base of power in another source .

  10. 在刑事诉讼法治的语境下,侦查权力资源的配置必须遵循比例原则和必要性原则。

    Constitutionality of criminal lawsuit requires that disposition of investigation resources follow the principle of proportion and that of necessity .

  11. 在联盟成员的联合议会的指导下,有一权力资源可被行使,

    There is a fund of power to be exercised under the direction of the joint councils of the allied members ,

  12. 虽然各村庄所面对的宏观政策背景相同,但是特定的权力资源配置格局,却会形成特定的村庄二元权力结构互动情况。

    Although villages faced same policy background , but the specific power resource setup form the specific interactive from the double-powered structure .

  13. 政府和社团之间的契约合作行政隶属并存等等。这些特征表明,政府的权力资源和行政利益始终是职能转换过程以及这类社团组织发展背后强大的制约力量。

    The conclusion shows that administration power and administration benefit are powerful factors effected on GONGO development and the transformation of government function .

  14. 合理运用权力资源,为增强有效性提供有力的权威支持。

    Applying power resources reasonably so as to provide the authorized support for strengthening the effects of ideological and political work in the army .

  15. 为了国家的防卫,广西的领导人很大程度放弃了他们的权力资源。

    In going to the defense of China , the Kwangsi leaders gave up to a large degree control over their own base of power .

  16. 论婚姻过程中的权力资源分配和权力冲突协商&一项微观社会运行层次的考察

    Sharing of Power Resources and Consulting of Power Conflict in the Course of Marriage ── An Observation from the Perspective of Microcosmic Level of Social Operation

  17. 阐述了知识作为权力资源产生了话语权力不平等的关系。

    The paper states knowledge as the resource of power , the power and knowledge link together generate the unequal relationship of the power of discourse .

  18. 伊拉克战争对美国的权力资源带来了巨大的增长,这对国际秩序的影响将产生重大影响。

    The war in Iraq added more power resources to the U.S. , which in turn will have a great impact on the future international order .

  19. 根据占有权力资源的多少,村民分为管理者、非管理精英、普通村民三个权力阶层。

    According to their authority resources , the villagers may be divided into three authorities social strata : the managers , the non-managerial elites , the ordinary villagers .

  20. 地方政府利益主体意识的觉醒有利于中央与地方之间权力资源的合理配置。

    It is advantageous to dispose the authority resources reasonably between the central government and local governments , when the interest entity consciousness of the local government is awakened .

  21. 第二部分先总体描述了克林顿总统的权力资源和领导风格背景,又将理论视角用于个案分析,解释了克林顿的经济刺激计划和医疗保健改革计划受挫的原因。

    The second part begins with an overview of the leadership style and power resource background of Clinton presidency , and then applies the two angles to the case study .

  22. 在法律制度方面,通过建立环境行政强制制度,强化执行手段,为环境执法提供权力资源。

    In the legal system , through the establishment of a mandatory system of environmental administration , and strengthen the means of implementation to provide power resources for environmental enforcement .

  23. 权力资源、生活机会和财政体制&论我国三农问题及农村税费改革思路

    Power Resource , Living Opportunity and Public Finance System : Exploring the Issue of Countryside , Farmer and Agriculture in Our Country and Train of Thought on Tax-fee Reformation in Countryside

  24. 有些人利用手中掌握的权力资源进行违规的林权流转、以其他的方式钻政策空子、侵害林农利益等现象时有发生。

    Some people use the power of the hands of irregular flow of resources , drilling in other ways the policy loopholes , against the interests of foresters have occurred from time .

  25. 城市居民是既得利益的获得者,他们对社会资源的控制以及行动的能力和可能性明显高于农民,而这些差异又通过权力资源的积聚来影响国家政策的安排。

    Urban residents have benefited from such policies . They are superior to peasants in the control of social resources and the ability and probability of act , which influences national policies through the accumulation of power .

  26. 政策创新能力的大小强弱首先取决于政府能力的大小,与政府所拥有的人力资源、财力资源、权力资源、权威资源、文化资源、信息资源和制度资源有关。

    The strength of this kind of capability is primarily decided by a government 's capability and related to the government 's resources such as human resources , financial resources , power , authority , culture , information and system .

  27. 每一种权力资源都与特定社会的现实状况相适应,并依此获得正当性,但又随着社会实践的发展逐步失去其正当性,并面临着向新的权力资源转换的要求。

    Each stage is all fit for the special social condition and to obtain right from that , but lost right with the development of social condition , so that face to demand of transform to the new resource of power .

  28. 在联盟成员的联合议会的指导下,有一权力资源可被行使,但是那些保留给单独成员的权力则不可为共同政府或制定它的个人所染指。

    There is a fund of power to be exercised under the direction of the joint councils of the allied members , but that which has been reserved by the individual members is intangible by the common Government or the individual members composing it .

  29. 在重点分析了我国现有软权力资源的基础上,通过对其他国家软权力发展经验现状进行剖析,总结其利用软权力建设政府形象中起到积极意义的具体措施。

    The stress on analyzing the soft power of our existing resources of other countries , through the soft power to analyze the situation in the development of experience and the soft power of the construction of the government has the image of positive measures .

  30. 随着政治参与意识的逐步增强,农村私营企业主作为农村经济精英开始积极介入农村基层政治,通过竞选成为村民委员会主任或委员,直接掌握一定的组织&权力资源。

    With the enhancement of consciousness of political participation , as economic elites , private enterprise owners have began to enter the village level politics actively , and held the resources of " organization & right " directly through the election of the villager committee .