
  • 网络consistency theory;coherence theory;The Argument From Congruity
  1. 在知识论领域,有两种相互竞争的信念确证理论。一种是基础论,另一种是一致论。

    In the field of epistemology , two theories about how belief justification occurs compete with each other for prominence .

  2. 他抨击国际关系中狭隘的国家主义和社会达尔文主义,提出了一致论,即在国际关系中奉行待人如己、相互尊重的伦理原则。

    He attacked narrow nationalism and Social Darwinism in international relations , and put forward the theory of Consistency , that is the ethical principle of treating others as treating yourself and mutual respect in international relations .

  3. 而当今西方主流宏观经济分析的微观化,则从凯恩斯的宏观经济学倒退到斯密的私人利益与社会利益一致论和个量总和与宏观总量相等论,从而用微观经济学取代了宏观经济学。

    However , the micro-economic approach to western mainstream macro-economic analysis has retreated from Keynesian macro-economics in favor of Adam Smith 's view that private and social interests are identical and the sum of individuals is equivalent to the macro-total , thus replacing macroeconomics with micro-economics .

  4. 语境的一致基础论:解决回溯问题的另类方法

    Coherent Foundational of Context : Alternative Solution to Regress Problem

  5. 在人性一律(一致)论的基础上,康有为主张,人类的基本价值是相通的,可以“暗合”。

    On the basis of human concordance , Kang advocated that men share some basic values .

  6. 跟核物质主要特性相一致的相对论性平均场理论被用来研究核物质里的类声集体模式的激发。

    The relativistic mean field theory consistent with bulk properties of nuclear matter is extended to study the excitations of the sound-like collective modes in nuclear matter .

  7. 论文采用了主体与客体的统一、逻辑与历史相一致、系统论等研究方法。

    The thesis adopts several researching methods such as the unity of subject and object , logic consistent with history approach , system theory , and so on .