
  1. 这一归责原则在国际环境法和其他国家环境法的损害赔偿领域已有大量应用,我国相关环境立法中也有关于该原则的规定。

    The principle is widely adopted by the international environmental law and the environmental law of other countries in the field of environmental damage compensation , and it is also stipulated in the environmental legislation in China .

  2. 因此,我很高兴的将这一说法归为荒诞。

    So I am happy to classify this as a myth .

  3. 讨论了一元归责论和二元归责论。

    The unitary ascription of responsibility and dual ascription of responsibility are discussed .

  4. 这一发现归谁尚有争议。

    The authorship of the discovery is disputed .

  5. 午夜过后,只准许一次归返。

    Only one homecoming allowed after midnight .

  6. 若我想带一人归主,我必须有智慧;

    I had need to be wise if I am to turn even one to righteousness ;

  7. 一级归出成率为17.10%比对照高6.97个百分点。

    First-class root extractions were 17.10 % , which was about 6.97 percent higher than CK .

  8. 单独采用一种归责原则或者将两种原则进行简单组合都是不合理的。

    It is unreasonable to take single doctrine or make two kinds of principles up simply .

  9. 一颗归零的心却清不掉已然留下的印记。

    A return zero of heart but pure drop to have already leave of print to record .

  10. 这一发现归谁尚有争议。被告之罪尚有疑问。

    The authorship of the discovery is disputed . The guilt of the accused man was in doubt .

  11. 公平责任作为一项归责原则,它是近代的产物,1917年的《瑞士债法典》将其作为一般原则加以确认。

    Fair responsibility has been regarded as a principle . In 1917 Sweden takes it as a general principle .

  12. 为那两只羊占阄:一阄归与耶和华,一阄归与阿撒泻勒。

    He is to cast lots for the two goats-one lot for the Lord and the other for the scapegoat .

  13. 总的来说,学者们所提出的归责原则体系比较有代表性的有三种:一元归责体系、二元归责体系和三元归责体系。

    Generally speaking , there are three representative systems proposed by scholars : monistic system , dualistic system and triple system .

  14. 无过错责任原则作为民法的一项归责原则,对于归咎民事责任具有十分重要的意义。

    As a principle in civil law , the principle of no fault liability is of great significance in imputing civil liability .

  15. 严格责任作为刑法中的一种归责原则,是英美法系国家刑法理论的一个特色。

    The strict liability is a imputative principle of legal liability and a feature of the criminal theory in Anglo-American law systems .

  16. 在今天,对于公平责任的适用范围,能否作为一项归责原则及其法律依据等方面都存在较大的争议,也值得我们进一步的探讨。

    Nowadays , it is argued about its usage scope and whether it is adopted as a principle or its law basis .

  17. 某公司将其打算剥离的业务注入一家归其股东所有的新公司,这种交易无需纳税。

    A company would stick a business it wanted to unload into a new corporation owned by its shareholders , which is a tax-free transaction .

  18. 任何专业学科的研究必然包含两项重点:一为归原,一为博观。

    Researches of any professional subjects definitely included two important points : " researching into the origin " as one and " getting knowledge widely " as another .

  19. 瞎子立刻看见了,就跟随耶稣,一路归荣耀与神。众人看见这事,也赞美神。

    And immediately he received his sight , and followed him , glorifying God : and all the people , when they saw it , gave praise unto God .

  20. 不要用悲哀的诗句,告诉我人生如梦;灵魂一入归便死去,切莫被外表欺哄。

    Tell me not in mournful numbers , life is but an empty dreams ; for the soul is dead that slumbers , and things are not what they seem .

  21. 由于征服者的人数相对来说较少,广大的土地未被分配,一部分归全体人民占有,一部分归各个部落和氏族占有。

    The conquerors being relatively few in number , large tracts of land were left undivided , as the property partly of the whole people , partly of the individual tribes and gentes .

  22. 之所以如此,一要归之于租佃制在土地权属关系上的优势,其次是由于它在经济绩效方面的优势。

    It can be explained by two causes : one is that the soil tenancy system has the predominance in the connection of soil right , the other is it 's predominance in economy performance .

  23. 由于祖科提公园的特殊地位,使得目前的案例变得复杂:在与纽约市政府达成的协议中,祖科提公园是一处归私人拥有的空间,但却必需全天候开放给民众使用。

    The question in the current case is complicated by Zuccotti Park 's unusual status : under a zoning deal struck with the city , it is a privately owned space that must be open to the public at all times .

  24. 这一情报被归为绝密类别。

    This information has been classified top secret .

  25. 他想成立一家主要归这所大学所有的营利性公司。

    He wants to set up a profit-making company , owned mostly by the university .

  26. 很大一部分财产归了约翰。

    A large portion of the property went to John .

  27. 米其林一星被归为“同类别中出众的餐厅”。

    One Michelin star was classified as " a very good restaurant in its category . "

  28. 一种基于归零矩阵的TSP求解算法

    New Solving Algorithm of TSP Based on Return-to-zero Matrix

  29. 表层水体中MMHg的光化学降解在水体汞的生物地球化学循环中占有重要地位,是水环境中汞迁移转化的一个重要归趋。

    Photochemical degradation of MMHg in surface water plays a significant role in water biogeochemical cycling , which is an important trend of the migration and transformation of Hg in aquatic environments .

  30. 他必须去把一件礼物归还给商店。

    He had to go return a gift to the store .