
kě biān chénɡ xù luó jí zhèn liè
  • programmable logic array
  1. q-循环码结构循环移位可编程序逻辑阵列的可测试性设计

    The Construction of q-Cyclic Codes A Testable Design of Circular-shift PLAs

  2. 可编程序逻辑阵列的故障模型

    A PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC ARRAY FAULT MODEL A Method of Programmable Logic Array Simulation

  3. 可编程序逻辑阵列的伪穷举故障检测

    Pseudo Exhaustive Fault Detection In Programmable Logic Arrays

  4. 一种容易产生测试的可编程序逻辑阵列

    A PLA with easy test generation

  5. 一种可编程序逻辑阵列的布局算法

    A Placement Algorithm for PLA

  6. 熔丝烧断可编程序逻辑阵列

    Fuse programmable array logic

  7. 可编程序控制器可编逻辑阵列的折迭和版图自动生成

    Programmable Controller PLA 's Folding and Automatic Generation of Mask Pattern

  8. 独立可测的可编程序逻辑阵列

    Autonomous testable programmable logic array

  9. 作为应用,建立了随机有限元的计算列式。独立可测的可编程序逻辑阵列

    As an application of this principle , the formulation of stochastic finite element method is constructed . autonomous testable programmable logic array