
  • 网络Reliability Growth Test;RGT
  1. 可靠性增长试验评估是本文的主要研究内容。

    RGT evaluation is the main research concern of the thesis .

  2. 按照故障纠正方式的不同,可靠性增长试验可以分为以下3种模式:即时纠正模式、延缓纠正模式和含延缓纠正模式。

    According to different ways of failure fix , RGT test can be classified into the following 3 modes : instant fix mode , delayed fix mode and the both-combined fix mode .

  3. 该文论述了指数寿命型可靠性增长试验中的Bayes分析方法。

    This paper describes a method of Bayes analysis for reliability growth test of exponential life type .

  4. 动态建模方法的提出,可以解决Bayes方法可靠性增长试验评定中先验分布确定的关键问题。

    By constructing dynamic modeling methods , this paper solves the key problem of prior distribution establishment in RGTE when using Bayes method .

  5. Weibull寿命模型下火箭发动机可靠性增长试验的LS-Bayes分析

    The LS-Bayes Analysis for Rocket Engine Reliability Growth Test under Weibull Life Model

  6. 结合传统可靠性增长试验方式,以及鱼雷复杂装置的实际情况,作出基于Crow扩展模型的可靠性增长分析。

    Based on the traditional reliability growth test , considering the practical condition of complex equipment , the Extended Crow Model is introduced into complex equipment reliability growth research .

  7. 基于Arrhenius幂律模型,给出了分析恒定应力加速可靠性增长试验分组数据的图方法。

    Based on the model of Arrhenius power law , the graphical methods for analysing grouped data of constant stress accelerated reliability growth test were given .

  8. 再次,基于AMSAA-BISE模型给出了恒定应力下加速可靠性增长试验的试验方法。

    Then the testing method of constant stress Accelerated Reliability Growth Testing is given on the basis of AMSAA-BISE model .

  9. 本文将AMSAA模型推广到多台系统同步开发的可靠性增长试验的情况,所以,命名为AMSAA-BISE~2模型。

    In this paper , the AMSAA model is generalized to the reliability growth testing of multi-system simultaneous development , therefor it is denominated AMSAA-BISE model [ 2 ] .

  10. 基于复杂系统可靠性增长试验的特点,运用Duane可靠性增长模型结合数理统计中的线性回归方法对新批次产品的可靠性参数进行预测。

    This paper , based on the characteristics of complex system reliability growth test , use the ( Duane ) model and linear regression ( LR ) method to forecast the reliability parameters of new products .

  11. 在用杜安(Duane)增长模型制定可靠性增长试验的计划曲线时,确定总试验时间经常会遇到缺乏数据、经验和经费不足等困难。

    When the plan curve of reliability growth test is mapped on the Duane model , it is usually difficult to fix the total test time because of the lack of data , experience , funds , etc.

  12. 基于Arrhenius或逆幂律幂律模型,对恒定应力加速可靠性增长试验(CSARGT)的单独故障时间数据的情况,给出了统计分析方法,并用数值例说明了这些方法。

    Based on Arrhenius or inverse power law power law model , the statistical methods analysed individual failure time data of constant stress accelerated reliability growth testing ( CSARGT ) were given , and these methods were illustrated .

  13. 可靠性增长试验中一种新的参数估计法

    A New Process of Estimating Parameter in Reliability Growth Experiment

  14. 小型电磁阀可靠性增长试验的初步研究

    Tentative research about reliability growth test of diminutive solenoid valve

  15. 可靠性增长试验的计划曲线及其参数研究

    The study on plan curve of reliability growth test and its parameters

  16. 基于动态规划的可靠性增长试验增长目标确立方法

    Method for Growing Target Confirmation of Reliability Growth Test Through Dynamic Programming

  17. 可靠性增长试验中一类结构可靠度的统计分析

    The Statistical Analysis for Some Structure Reliability in the Reliability Growth Tests

  18. 涡喷发动机可靠性增长试验方案的设计

    Design for scheme of reliability growth testing of turbojet engine

  19. 论加速可靠性增长试验(Ⅳ)分组数据的数值方法

    Research on accelerated reliability growth testing (ⅳ) Numerical methods for grouped data

  20. 基于动态建模方法的可靠性增长试验评定

    Reliability growth test evaluation based on the dynamic modeling method

  21. 论加速可靠性增长试验(Ⅱ)理论基础

    Research on accelerated reliability growth testing (ⅱ) Theoretic basics

  22. 可靠性增长试验通用数学模型及其影响因素

    Approach to Universal Mathematic Model of Reliability Growth Testing and its Affecting Factors

  23. 导弹系统级综合环境可靠性增长试验技术与应用

    Technology and Application of Combined Environment Reliablity Growth Test for Missile System Level

  24. 几类可靠性增长试验的费用分析

    Cost analysis for several kinds of reliability growth testings

  25. 基于杜安模型的软件可靠性增长试验

    A Software Reliability Growth Test Based on Duane Model

  26. 论加速可靠性增长试验(Ⅷ)试验的组织与实施

    Research on accelerated reliability growth test (ⅷ) Organization and performance of the test

  27. 电子产品研制阶段可靠性增长试验研究

    Research of reliability growth and reliability growth test of electronic products in development stage

  28. 论加速可靠性增长试验(Ⅶ)步进应力试验方案的统计分析

    Research on accelerated reliability growth test (ⅶ) Statistical analysis of step stress test schemes

  29. 航天电子产品可靠性增长试验的关键技术浅述

    Key Technology of Reliability Growth Test for Avionics

  30. 某武器装备上设备可靠性增长试验技术问题

    The Testing of Reliability Growth for Some Weaponrys