
  • 网络Environmental reliability;HWV
  1. REWORK焊点在环境可靠性测试中表现良好,随热冲击循环次数的增加其可靠性一直维持着较高水平。

    REWORK solder joint performed well in the environmental reliable tests , with the cycles of thermal shock cycles increasing its reliability has been to maintain a high level .

  2. NEBS认证普遍被美国电信运营商所要求,客观上是电信设备进入美国市场的通行证。该认证从安全、电磁兼容和环境可靠性等方面对电信设备提出了严格要求。

    NEBS certification is required by most of the telecommunications carriers in America , and becomes the passport for telecommunication equipments for which want to entry the American market .

  3. 空空导弹综合环境可靠性试验剖面研究

    Research on Air to Air Missile Combined Environment Reliability Test Profile

  4. 基于分布式计算环境可靠性关键技术应用研究

    Study and Application of Key Technologies of Reliability Based on Distributed System

  5. 为将来进行单机环境可靠性试验提供建议。

    Many suggestions are proposed for future instrument reliability test .

  6. 浅谈环境可靠性试验管理中的若干工艺技术应用问题

    Considerations of the Technological Application in the Mechanics Environmental Test

  7. 综合环境可靠性试验中加速度传感器灵敏度的修正

    Sensitivity Correction of Acceleration Transducer in Combine Environmental Reliability Test

  8. 导弹系统级综合环境可靠性增长试验技术与应用

    Technology and Application of Combined Environment Reliablity Growth Test for Missile System Level

  9. 再入飞行器系统综合环境可靠性试验

    Combined Environmental Reliability Test of Reentry Vehicle System

  10. 每一项试验都是航天器环境可靠性试验的不可或缺的组成部分;

    Every kind of test is a indispensable part for spacecraft environment reliability test matrix .

  11. 环境可靠性实验室能力验证方法

    Verifying method of environment reliability laboratory capability

  12. 试论航天器环境可靠性试验

    Discussion on spacecraft environmental reliability test

  13. 根据导弹温度试验、综合环境可靠性试验和环境应力筛选的要求,对导弹传热过程进行了理论分析,讨论了加速因素和加速方法。

    The process of thermal conduction for missile is presented . Accelerating factor and method is discussed .

  14. 航天器单机级环境可靠性试验

    Spacecraft instrument environment reliability test

  15. 试验体系分为试验条件制定、试验和故障分析;建立一系列环境可靠性试验平台,进行单机产品环境可靠性试验方法研究;

    This paper introduces instrument reliability test method of'test-improvement-retest'model and test contents on the basis of a series of environment reliability test platform .

  16. 在综合环境可靠性试验中,加速度传感器的灵敏度会随不同的试验温度产生确定的、可逆的变化,而灵敏度的变化会导致振动控制系统产生系统误差。

    During combine environmental reliability test , the sensitivity of the acceleration transducer will produce certain and reversible change with the test temperature change , and the change will lead to the system error of the vibration control system .

  17. 为有效地进行防空导弹综合环境可靠性试验,根据试验剖面的模拟真实性、应力适当性和试验可操作性的要求,确定以防空导弹随战车值勤和空中飞行为主要试验阶段。

    The guard phase and the flight phase were regarded as the main test period to make sure antiaircraft missile combined environmental reliability test were carried out effectively in terms of the characteristic of simulation verisimilitude , stress propriety and test maneuverability .

  18. 本文对ASIP设计环境中可靠性的评估方法进行了深入的研究,主要的工作和贡献如下:(1)研究了可靠性评估机制,提出了一套适用于ASIP设计环境的可靠性评估方法。

    This dissertation takes deep research on reliability evaluation method of storage unit in ASIP . The main work and contribution are : ( 1 ) Make research on reliability evaluation method , and present a novel method that is suitable to ASIP design environment .

  19. 数控机床人-机-环境系统可靠性

    An Analysis on Reliability of the Man-Machine-Environment System of CNC Lathe

  20. 巷道放顶煤人-机-环境系统可靠性研究

    Study on the Reliability of Man-Machine-Environment System of Roadway Sub-Level Caving

  21. 军用车载计算机环境及可靠性试验方法浅析

    Analysis of Environment and Reliability Test for Military Computer mounted on Vehicle

  22. 建立了评价作业环境系统可靠性的计算方法。

    Development of evaluation and system reliability computation methods of working environment .

  23. 制定环境与可靠性规范与标准的新思路

    New concepts of establishing environmental and reliability specification and standard

  24. 采场人-机-环境系统可靠性模糊综合评价

    Reliability fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of man-machine-environment system in stope

  25. 提高车站客票发售与预订系统硬件环境的可靠性

    Improving Reliability on Hardware Environment of Ticketing and Reservation System of Chinese Railways

  26. 产品定制设计中人-机-环境的可靠性的设计方法研究

    Reliability Design of Human-machine-environment System in Product Design

  27. 工程材料低温服役安全性定量估算的临界温度-环境温度可靠性模型

    Critical TEMPERATURE-ENVIRONMENTAL temperature reliability model for estimating the security of engineering materials under low temperature

  28. 电力市场环境下可靠性指标的研究是可靠性问题的重要内容。

    In the market environment , it is an important part of system reliability problem to study reliability indices .

  29. 对该组件仔细做了环境和可靠性实验,其中包括震动,冲击和温度。

    The environment and reliability tests performed on this assembly were explored in detail , which include vibration , shock and temperature .

  30. 总结了大型天线的一般设计原则和设计要求,包括机、电、热、环境、可靠性及接口等设计要求。

    The design rule includes the criterion and requirements from electronics , mechanics , thermal and space environments as well as interface limitation .