
  1. 明清时代徽州的市镇与宗族&歙县岩镇和柳山方氏环岩派

    Towns and Patriarchal Qans in Huizhou During the Ming and Qing Dynasties

  2. 只有绳子没有安全吊带一点用也没有;另你还需要快扣,绳圈,勾环和岩盔。一种透过扣眼或吊钩将两边(鞋和衣服)拉在一起的绳索。

    A rope is no use without a harness . You need quickdraws and slings , carabiners and a helmet . a cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges ( as of a shoe or garment ) .

  3. 泡沫钻井流体环空携岩能力的影响因素

    Factors on Cuttings Carrying Capacity for Foam Drilling Fluids

  4. 水平井段环空携岩的实验研究

    Experimental study of cuttings - carrying in horizontal well

  5. 空气雾化钻井环空携岩流动试验研究

    Experimental research of annular carries in air-mist drilling

  6. 显然,井眼环空携岩问题是空气雾化钻井必须解决的基础理论问题。

    Obviously , annular carries is the basic theory question that must be solved in air and mist drilling .

  7. 但在超深井钻井过程中,面临地层高温、高压、产出流体相态复杂,这对环空携岩和安全是一个严峻的考验。

    During ultra deep well drilling , we will be confronted with high temperature , high pressure and complex produced fluid .

  8. 改善钻井液流变性能及加强水力清洗是解决水平井段环空携岩问题的两个重要途径。

    Improvement of fluid rheology and enhancement of hydraulic cleaning are the two important methods to solve the problem of cuttings transport in a horizontal well .

  9. 在空气雾化钻井中,井眼环空携岩流动是一种典型的气、液、固多相流动,其机理和规律十分复杂。

    In air and mist drilling , annular carries are the typical of gas , liquid and solid multiphase flow , and its mechanism and principles are very complicated .

  10. 薄水泥环套管井碳酸盐岩地层中合成波形分析

    Analysis of Synthetic Acoustic Waveforms in a Cased Borehole with Thin Cement Annulus Bedded in Carbonate Strata