
  • 网络Environmental Pollution & Control;ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND CONTROL;environmental pollution control;environmental pollution
  1. 矿山选矿有机化学药剂的环境污染与防治研究后者是木材防腐剂中的污染物质,也可用作杀虫剂。

    Study on the Environmental Pollution and Control of Organic Chemicals in the Mine Beneficiation The latter are present as contaminants in wood preservatives and also are used as pesticides .

  2. 用煤炭生产化肥联产C1化学品的发展前景浅谈河北省煤炭生产环境污染与防治

    The development prospects of production of chemical fertilizer and c_1 by-product with coal as raw material

  3. 城市道路交通环境污染与防治

    The Brief Discussion on the Pollution and Prevention of Traffic Environment

  4. 巢湖生态环境污染与防治对策

    The ecological environment pollution and Prevention Countermeasures in Chaohu Lake

  5. 室内环境污染与防治对策湛江辖区船舶防污染现状及对策

    Building material and indoor environment pollution present situation analysis The Zhanjiang area of jurisdiction ships guard against the pollution present situation and the countermeasure

  6. 宁波港、舟山港石油类海洋环境的污染与防治

    Oil marine pollution at Port of Ningbo and Zhoushan and pollution prevention

  7. 淮河安徽段水环境污染现状与防治对策

    Water Environment Pollution and Control Countermeasures in Huaihe River Near Anhui Province

  8. 餐饮娱乐业的环境污染与综合防治

    Restaurant and Entertainment Related Environment Pollution and General Management

  9. 国内土壤环境污染现状与防治措施

    Current Situation of Soil Environmental Pollution and Countermeasures of Prevention and Control in China

  10. 拆除爆破对环境的污染与防治

    Pollution of Demolition Blasting on Environment and Control

  11. 番禺区乡镇水环境污染特点与防治污染对策

    The characteristics of water environmental pollution and countermeasures for preventing and controlling pollution in Panyu

  12. 规模化畜禽养殖业环境污染问题与防治对策

    Environmental Pollution of the Scale Animal and Poultry Aquaculture and its Prevention and Remedy Countermeasures

  13. 新建图书馆室内环境的污染与防治

    In the Construction Engineering the Pollution and the Prevention and Cure of the Library Indoor Environment

  14. 规模化奶牛养殖场对环境污染的影响与防治

    Impact of Large-scale Dairy Farm on Environment Pollution and Its Control

  15. 磷矿山环境污染的形成与防治

    The Formation of Environmental Pollution in Phosphate Mines and its Prevention

  16. 湖北省农业环境污染的现状与防治措施

    Hubei Agricultural Pollution Status Quo and Prevention Measures

  17. 霞浦县环境噪声污染现状分析与防治措施

    The Analysis of the Current Status of Environmental Noise Pollution in Xiapu Country and Its Harnessing Countermeasures