
  1. 当代中国精神领域中的某种复杂心态在《库兰》中得到极其自由、自然的表述。

    A certain complex state of mind in the contemporary spiritual world in China finds its utmost free and natural expressions in Kulan .

  2. 它将成为当代中国人精神生活发展的方向。

    It will become the direction of modern chinese spirit lives .

  3. 当代中国人精神追求中存在的问题及解决对策。

    Fourth , the Chinese people pursue the spiritof the problems and solutions .

  4. 生命美学与当代中国人文精神的价值倡导与建构

    Life Aesthetics and Advocacy of Value and Construction of Contemporary Chinese Human Value

  5. 对当代中国科学精神的合理性反思

    Rationality Introspection of Contemporary Scientific Spirit of China

  6. 西方个性主义的合理因素与当代中国价值精神的重构

    The Reasonable factors of Western " Individualism " and Reconstruction of Contemporary Chinese Value Spirit

  7. 当代中国人文精神的建构:理论前提与实践路径

    Construction of the contemporary Chinese humanistic spirit : The theoretical premise and the practical approach

  8. 思想的流动与法治的构造&从当代中国人文精神思想角度的思考

    Idealistic Flowage and Law Structure & A Reflection of Starting from the Chinese Contemporary Humanity

  9. 全球化对当代中国的精神文明建设既是机遇又是挑战。

    Globalization is both a chance and a challenge towards the construction of contemporary China spiritual civilization .

  10. 论哲学的作用&兼论当代中国人文精神的塑造

    On the role of philosophy : a discussion of the construction of the humanity spirit in contemporary China

  11. 正确理解人文精神的内涵及实质,是当代中国人文精神建构的理论前提。

    The correct knowledge of humanistic spirit is the theoretical premise of the construction of the contemporary Chinese humanistic spirit .

  12. 深入研究挖掘马克思哲学人文关怀向度能够为当代中国人文精神的构建提供意义支撑。

    It can give the meaningful support for constructing the spirit of humane to research and exploit deeply into humane concern trend for Marx Philosophy in modern China .

  13. 这种现象充分反映了在全球化的语境下,当代中国民族精神问题受到越来越多人的关注。

    This phenomenon definitely give us a hint that more and more people started pay close attention to the problem of contemporary Chinese national spirit in the context of globalization .

  14. 马克思辩证法人文关怀思想蕴含的独特的生命智慧和人生态度对解决当代中国人精神困境具有重要的意义和作用。

    It is of great significance and role Humanism Marxist dialectics of the wisdom inherent in the unique life and attitude towards life the spirit of Chinese people to solve the dilemma .

  15. 文章最后阐述了休闲伦理建设对于当代中国社会精神文明的重要意义以及公民休闲道德教育的主要途径。

    At last , the essay elaborates the important role that the construction of leisure ethics plays for spiritual civilization in modern Chinese society and the main ways for the citizens to enjoy the education of leisure ethics .

  16. 文章运用了理论与实际相结合,逻辑分析和具体事例详解相结合,综合了文献研究和比较分析,对当代中国人文精神发展之现状及其原因进行了分析。

    By applying the theory and reality , logic Detailed analysis and concrete examples of combination of research and comparative analysis of the literature on the development of contemporary Chinese humanistic spirit of the present situation and the reasons were analyzed .

  17. 论当代中国的时代精神

    On the Spirit of the Times in Contemporary China

  18. 当代中国经济伦理精神建构的纬度和内涵&基于资本主义经济伦理精神的启示

    On the Construction of Chinese Economy Ethic Sprit & Based on Enlightenment of Ethic Spirit of Capitalist Economy

  19. 另一方面则以新历史主义创作呈现当代中国人的精神面貌。

    On the other hand , they are able to use their school of New Historicism to express the spirituality of the modern Chinese people .

  20. 人们在影视艺术与日常生活的互文中认识和理解自己当下的生活,从而对当代中国人的精神生活产生影响。

    People know and understand their own present life in the intertexture of movie and TV art and daily life , which is influencing Chinese people 's spiritual life .

  21. 在肯定当代中国人的精神世界取得的长足发展和进步的前提下,揭示了当代中国人的精神世界存在主要问题及其造成的严重影响。

    While affirming great development and progress of the spiritual world of contemporary Chinese people achieved , revealed the major problems of contemporary Chinese spiritual world and caused seriously influence .

  22. 建构当代中国的人文精神,理解并确立人文精神与科学精神的统一,应以马克思人的发展理论为导向。

    We should construct humane spirit for the contemporary China , understand and establish the unity of humane spirit and scientific spirit under the direction of Marx 's theories of human development .

  23. 文章首先是从居安思危的问题意识与忧患意识出发,揭示现代性对当代中国人的精神世界的冲击及相应的精神生活困境。

    This article first starts from vigilant awareness and sense of urgency , and reveals the impact of the spiritual world of the modernity of contemporary Chinese people and the spirit of the difficult living conditions .

  24. 在这样的困境面前,我们需要再今后的国际交流中更加注重中国文化语境的个人表达,并更好地展现当代中国艺术的精神面貌。

    In the face of this dilemma , we need to again in the future international exchanges pay more attention to the personal expression of the Chinese cultural context , and to better show the mental outlook of contemporary Chinese art .

  25. 第三部分重点介绍了改革开放以来,当代中国人的精神文化需要呈现出来的新变化、新特点、新动向,分析了其中的经济、政治和文化原因;

    In the third part , I mainly introduce the new change , characteristics and tendency of people 's spiritual and cultural needs in contemporary China since practicing reform and opening up policies and analyze the economic , political and cultural reason ;

  26. 苏童是当代中国具有独特精神视野和审美韵味的重要小说家,其作品内涵的独特性主要源于作者对于世界、历史和人生的情感化体验及其审美传达。

    Su Tong is the important novelist who owns a unique vision and especially aesthetic appeal in contemporary China . The uniqueness of the content of his works is primarily due to emotional experience and aesthetic expression of the world , history and life .

  27. 马克思主义法学中国化与当代中国的社会主义法治精神

    Marxist Chinese-characterization & Socialist Spirit of Rule-of-law in Modern China

  28. 第三部分,当代中国人形而上精神的重建。把分析西方哲学的形而上精神得出的结论应用于当代中国人的形而上精神的重建,得到市场经济建设是当代中国人重建形而上理想的现实根基。

    In the third part , As a conclusion in China market economy is the real basis in which we can rebuild modern Chinese metaphysic ideal .

  29. 在充满历史感的运河文化中,传承中华民族五千年的文明轨迹,当代中国院落别墅的精神气质应运而生。

    In canal culture filled with history sense , Chinese nation 's five millennial civilization is inherited , and contemporary Chinese yard villa 's spirit emerge as the times require .

  30. 在这种状态下,当代中国人对自身精神生活呈现出的特征和在这种特征下表现的对艺术的需求又有何种新的思维和行为呢?

    In this state , the contemporary Chinese people for their own spiritual life and showing the characteristics of such features in the performance of the demand for the arts and what new ways of thinking and behavior ?