
  • 网络Modern Sports
  1. 略论当代体育文化的四大特征

    Brief Discussion on the Four Characters of the Modern Sports Culture

  2. 技术与自然的和谐共生&当代体育场馆创作研究

    Harmonious Coexistence of Technology and Nature & Study of Modern Sports Venue Designs

  3. 中国当代体育企业研究的三种思路

    Three Thinkings on the Study of Contemporary Sports Enterprise in China

  4. 当代体育史理论与方法创新的思考

    Thinking of History Theory of Contemporary Sports and Method Innovation

  5. 当代体育美学审美内涵的文化哲学再思考

    Culture and Philosophy Rethinking about Contemporary PE Esthetics Appreciation Intension

  6. 科技进步与当代体育的发展

    Progress of Science and Technology and Development of Modern Sport

  7. 古代健身教育思想与当代体育健康教育思想

    Thinking of Ancient Health-building Education and Contemporary Physical Education Health-building

  8. 当代体育明星崇拜现象产生的原因及社会影响

    The Cause and Social Influence of Contemporary Sport Star Worship

  9. 当代体育运动心理学跨文化研究述评

    A Review on Cross-Cultural Studies in Contemporary Sport Psychology

  10. 我国当代体育价值观的研究

    Research on Modern View of Sports Value in China

  11. 中华民族传统体育在当代体育文化建设中的价值

    On the Value of Chinese Ethnic Traditional Sports in Modern Sports Cultural Construction

  12. 奥林匹克运动面临的问题与中国当代体育面临的机遇

    The Problems That the Olimpics Have & the Chances That the China-Modern Sports Face

  13. 论我国当代体育的继续社会化

    Study on the Continued Socialization of China Sports

  14. 当代体育文化发展的主要方向

    Main Developing Tendency of the Modern Sports Culture

  15. 当代体育教学模式内在结构探讨

    Research on the Structure of P.E. Teaching Model

  16. 孔子仁学思想与当代体育教学人文精神研究

    On the Benevolence Theory of Confucius and the Humanistic Spirit of Contemporary Sports Teaching

  17. 当代体育课程的发展趋势

    Trends of development of present physical courses

  18. 对当代体育教育的人学思考

    To contemporary sports education person study ponder

  19. 当代体育教师角色行为研究

    Research on Behavior of Physical Education Teachers

  20. 我国当代体育报纸现状分析

    Quo Status on Our Modern Sports Newspapers

  21. 当代体育联盟具有的独特的特点和规律,不同于其他行业。

    The unique character and general pattern of modern sport league differs from other business .

  22. 以人为本的古代管理思想与当代体育大众化

    The Ancient Management Thought of ' Taking the People as Central ' and Contemporary Sports Popularization

  23. 论当代体育中的人文精神

    On humanity spirit in modern sports

  24. 现代运动特性论&以美国当代体育运动为分析案例

    On the Features of Modern Sports

  25. 终身体育是当代体育教学的发展趋势,是素质教育的重要组成部分。

    Life - long exercise is the developing trend of modern physical education teaching in school .

  26. 本文分析了当代体育明星崇拜这一社会现象产生的主要原因以及这种现象造成的社会影响。

    The cause and social influence of the sport star worship was analyzed in this paper .

  27. 当代体育与公共空间

    Modern Sports and Public Sphere

  28. 当代体育课程发展趋势对我国体育课程改革的启示

    The inspiration on China 's physical education reforms drawn from the current development trend of physical education curriculum

  29. 高校教师应塑造多重角色,以满足当代体育教育的需求;

    College sports teacher should shape up many roles to satisfy the requirement of physical education in the modern times ;

  30. 媒体为了自身的利益,需要借助当代体育日益强大的影响力,以争取更多的受众;受众也需要通过媒体来更好地欣赏体育比赛、参与体育活动。

    For their own interests , media need to better enjoy sports competitions and participate in sports activities through the media .