
dānɡ ɡuī liù huánɡ tānɡ
  • Decoction of Chinese Angelica and Six Yellow Ingredients
  1. 加味当归六黄汤治疗白塞病36例观察

    Observation on Behcet 's Disease ( 36 cases ) Treated by Modified Decoction of Chinese Angelica and Six Yellow lngredients

  2. 结论从中药复方汤剂中指标性成分的含量考虑,当归六黄汤配方颗粒应用于临床具有一定的可行性。

    ResultsThe contents of ferulic acid , berberine , baicalin in single medicine decoction was higher than in mixed medicine decoction .

  3. 本文回顾了近10年来中医药治疗本病的情况,采用当归六黄汤加减对30例围绝经期综合征(肝肾阴虚型)患者进行临床观察。

    This paper reviews the past ten years in the medical treatment of this disease , Angelica Liuhuang Decoction under the Modified menopausal syndrome patients ( gan shen yin xu type ) with clinical observation .