
  • 网络Contemporary Chinese Economy
  1. 劳动价值学说与当代中国经济

    Doctrine of Laboring Value and Contemporary Chinese Economy

  2. 当代中国经济起飞:实质、机制、过程

    Current Chinese Economic Takeoff : Essence , Mechanism and Process

  3. 当代中国经济增长方式的转变

    On the Change of Economic Growth Models in China Today

  4. 当代中国经济生活中社会选择方式的变迁&从社会选择方式变迁看当代中国经济生活中人与社会关系的转变

    On the Evolution of the Social Choice Mode in the Contemporary Chinese Economical Life

  5. 当代中国经济伦理精神建构的纬度和内涵&基于资本主义经济伦理精神的启示

    On the Construction of Chinese Economy Ethic Sprit & Based on Enlightenment of Ethic Spirit of Capitalist Economy

  6. 这对于当代中国经济法制现代化的目标选择无疑具有重要的意义。

    This is undoubtedly significant to the object choice of the modernization of economic legal system in China today .

  7. 因此,在课程教学过程中,教师令学生在正确的汉语文化背景下理解和分析与之相关的当代中国经济问题是十分重要的。

    So it is very important for teacher to teach students how to understand and analyze the economic phenomenon in modern China by right cultural background .

  8. 可以说,中国现代的自由经济思想也是当代中国经济改革的思想源泉之一。

    So we can say that the thoughts of free economy in modern China is one of the thinking headspring of economic reform in contemporary China .

  9. 随着当代中国经济、政治和社会发展形态的嬗变,中国政党&国家关系也必将继续发生深刻的变化。

    With economic , political and social development and changes that are going on in China , its Party-State relationship is bound to experience profound changes .

  10. 新体系在当代中国经济问题研究中的应用,涉及探讨计划经济下的需供管和市场经济下的需供管两个问题。

    And when we apply new system to modern China economic issue research , we should discuss two demand-supply - management problems between planned economy and market economy .

  11. “以人为本”引领当代中国经济社会的发展,对于全面建设小康社会具有重大的实践意义。

    Also it has a great practical significance in building a moderately prosperous society , because the view of people oriented lead the development of modern Chinese economy society .

  12. 当代中国经济转型中的生态风险及其治理经济战略转型期企业风险根源及治理措施

    Ecological Risk Occurred in the Process of Contemporary China 's Economic Restructuring and Some Countermeasures for It The Cause and Solution of the Enterprise Risk in the Transformation of Chinese Economy

  13. 强调马克思主义中国化研究要与时俱进,紧跟时代步伐,符合当代中国经济、社会、文化的发展,并且要具有理论研究的超前性。

    Study of Marxism in China stressed to the times , keep up the pace , in line with contemporary economic , social and cultural development , and to advance theoretical research .

  14. 农业、农村和农民问题是当代中国经济和社会发展的突出问题,其发展状况将在很大程度上决定中国现代化的发展进程。

    The problems of agriculture , countryside and peasants are prominent to economy and development of contemporary Chinese society , and the condition of these problems will determine the modernize process of China .

  15. 行政垄断是当代中国经济行政生活中的一个顽疾,是我国社会主义市场经济体制建设过程中必须克服的一大障碍。

    Administrative monopoly is a very stubborn disease in contemporary Chinese economic and administrative life , and also a big barrier that must be overcome in the process of constructing our country 's market-oriented economy .

  16. 当代中国经济,从区域结构角度,面临着梯度开发和区位开放差异;从产业结构角度,又存在着传统产业层次的裂变和新兴产业体系的崛起。

    In regional structure , it is faced with gradient development and regional opening differences . From the industrial point of view , there is another level that traditional industries change and new industries rise .

  17. 随着当代中国经济水平的发展,人民的生活水平也不断提高,越来越多的人把出游旅行当作一种生活方式,现在我国旅游产业得到了长远发展。

    With the economic development of China , our living level has improved a lot , more and more people choose travelling as a lifestyle , so the tourism industry of our country is developing very much .

  18. 当代中国经济、社会发展的实际状况,以及研究这一状况的三农理论表明,中国农民收入的增长与其经济发展和社会进步存在着紧密的联系。

    The actual situation of contemporary Chinese economic and social development and the theory of studying this condition show that the increase of Chinese farmers ' income has got close contact with Chinese economic development and social progress .

  19. 当前,党政领导干部政绩观异化是困扰当代中国经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展和人的全面发展的重大问题。

    At present , the alienation of views on political achievements is a great problem , which harasses contemporary China 's overall , harmonious and sustainable development of economy and society and prevents the people from developing in an all-round way .

  20. 我国是世界上最大的发展中国家,因此,如何正确看待刘易斯二元经济思想并分析当代中国经济,有着十分重要的理论和现实意义。

    Since our country is the largest developing country in the world , how to treat Lewis ' thought of dual economy correctly and apply it to the analysis of China 's contemporary economy is of great theoretical and realistic significance .

  21. 本文所研究的国有企业领导制度及国企经营者激励约束机制的历史演变是属于当代中国经济史的,是属于当代马克思主义经济理论发展史的。

    The author looks at the leadership system and motivation and restriction mechanism for SOE managers in different periods from the angle of historical evolution , which belongs to modern history of Chinese economy and to that of modern Marxism economical theory .

  22. 全球化不仅对当代中国经济、政治、文化、社会生活等方面带来巨大的影响,而且也对中国法治建设提出了严峻挑战,其中至关重要的一个领域就是对司法独立制度建设方面的挑战。

    The globalization not only brings influence to our national economy , politics , culture and social activities , but also puts forward a rigorous challenge to Chinese construction of the rule of law , in which one of the most important fields is our judicial independence system .

  23. 正确认识当代中国非公有制经济的发展

    Towards a Correct Understanding of the Development of Non-public Ownership Economy

  24. 当代中国处于经济全球一体化,国际性文化大交流的环境之中。

    Contemporary china economic integrate in global , international cultural exchanges of the environment .

  25. 当代中国宏观经济模型与经济发展

    Contemporary China 's Macro-Economy Model and Economic Development

  26. 当代国外中国经济史研究的发展趋势&基于《国外社会科学》的综述

    Trend of Contemporary Foreign Research on Chinese Economic History : Based on a Summary of Chinese Studies Abroad

  27. 城乡二元结构是当代中国社会经济的一个基本特点,也是当前社会矛盾的重要根源。

    Urban and rural dualistic structure is a basic feature of China 's socialism economy as well as a main source of social contradiction .

  28. 论当代中国区域经济发展的两次战略西移启动东业西移推动西部开发

    On the Two Strategic Westward Shifts in Contemporary Chinese Regional Economic Development Start the Movement towards the West , Promoting Development of West China

  29. 因此,如何认识社会主义经济制度伦理,如何建构当代中国社会主义经济制度伦理,已经成为一个急需解决的重大理论课题。

    How to understand and build the ethic of the socialist economy system , which is becoming an importance and must be settled theory problem .

  30. 当代中国社会经济关系的变化,社会任务的转变及阶级分析产生的思想混乱,要求我们在认识方法上实现从阶级分析向阶层分析的转变。

    On the Social Justice On Social Stratification The changes of social structure require the way of understanding transforms from class analysis to stratum analysis .