
  • 网络Institutional Economics
  1. 关于当前中国新制度经济学研究的反思

    Rethinking about the Study of New Institutional Economics in Present China

  2. 供应链构建的新制度经济学研究

    The New Institutional Economics Research of the Supply Chain Configuration

  3. 90年代中国的新制度经济学研究评介

    Comments on Research in China 's New System Economics in 1990s

  4. 我国制度经济学研究中的四大问题

    Four Principal Issues of China 's Institutional Economics Study

  5. 从交易费用和契约看新制度经济学研究范式

    The Research Pattern of NIE from the Perspectives of Transaction Cost and Contract

  6. 中国会计制度经济学研究

    Economic Research on Chinese Accounting System

  7. 其理论意义在于,地方政府是制度经济学研究范畴中的一个重要行为主体,在制度变迁中具有不可替代的作用,对我国经济转型过程的深入研究离不开对地方政府的密切关注;

    Its theoretical significance lies in the importance of local government as an important principal part of behavior in the research of institutional economics .

  8. 前一部分内容包括从认知科学、理论心理学以及脑科学等几个方面阐述了心智模式理论,并综述了其在制度经济学研究中的应用。

    The former part is summarizing the research findings of mental model in cognitive science , management science , and psychology and brain science .

  9. 新制度经济学研究涉及到的领域非常丰富,诸如:政治学的国家问题、公共选择问题、集体行动的问题;社会学的人的行为问题等很多方面。

    The research of the new institutional economics research involves many fields , such as the State , politics , public choice , collective action , the sociological behavior problems and many other aspects .

  10. 第三章是版权制度经济学研究的文献回顾,通过评述各种关于版权经济学的理论,梳理出该领域发展的脉络,并指出版权经济学研究可能的发展趋势。

    Chapter three is the literature review of economics on copyright . By reviewing all economics theory on copyright , this part finds out a clue of the development in this fields and points out the possible tendency of the development .

  11. 专利制度的经济学研究综述

    The Economics of the Patent System

  12. 传统金融学、金融发展理论和制度经济学都研究了金融效率问题。

    The theory of financial efficiency is analyzed in traditional finance , financial development theory and institutional economics .

  13. 利用新制度经济学的研究成果将企业内人力资本投资理论进行扩展,可以看出,在人性假设前提和存在交易费用的情况下,企业要承担一部分通用性人力资本投资;

    He Made Use of the Research Outcome of New System Economy Spread the Investment Theory of Manpower Capital in Enterprises .

  14. 运用新制度经济学理论研究物业税制度问题具有理论价值和实践意义。

    To study real estate tax system by the new institutional economic theory has the value of theory and significance of practice .

  15. 本文主要是从高等教育资源的配置研究出发,运用新制度经济学的研究方法分析了高等教育资源配置和教育公平的关系。

    This thesis is start from the higher allocation of resources , analysis the relationship of the resources allocation and education equity by the new institutional economics .

  16. 凭借广博的知识,丁丁总是提供一些片断的、零碎的想法,这在早期对制度经济学的研究中也是如此。

    Let me give some comments . ( I ) Neoclassical GE still can be a benchmark of resource allocation , since NIE has not complete its standard paradigm and united theoretical system .

  17. 在指出本文的研究背景和意义之后,对现有的内部控制的研究视角进行了总结和分析,提出本文以新制度经济学为研究视角的合理性。

    The existing internal control research perspectives are summarized and analyzed after pointing out the background and significance of this paper , and the rational reasons for this paper based on the new institutional economics perspective .

  18. 运用新制度经济学的研究方法,对政府行为主体的作用进行分析,构建了一个政府行为模型,同时对政府行为的制度功能进行了说明。

    Using the way of study of the new system economics , this paper analyses the effect of the government behavior subject , establishing the government behavior model and explaining the systematic function of government behaviour .

  19. 从制度经济学的研究视角来看,中国国有商业银行正在相继进行的股份制改造,就是实施股份制的制度移植及本土化。

    Viewed from the research visual angle of the institutional economics , the stock-holding system transformation that CSCB ( China 's state-owned commercial banks ) are carrying on in succession is to implement the institutional transplantation and indigenization of the stock-holding system .

  20. 同时,从分析的基本单位、分析范式的核心范畴、时代背景和理论背景、人类选择行为的局限条件、基本定理及应用等七个方面对品牌经济学与新制度经济学的研究范式进行了比较研究。

    Meanwhile I compare the analysis paradigms of brand economics and new institutional economics from seven points that are the basic analysis unit , the core of the paradigm , times background and theoretical background , the constraints of human behavior , basic theorem and application .

  21. 中国环境资源产权制度的法经济学研究

    Law and Economics Study on China 's Property Rights Institution of Environmental Resources

  22. 很多人都曾对我国国际贸易中电子商务的应用作过分析,却很少有人用新制度经济学对此进行研究。

    Many people have analyzed the application of E-commerce in international trade area , but these researches never come from the view of the New Institutional Economics .

  23. 物业产权与管理的问题利用制度经济学原理来研究,并提供问题的对策。

    The highlight of this thesis was to solve the problems related to real property right and management using the principles of the institutional economics and provide appropriate resolutions .

  24. 因此,汇率制度作为国际经济学研究的一个重点问题,一国选择何种汇率制度、汇率制度的决定因素一直是学术界研究和争论的热点。

    Therefore , exchange rate regime , as a key part of international economic research , which exchange rate regime should a country chooses , and what are the determinant factors of the exchange rate regime are always the hot spot of academic study .

  25. 在正本清源的前提下,借鉴和学习新制度经济学交易费用研究的理论成果,是完善和丰富流通费用概念的理论内涵、发展贸易经济学学科的重要途径。

    On the basis of clarifying differences and making clearly the origin , we can study from the research achievements of transaction cost in new institutional economics to perfect and enrich the theoretical connotation of circulation cost as well as improve the circulation economics .

  26. 非正式制度是制度经济学研究的一个新的领域,中国的市场经济秩序型构为我们观察非正式制度在其中的作用提供了难得的机会,这一研究对制度经济学的发展具有重要价值。

    Thirdly , it holds significant meaning to the development of deepening institutional economics . Informal institutions are a very new field in institutions economics . The function of economic order formation in China provides us a valuable opportunity to observe the functions of informal institutions during the course .

  27. 新制度经济学市场监管思想研究

    A Study on Market Supervision Thoughts in the New Institutional Economics

  28. 本文从比较的角度,采用定量和定性分析相结合的方法,运用国际经济学和制度经济学等相关理论研究中美农业保护政策。

    Also , the paper has used the theory of international economics and the institutional economics to study the policies of agricultural protection .

  29. 经济学为什么和怎样研究制度&关于制度经济学研究对象、目的和一般理论框架的梳理

    Economic Research on Institution : Why and How & A Review on the Object , Objective and General Theoretical Framework of Institutional Economics

  30. 首次对我国以用水目的为标准确定的初始水权配置优先位序予以重新界定,根据新制度经济学原理,初步研究确定了流域初始水权配置优先位序的规则。

    The rule of priority rank of basin incipient water right allocation is studied and established preliminarily based on the principles of neoinstitutional economics .