
  1. 从西方制度现代化进程谈社会正义内涵

    On the Connotation of Social Justice from the Western System Modernization

  2. 教师自评是教学评价制度现代化的标志&兼论教师专业发展的新路径

    Teachers ' Self-evaluation Is A Symble of Modernization for Teaching Evaluation System

  3. 论诉讼制度现代化的观念基础

    On the thought foundation of the lawsuit system modernization

  4. 中国不动产登记制度现代化研究

    Research on Real Estate Register System Modernization in China

  5. 法院制度现代化与法院制度改革

    Court system 's modernization and reform TRAFFIC COURT

  6. 中国律师制度现代化路径述论

    On Modernization Route of Lawyering System in China

  7. 证人作证制度现代化的探讨

    Approach to the Modernization of Witness Testifying System

  8. 诉讼制度现代化的关键,在于反思和重构诉讼观念。

    The key of lawsuit system modernization lies in rethinking and reconstructing the lawsuit thought .

  9. 背景与进路:法院制度现代化的宏观考察

    A Macro-perspective on Modernization of Court System

  10. 第五章宪法及宪政制度现代化的法国式道路总结,分析法国宪政之路的特征、形成原因,得出法国宪政道路的启示。

    Analysis the characteristic and forming reason of French Constitutional way , and get the French Constitutional enlightenment .

  11. 警察的现代性是警察制度现代化、警务运行模式现代化过程的结果或属性。

    The modernity of the police is the result of the modernization of the police systems and policing patterns .

  12. 这一进程就是宏观大学制度现代化或现代大学制度构建的过程。

    This process is just the course of establishment of modern university system and modernization of micro university system .

  13. 茅盾文学奖:新时期文学制度现代化探索的必然结果

    The Mao Dun Literature Award : A Necessary Result of Modernization of Literature Institution in the " New Time "

  14. 传统诉讼文化追求无诉等价值目标,成为制约诉讼制度现代化的主要因素。

    Traditional lawsuit culture 's pursuing the value goal of no litigation becomes the main factor of restricting lawsuit system modernization .

  15. 现代化包括物质器物现代化、政治制度现代化和人的现代化三个层面。

    Three aspects are included in this process , there are material modernization , political system modernization and human being modernization .

  16. 预算的生成是以财政为核心的国家制度现代化即法制化的过程,预算具备法律所有一切特质。

    The budget making is a process of the state legislation around public finance , having all the natures as a law .

  17. 近代中国的税制改革思想,是我国财政制度现代化过程中的一个重要组成部分。

    The thought of taxation system reform in modern China is an important part of modernization of the fiscal institution in our country .

  18. 事实上,只有以制度现代化为基础,再辅之以生产手段现代化,才能真正实现农业现代化。

    In fact , only on the basis of institutional modernization and assisted with the production technical modernization can the agriculture modernization be realized .

  19. 将中国国家财政划分为中央财政和地方财政是中国财政制度现代化的明显标志之一。

    One of the clear symbols of the modernization of China 's fiscal system is division of fiscal power between the central and local government .

  20. 中国现代化之路是同中国近代民族危机同时开始的,其内容为经济现代化,社会制度现代化,思想文化现代化。

    The road to China modernization begins with the modern national crisis of China . Its contents include economic modernization , social system modernization and ideological and cultural modernization .

  21. 而北京警察制度现代化的另一个重要表现和作用就是引入了城市分区的概念。

    What 's more , one of the most important contributions that Beijing policing system offered this modernization is the introduction of the concept of Districts ( qu ) .

  22. 回顾中国近代以来的历史,制度现代化在中国现代化进程中起着条件性、前提性的保证作用。

    By reviewing the modern history of China , we can find that system modernization has been acting as a conditional and prerequisite guarantee in China 's progress of modernization .

  23. 都铎王朝正处于由封建社会向近代社会转型的时代,其议会与税收的关系奠定了英国赋税制度现代化的基础。

    Tudor Dynasty was at the transformation stage from a feudal dynasty to a modern society and the relationship between the Parliament and taxation led to the modernization of British tax system .

  24. 第一节1978年的文学评奖:文学制度现代化的有效探索从文学制度的角度分析了1978年文学评奖产生的历史条件和历史可能性。

    The first section of chapter 1 , 1978 literature award : the efficient exploration in modernization of literature institution . analyzes the historical condition and historical possibility of the appearance of 1978 literature award .

  25. 存款本名制和稳定利率的实行是银行制度现代化也是政府可以对金融进行强有力监控的重要手段。

    The implementation of deposit specific system and stable interest rates , as important measures , was not only beneficial for modernization of banking , but also for government to make great efforts to supervise .

  26. 湖南省麻阳苗族自治县作为成立于改革开放初期的较为年轻的自治县之一,其本身就是民族区域自治制度现代化进程的基层实践。

    Mayang Miao Autonomous County in Hunan Province was established in reform and opening up as a one of relatively young counties , its own system of regional ethnic autonomy is the primary practice of the process of modernization .

  27. 为了能动地应对世界经济环境的变化,缔结地区贸易协定并同主要贸易国建立更加亲密无间的关系已成为推进全球化和本国经济制度现代化的一种手段。

    In order to accommodate the changes of the world economic environment actively , it has become a means of globalization and a chance for the optimization of national economic system to conclude some regional trade agreements and establish more intimate relationships with major partners .

  28. 它将使我们的合法移民制度现代化,在让美国劳工得到未来职业培训的同时,也吸引境外的高技术实业人员来和我们一道在美国创造就业岗位。

    It would modernize our legal immigration system , so that even as we train American workers for the jobs of the future , were also attracting highly-skilled entrepreneurs from beyond our borders to join with us to create jobs here in the United States .

  29. 如何赋予辩护律师科学合理的诉讼程序权利,保障辩护律师在刑事诉讼中发挥最积极的作用,是我国刑事诉讼制度现代化过程中必须回答的问题。

    How to endow the defence attorneys with scientific and reasonable procedural rights and how to safeguard them and make use of them to helpful in criminal procedure are important questions we must reply to in the course of the modernization of the system of criminal proceedings in our country .

  30. 国际航空运输规则和责任制度的现代化

    Modernization of the Rules and Liability for International Carriage by Air