
  • 网络guidance accuracy
  1. 本文提出将导弹落点精度鉴定中的圆概率方法用于AUV制导精度鉴定中。

    This paper proposes to make use of the probability circle method used for missile accuracy evaluation in the AUV 's guidance accuracy assessment .

  2. 研究了考虑摄动项影响时的改进模型,减少了J2摄动项对制导精度的影响。

    To reduce the effects of J2 perturbation on guidance accuracy , the improved model was established when considering the effects of perturbation .

  3. 一种基于Gabor小波的制导精度预测方法

    An Algorithm for Estimating the Precision of Scene Guidance Based on Gabor Wavelet

  4. 在本文中叙述了利用卡尔曼德波器对GPS、惯导系统信息进行综合的建模方法及仿真结果,说明GPS和惯导组合不但可以提高制导精度,还可估计制导误差。

    Modelling method and simulation result by using kalman filter for GPS-INS information processing are described in this paper . Effects of integration of GPS and inertial guidance not only can raise guidance accuracy but also may evaluate guidance error .

  5. 结果表明,GPS/IRS组合作为提高导航、制导精度的有效途径,可以克服纯惯性系统中存在的无界位置误差。

    The result shows that GPS / IRS integration technique is an effective way for improving the accuracy of navigation and guidance system , and will eliminate the boundless position er-rors that exit in all pure IRSS .

  6. 随着我国远航程、高精度自主水下航行器(AUV)的发展,迫切需要一种实用、有效的制导精度鉴定方法,尤其是在小子样条件下。

    The development of the long-range and accurately guided autonomous underwater vehicle ( AUV ) necessitates a practical and effective method for the assessment of the guidance accuracy , especially with small sub-sample .

  7. 在对现行导弹武器系统制导精度鉴定方法的不合理性分析的基础上,提出了综合数学仿真模拟打靶验前信息并结合Bayes小子样统计理论来进行导弹武器系统制导精度综合鉴定的新思路。

    The illogicality that current accuracy evaluation method for missile weapon system is analyzed . Based on synthesizing simulation information and flight test data , a new idea is presented by using Bayes small sample statistical theory , which evaluates accuracy of missile weapon system .

  8. 论文首先根据WCMD的试验投放情况和毁伤机理,研究了武器毁伤效能战术指标与制导精度技术指标之间的关系,提出了指标转换方法。

    Firstly , based on WCMD test throwing conditions and damage mechanism , the thesis studies the relationship between the weapon damage efficiency tactical index and guidance precision technical index , and presents the conversion method of both indices .

  9. 目标闪烁对制导精度的影响

    Influence of Target Glint on the Precision of Guidance and Control

  10. 导弹末制导精度分析的协方差方法研究

    Research on Covariance Method of Accuracy Analysis in Missile Terminal Guidance

  11. 基于混合验前分布的制导精度评定方法

    Evaluation of Missile Guidance Precision Based on Hybrid Prior Distribution

  12. 在抵近观察过程中,飞行器的制导精度和响应速度是两个关键的技术指标。

    The guidance accuracy and reaction rate are two key technical indices .

  13. 导弹武器系统制导精度综合鉴定方法研究

    Study on Synthesis Evaluation Method of Guidance Accuracy of Missile Weapon System

  14. 制导精度是衡量寻的制导武器性能的一项重要指标。

    Guidance precision is a significant performance index for homing guidance weapons .

  15. 方位对准误差对制导精度影响的研究

    A study of the effect of azimuth alignment error on guidance accuracy

  16. 延迟对拦截弹制导精度的影响

    Effect of system delay on guidance accuracy of interceptor

  17. 目标反射特性对激光末制导精度的影响

    Targets Reflection Characteristics to Accuracy of Laser End Guidance

  18. 导弹制导精度与杀伤概率一体化仿真

    Integrated Simulation of Missile Guidance Precision and Kill Probability

  19. 运用线性回归进行制导精度折合

    A new guidance accuracy conversion method using linear regression

  20. 反辐射无人机末制导精度仿真研究

    Guidance Accuracy Study of Anti - Radi Aircraft

  21. 制导精度评定的蒙特卡罗模拟

    A Monte Carlo Simulation of Guidance Accuracy Evaluation

  22. 制导精度仿真方法研究

    The Research on Simulation Method of Guidance Accuracy

  23. 为了提高制导精度,系统设计人员希望使用尽可能窄的制导波束。

    To improve guidance accuracy the systems engineer will want the narrowest guidance beam possible .

  24. 概率圆方法在水下航行器制导精度鉴定中的应用

    Application of Probability Circle Method to the Assessment of Guidance Accuracy of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

  25. 这两个因素会影响反舰导弹的摧毁概率,尤其对制导精度的影响更为显著。

    The factors take effect on missile 's destruction probability , especially on guidance precision .

  26. 仿真表明在各种干扰条件下,提高了制导精度。

    The simulation showed that this guidance law has better precision under all kinds of disturbing .

  27. 导引头性能对拦截战术弹道导弹制导精度的影响

    Effect of seeker performance on guidance accuracy for using hit-to-kill technology to intercept tactical ballistic missile

  28. 惯性测量系统制导精度评估决策支持系统研究

    Research on Decision Support System of Guidance Precision Emulation Validating and Evaluation of Inertial Measurement System

  29. 采用目标信号分离与滤波可进一步提高制导精度。

    To use separation of goal signal and wave filter , the guided precision can be improved .

  30. 采用精密修磨法调整天线罩几何厚度分布,补偿修正电厚度误差是提高导弹制导精度最有效的手段之一。

    One of the most effective ways is compensating electrical thickness error through precision-grind to adjust geometry thickness .