
  1. 飞行器自主交会对接逼近阶段单台CCD测量方法研究

    Using Single CCD to Measure the Position and Pose of Aircrafts in the Close Phase of Rendezvous and Docking

  2. 提出了一种利用单台CCD相机来实现自主交会对接最后逼近阶段的测量与控制任务。

    This paper puts forward a moth to measure the position and pose of aircrafts in the close phase of Rendezvous and Docking by single CCD .

  3. 为实现自主交会对接,智能控制是非常重要的手段。

    Intelligent control is an important means for autonomous rendezvous docking .

  4. 非合作式自主交会对接的终端接近模糊控制

    A Fuzzy Controller for Terminal Approach of Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking with Non-Cooperative Target

  5. 提出在航天飞行器的自主交会对接技术中,应采用一种简单、实用的单目标系统。

    A simple and practical single-target system is presented for autonomous spacecraft rendezvous and docking .

  6. 自主交会对接中运动参数的测量

    Measurement of motion parameters in RVD

  7. 自主交会对接若干问题

    Several questions on autonomous rendezvous docking

  8. 研究了非合作式自主交会对接(AR&D)的终端接近问题。

    This paper studied the terminal proximity guidance of autonomous rendezvous and docking ( AR & D ) with non-cooperative target .

  9. 自主交会对接技术是进行在轨维修、空间组装、燃料补给、空间碎片清理和深空探测等任务的支撑技术。

    The autonomous rendezvous and docking technology is crucial for on-orbit service , space-assembly , propellant supply , space debris clearance , and deep-spaced exploration .

  10. 然后,通过对完成自主交会对接的追踪航天器系统实例建模详细说明了该方法。

    Then , the detailed explain to the modeling ways was given via the modeling process of chasing spacecraft system achieving autonomous rendezvous and docking .

  11. 探讨了基于双目测量系统实现自主交会对接中运动参数的一种测量方法。

    A method based on binocular vision model is discussed to determine the relative motion parameters between two space objects in rendezvous and docking ( RVD ) .

  12. 针对空间飞行器自主交会对接的要求,研究了利用卡尔曼滤波估计非合作目标交会的飞行器运动状态的方法;

    Considering the request of spacecraft 's automatic rendezvous and docking with a non-cooperative target , a method of estimating the motional state with the incomplete observing information based on Kalman filter is investigated .

  13. 载人航天技术已经成为世界航天的发展热点,而航天器自主交会对接是载人航天工程中的一项极其关键的技术。

    Manned space flight technology has been the research focus in the world aerospace field , and spacecraft autonomous Rendezvous and Docking ( RVD ) plays a key role in the manned space flight technology .

  14. 最后,本文用精确的轨道模型进行了数值仿真,验证了该模糊控制器是可行的,该控制器满足非合作式自主交会对接终端接近的高精度、安全无碰撞的要求。

    Finally , the numerical simulation results based on a precise orbital model demonstrate that the fuzzy controller is efficient and satisfies the requirements of precise and safety in the terminal proximity stage of autonomous rendezvous and docking with non-cooperated target .

  15. 本文以小型智能机器人实验以及空间飞行器的自主交会对接为应用背景,在近距离段采用光学成像敏感器实现对合作目标相对位置的精确测量。

    Taking the applications of smart robot experiments and small autonomous docking of space vehicles as background , this paper puts forward a method to measure the relative position of the object by using the optical imaging sensor in the proximity .

  16. 自主自动交会对接最后逼近段,通常是以光学成像敏感器作为主要的导航敏感器。

    In the final approach phase of space autonomous rendezvous and docking ( RVD ), as the primary measurement sensor , optical sensor can provide the information of relative navigation .