
  • 网络Self correcting control;Self-Turning;STC
  1. 最后在实验系统上实际运行PID控制和自校正控制,实时控制效果证明本实验系统对控制算法的研究来说是一个比较理想的仿真实验平台。

    Finally , serial experiments are done , including PID controller and STC controller . The experiment results show that the system is a perfect experimental platform for control algorithm research .

  2. 为克服这一难题,本文设计出水下机器人下潜航迹保持极点配置自校正控制方案。

    The thesis designs self-turning controll scheme of , Underwater robot based on pole assigment in the course of diving trace , By way of digital simulation .

  3. 一种新的H∞鲁棒自校正控制算法及鲁棒性分析

    A New H_ ∞ Robust Self-tuning Control Algorithm and Robustness Analysis

  4. 多变量系统自校正控制CAD教学软件包

    A New Multivariable System Self-Tuning Control CAD Software Package For Education

  5. 基于Tuning-Knobs的智能化自校正控制CAD

    Tuning-Knob-Based Intelligent CAD of Self-Tuning Control Systems

  6. 半自动CO2焊焊接电流的自校正控制

    Self-Adjusting Control on Semi-Auto CO_2 Welding Power Source

  7. 通过这种变换,提出了具有预定极点区域的H∞鲁棒自校正控制设计方法。

    By this transform technique , a design approach pf H_ ∞ robust self-tuning control with expected closed-loop poles region is developed .

  8. UC轧机AGC系统自校正控制的仿真研究

    Simulation Study on the Self-Tuning Controlled AGC System of UC Strip Mill

  9. 本文从工程实用的观点出发,提出了一类简单实用的PID自校正控制算法,该算法直接在线调整控制器的三个参数;

    A simple PID self-tuning algorithm is presented in this paper , the algorithm adjusts directly three parameters of the controller on-line .

  10. 最后,运用MATLAB仿真软件对广义最小方差自校正控制算法进行仿真,并与传统控制规律(常规PID控制)的仿真结果进行比较分析。

    Finally , through MATLAB simulation demonstrates and verifies the control performance of the proposed self-tuning control in comparison with the traditionally designed PID control .

  11. TCSC非线性自校正控制策略的研究

    Study of Nonlinear Self - tuning Adaptive Controller for TCSC

  12. LQG自校正控制软件

    Software for LQG Self & tuning Control

  13. MATLAB仿真结果表明,这种基于指数遗忘因子的新型自校正控制算法设计出的氧化铝浓度控制系统具有良好的稳定性和抗干扰能力。

    MATLAB simulation results show that this new type of forgetting factor based on index is used for the control algorithm design of alumina concentration control system has a good stability and anti-jamming ability .

  14. 为了进一步改善DTC系统磁链与转矩控制特性,本文将模糊PI自校正控制算法引入到磁链与转矩的调节控制环节。

    To improve flux and torque control characteristics of DTC system , fuzzy PI self-tuning control is used in flux and torque control of DTC system .

  15. 本文对典型的自校正控制算法提出了一种基于MCS-51单片机的并行处理方案。

    Based on MCS-51 single chip computer , a real time parallel process plan for the typical self tuning control algorithm is presented in the paper .

  16. 本文推导了一类多项式LQG自校正控制算法,采用了增量和非增量两种模型形式。

    A sort of polynomial LQG self-tuning control algorithm is expanded in this paper . Both increment model and non-increment model are adopted .

  17. 采用了广义最小方差自校正控制算法,具有时变滞后的极点自校正PID算法,极点对消直接PID三种算法进行了仿真与现场试验研究。

    Three control algorithms were used : the wide-sense minimum variance self-tuning control , the time-varying , time-delay pole assignment self-tuning PID control and the pole cancelled direct PID control . Simulation studies and experimental investigations were made .

  18. 仿真和实验表明:带积分的LQG自校正控制能有效地抑制干扰,改善气动位置伺服控制的动、静态性能。

    The experiment and simulation show that the controller designed is effective on improving the static and dynamic performances of the pneumatic position servo control .

  19. 同时,仿真结果也表明本文所提出的多模态RBF神经网络自校正控制算法在海流干扰特别是变海流干扰的情况下的有效性和实用性。

    At the same time , the simulation results also show that the proposed multi-modal RBF neural network self-tuning control algorithm is effective and practical in the ocean currents , especially in changing ocean currents .

  20. 对一类多变量双线性系统提出了一种基于预测状态空间实现的GPP自校正控制算法。

    The paper proposes a Generalized Predictive Pole-assignment self-tuning control recursive algorithm based on predictive state space realization for multivariable Bilinear System .

  21. 介绍香料生产过程控制系统的实现:固体原料、液体原料的自动计量方法,着重讨论了温度的PID自校正控制。

    This paper introduce realize the flavor production course control : automatism computation means of the solid material and / or liquid material , with the emphasize on discussing PID control for pressure , and PID oneself emendation control for temperature .

  22. 大量的实验研究结果证明了本文所提出的感应电机无速度传感器DTC参数辨识方法和基于磁链与转矩模糊PI自校正控制方法的有效性和正确性。

    A large number of experimental results show that the proposed method of parameter identification of DTC induction motor speed sensor-less and fuzzy PI self-tuning control method based on flux and torque are effective and correct .

  23. 文中分别介绍了经典PID控制原理和神经网络自适应控制原理,通过对比分析,最终采用神经网络自校正控制方法设计了该武器系统的控制器。

    First , this paper introduces the principles of both classic PID control and adaptive neural network control , then analyzes the characteristics of the two methods . At last , the method of neural network self-tuning control is used to design the controller .

  24. 本文指出自校正控制中广泛采用的CARMA模型会导致控制系统对确定性扰动和非平稳随机扰动缺乏鲁棒性;

    The CARMA model generally assumed in self-tuning control frequently leads to the controlled systems lacking robustness to deterministic and non-stationary stochastic disturbances .

  25. 本文重点研究CLARK于1987年提出的广义预测控制理论。作为一种自校正控制算法,广义预测控制是针对随机离散系统提出的。

    This article is mainly about the Generalized Predictive Control ( GPC ) theory , which brought by CLARK in 1987 . As a kind of self-tuning control algorithm , GPC is used in discrete system .

  26. 文章针对被动式电液伺服加载系统研究中存在的问题,提出了有前馈可测扰动项的广义最小方差自校正控制(FD-GMV)。

    To deal with the problems in the study of passive electrohydraulic servo loading system , a self-tuning control algorithm ( FD-GMV ) is proposed in this paper .

  27. 一种基于线性化摄动模型的机器人自校正控制方法

    A linear perturbation MODEL-BASAD self tuning control technique for industrial robots

  28. 具有降阶未建模和有界干扰鲁棒间接自校正控制

    A Robust Indirect Selftuning Controller with Reduced Models and Bounded Disturbance

  29. 基于自校正控制的水泥配料微机控制系统

    A Microcomputer Control System for Cement Burden Based on Self-tuning Control

  30. 交直流并联输电系统自校正控制

    A self-tuning control for a parallel ac / dc power system