
  • 网络Auto Shot;Auto-Shot;Automatic Fire;Auto Fire
  1. 释放瞄准射击的时候自动射击会被重置。

    Auto shot is now reset when casting aimed shot .

  2. 或者一个猎人自动射击接一个奥射一个多重就死了。

    Or a Hunter in an Auto Shot , Arcane Shot , Multi Shot .

  3. 他轻点他的MA5B突击步枪进行全自动射击。

    He flicked his MA5B assault rifle to full auto and shot .

  4. 多重射击现在似乎已经不会再重置自动射击的时间间隔。

    Multi shot no longer seems to reset autoshots timers .

  5. 猎人的自动射击技能在复活时不会被激活。

    The hunter ," auto shot ," ability will no longer activate on resurrection .

  6. 禁止自动射击和坚守原地命令对于加油车同样有效。

    The orders HOLD FIRE and STAND GROUND can be used for tanker trucks .

  7. 自动射击在释放瞄准射击时将被重置。

    Ready , present , fire ! Auto shot is now reset when casting Aimed Shot .

  8. 在自动射击的时候装备投掷武器将引起动画问题。

    Equipping a thrown weapon while in the middle of an Auto-Shot will cause animation issues .

  9. 疾速杀戮:这个天赋目前影响奇美拉射击,而不再作用于自动射击。

    Rapid Killing ( Marksmanship ): This will now proc off Chimera Shot , but no longer works with auto-shot .

  10. (指枪击铁扳开)半开[全开]准备发射.自动射击在释放瞄准射击时将被重置。

    At half / full cock ;( of a gun with a hammer that is raised before firing ) half ready / ready to be fired Auto shot is now reset when casting Aimed Shot .

  11. 一架政府战机在上空盘旋,用自动炮射击。

    A government war plane circles above , firing automatic cannon shots .

  12. 扔手雷,并用自动武器射击。

    Waiting to clear passport control and began automatic fire .

  13. 在前线某个地方传来阵阵枪声,还有短促的自动武器射击声,有人在释放照明弹。

    Somewhere on the frontline , were sounds of gunfire , short automatic bursts , somebody was shooting flares .

  14. 冲突始于过渡委武装耗子使用自动武器射击反对北约入侵的和平抗议者。

    The clashes began when NATO Mercenaries used automatic weapons against peaceful protesters who were demonstrating against NATO 's occupation .

  15. 那个人使用自动步枪射击他的飞行器,企图让凡离开以掩盖他的罪行。

    The armed horsemen fired automatic weapons at his small aircraft in an apparent attempt to drive Fay from the scene and cover their crimes .

  16. 单兵自动武器的射击效率建模与仿真

    Shooting Efficiency Modeling and Simulation of Individual Automatic Weapon

  17. 战斗中如果猎人走出了近战的距离,则会自动开启自动射击。

    Auto shot will be automatically enabled if the Hunter steps out of melee range while in combat with target .

  18. 本文就自动武器在射击过程中非平稳随机振动进行了研究,求解了自动武器在射击过程中的非平稳随机响应。

    This paper deals with non-stable random vibration research of automatic weapon on the fire pro-cess , and calculates or proves non-stable radom response of the automatic weapon on the fire process .

  19. 盟军的BAR自动步枪的压制射击技能将不能压制或钉死重掩护下的单位。

    Allied BAR Suppression ability can no longer suppress and pin units in heavy cover .

  20. 美联社记者报道称,抗议者用滚木和煤渣作为路障,用自动步枪向天空射击并抗议总统MohammedMorsi和其他领导人。

    An AP reporter said protesters used burning logs and cinder blocks to set up roadblocks , firing automatic rifles into the air and denouncing President Mohammed Morsi and other leaders .